There must be great confusion and frustration in the many camps that have steadfastly supported President Clinton and the democrat agenda.

The feminists were forced to choose between their party and their principles when they redefined sexual harassment in favor Bill Clinton.

The anti-war protestors of old have been forced to reevaluate terms such as “American imperialism”, in the wake of our recent bombings of three sovereign nations… Sudan, Afghanistan and now Yugoslavia.

And the environmentalists who think that humans are the scourge of the earth are forced to turn a blind eye as 13 million gallons of oil flow into the Danube, from the bombing of Belgrade.

These are interesting paradigm shifts that are occurring in all the of special interest groups that heretofore have shown no tolerance for anyone who would gore their sacred cow, except Clinton.

How easy it is to see the emptiness of self-righteous rhetoric that is merely a front for a political agenda.

Now that the curtain has been pulled back on all the Wizards in Oz, and the truth exposed, maybe we can finally have honest debate on these and other issues.

It seems as though the Labor Party in Israel is so impressed with the political integrity of the Clinton Administration that they have hired their number one spin-meister, James Carvell.

You remember, the one who tried to keep Paula Jones from having her day in court, thinks that Ken Starr is the Devil incarnate, and that Bill Clinton is an innocent victim of the vast right wing conspiracy?

It reminds me of the old movie “Tammy”, starring Debbie Reynolds.

The lawyers trying to have the wealthy old woman committed were talking about how dangerous she was and how it was in her best interest to be sent away. Tammy saw right through it and said, “If you were her lawyers, you would be talking about what a fine upstanding woman she is.”

Of course she was right, as that is the essence of advocacy.

So as we hear Carvel say, “When you get down to it, Israel’s well-informed electorate can be seduced just as easily as America’s apathetic and ignorant voters,” you realize he is just a hired gun.

But the jury in Tammy, the voters in America, and those in Israel aren’t nearly as ignorant as Carvell thinks. The old lady in Tammy won, and so will the truth. This is Nina May.

The First Amendment declares that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

But, the Ten Commandments have been ordered removed from courtrooms and schools.

San Francisco was recently ordered to take down a cross that stood in a city park for 63 years.

The U.S. Postal Service has ordered “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” signs removed from post offices.

Cities have been ordered to revise their seals, removing crosses.

The IRS has banned religious items from worker’s personal desktop areas, calling them “intrusive,” and directly equating them with the offensiveness of sexually explicit material.

State and county governments have been ordered to either rename the Easter Holidays, or forego the holiday altogether.

So, what has happened to the second part of the so-called establishment clause?… where it says Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Not only can Johnny not read, seems as though our lawmakers can’t either.

In spite of the polls that said no one was going to watch Barbara Walter’s interview with Monica Lewinsky, over 70 million did. So much for polls.

But what does that level of curiosity, the money paid for subsequent interviews, and a glamorized book tour tell us about our current culture?

It tells women, to hold onto your husbands because they are now fair game. It tells men, look out for the femme fatale who is enamored by your power and nothing else.

The bigger fish you are, the bigger the book deal for her. And it tells young girls, that the man you work for now has a new paradigm of control over you.

That it will be his word against yours if you are sexually harassed.

Just hope he is a Republican because at least he’ll be punished. But sadly there are thousands of girls and boys who are harassed daily by people in authority over them and they have no one to complain to.

The National Organization for Women certainly doesn’t see it as a big deal . . . any more.

So whatever the reason for watching, what we all saw was a sad reflection of what we have become as a nation . . . It’s not a pretty picture.

All the states have received an incredible windfall settlement from the tobacco companies.

Even the lawyers get to split up a whopping eight billion dollars among themselves.

Even though there was no plaintiff, no injured person in the trial, the courts decided that people who smoke cost the state money therefore the tobacco company should pay.

What industry will be next? Beer and wine? Automobile? Roller blades? When do people become responsible for their actions and accountable to read labels or use products correctly?

If the government thinks that tobacco is so horrible, so deadly, so addictive, then they should say it is an illegal substance.

If they really cared about the health of the people smoking they would pass a law forbidding them to do it. But there’s no money in that.

On the pretense of caring about health, they continue to raise taxes on cigarettes claiming this will go to pay for medical expenses of smokers.

