Double Standards are Alive and Well in the Justice Department… Maybe We Should Change the Name

Let’s compare notes on the Microsoft trial and the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton.

Bill Gates is punished for stimulating the economy, opening up computer technology to the average non-techno-geek, and making the government tons of money. His crime… he was creative, hardworking and made the fatal mistake of believing that we live in a free market system where hard work is rewarded and not punished.

Bill Clinton on the other hand commits perjury that has caused the average citizen to spend time in jail and he is hailed as a hero as though he discovered a cure for cancer.

When Bill Clinton showed incredible creativity in refusing to answer even the simplest question with evasive nuances, he is applauded as being sharp and a tough advocate.

When Bill Gates stumbles on a few sentences or gets a little testy they practically have the padded wagon waiting to cart him away.

There are two Bills and two different judicial systems that tried these men. One Justice Department was determined to destroy big business, the other was determined to hold up as a paradigm of virtue actions that if committed by anyone else, would have put them in jail.

Do we have double standards in America? You tell me at