This is Nina May challenging lawmakers to either ban cigarettes, or let smokers alone. Stop using them as a get rich scheme while claiming to care about their health and safety.

The supporters of Bill Clinton keep referring to “All the American People” as though every single one of the 260 million signed some huge document in unanimous support of Bill Clinton.

The truth is, approximately 96 million people voted, and only 47 million of them gave Bill Clinton a victory. So to be accurate, we should start saying 20% of the American people want this and 20% of the American people want that.

We have all discovered that the big 70% they keep referring to is from a small pool of the same 1500 people who have proven themselves loyal to the pollsters. They can be counted on for the same response to every single question. That is why if you ask them if they have ever been polled they will say “yes hundreds of times.” But if you ask the rest of the populus, they will say they have never been polled.

So I encourage you to take your vote back. Let these self-proclaimed spokesmen know that they don’t speak for you. If you don’t, they will continue to misrepresent you and disregard you.

This is Nina May encouraging the 80% that didn’t vote for Clinton, to let your voice be counted.

Let’s take the current situation of the trial of Bill Clinton, move it back 50 years, place it in Nazi Germany and change his name to Adolph Hitler.

No, I am not suggesting that Bill Clinton is Anti-Semitic… I am trying to point out that if you had a majority of his loyal brown shirts in a voting body that could keep him from being convicted of the most heinous of crimes… it would have happened.

The Senators who blindly support Clinton with total disregard for the facts, the law, the circumstances and their legal obligation are thumbing their noses at the American people while using them as their scape goat.

“The American people want us to get back to the business at hand.”

Yes we do, and the trial of Bill Clinton is the business at hand. Don’t hide behind a collective to avoid your responsibility! And your responsibility is to look at the facts of a case… look at the law… and ask yourself… did he break the law.

If the people who supported Adolph Hitler had looked at their conscience and done what was right, there probably would have been millions of spared lives.

Remember the story of the Emperor’s new clothes? A couple of con artists convinced the Emperor to let them make an outfit that only truly intelligent people could see.

Not wanting to appear average, everyone pretended to see the clothes, but they knew he was just standing there in his underwear.

The pollsters in America have become like the two con artists, giving poll results that no one really believes, but that no one has the courage to challenge.

Who was going to challenge the Emperor and tell him he really didn’t have clothes on? It took a young boy who had nothing to lose or gain by pointing out the truth. And when the truth was articulated, it liberated the people to be truthful as well.

So, we can either be conned by polls, or we can challenge them, as this small boy did.

I invited everyone last week to call us and tell us if they have ever been polled, and I would give you the results today.

Well, 99% of the people who called said they had never been polled. So what does that tell us about the accuracy of polls? It depends on what truth you want to see.

Poll results have become the definitive word on every issue. If more than 51% of the people polled, agree on a specific issue, by default, it silences the other 49% and makes their opinion irrelevant.

This mentality marginalizes the vast majority of Americans because only a very small number are ever polled on any issue at a time. And these polls are conducted by news organizations who spend an entire day working over-time to spin a story in the exact direction they want the rest of us to believe it is going.

The poll just provides added justification for the spin. But do we ever see the questions asked in a poll?

For example, If you were asked whether you would vote for a man who has lied, and was recently impeached by the U.S. Congress, or a convicted serial killer, you would probably choose the liar.

So unless you find out what questions were asked in the polls… you should ignore the results. The poll that should be taken is one to find out how many people have ever been polled.

During the impeachment hearings of President Clinton we kept hearing that the will of ALL the people was being overturned.

Because he is doing so well in the polls, he should be above the law.

It’s interesting to note that as Hitler continued his atrocities, he kept rising in popularity. And Mussolini kept the trains running on time. But were they doing the will of ALL the people?

Of course not, anymore than Clinton has the support of ALL Americans today.

When politicians start using the exclusive word ALL to define the electorate they are saying that there is only one view that is relevant, and those who oppose it should be silenced. They continued to overlook the fact that the majority of congressmen are Republicans… obviously the will of the people. But not ALL of the people.

Any more than ALL the people gave Clinton a majority.

But we don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic. And when politicians start referring in masse to every single citizen as like-minded and monolithic, they are speaking of neither, they are talking about a dictatorship.