To Choose What — Anything She Wants?

I was happy to hear in Al Gore’s acceptance speech at the Democrat National Convention that he reaffirmed his commitment to a woman’s right to choose.

That must mean he supports her right to choose the best school for her kids and get her hard-earned tax dollars back, in the form of vouchers, to pay for it.

It must mean he supports a woman’s right to choose to keep and bear arms to protect herself and her family.

It must mean he supports a woman’s right to choose to have children even though she has been rendered infertile by a botched abortion.

It must mean he supports a woman’s right to choose to raise her child with values and a base of moral absolutes that any civilized society embraces. And the right to choose to do this without being labeled with pejoratives like religious-right, homophobic, intolerant, and extremist.

So I applaud Al Gore for acknowledging, before the nation, that he supports a woman’s right to choose . .. not just to kill her unborn child . . . but to nurture, educate, and support those children who are living. I am sure that is what he meant . . . because politicians can’t afford to be called hypocrites in an election year. This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

Hillary Clinton is fond of saying it takes a village to raise a child.

She of course assumes that every village will have the requisite number of compassionate adults who really care about raising kids.

She is going to have to amend that statement though in light of members of her political party booing children belonging to the Boy Scouts.

You know, the children the Supreme Court ruled can determine who sleeps with them on camping trips?

And what exactly do the Democrats of Hillary’s large, compassionate, global village have against the Boy Scouts?

They honor God over man, their parents over a political party, and integrity and morality over politically correct oppression.

They are the last bastion of individuality battling against a barrage of attacks trying to force them to conform to mediocrity.

Are they intolerant? Yes, they are intolerant of bullies, hypocrites and people who claim to be against intolerance while practicing it.

So if Hillary wants her village really represented, she will praise the Boy Scouts for their courage, and their refusal to become experiments in a cultural petri dish.

And she will label those who booed these kids as what they are . . . Village Idiots.

Just when I was getting excited about Joe Lieberman as Gore’s running mate, he goes and capitulates.

Gore knew before Lieberman accepted the position, that he was for school vouchers, and personal investment of Social Security payments. So why not let him continue his support of these issues and just recognize that being different and believing in different things does not make someone bad.

I mean, isn’t that the point in him selecting the first Jewish person? To bring the country together, to end divisiveness and allow us to appreciate and accept the differences in all of us?

So why would Gore insist that he change? Why can’t he celebrate his positions on these issues like America is supposed to accept his position on religion?

The way George W. Bush was NOT accepted when he identified Jesus Christ as his hero. He was excoriated for bringing religion into the debates and now Gore is praised.

Wouldn’t it be great if these politicians just did and said what they believed and not worried about the consequences?

That person . . .is the one who should lead the country and they would no longer be a politician, they would be a statesman.

By appointing Joe Lieberman as his running mate, Gore has acknowledged that religious expression is not as alien to American life as the liberals would have us believe.

Lieberman’s commitment to God includes refusing to ride in a car during the Sabbath. The acceptance of this very extreme religious position by the left is actually a liberating message for other believers who also have sincerely held religious beliefs. They should now, finally understand why people of faith feel that the homosexual lifestyle is not acceptable and that abortion is an abomination to the same God that Joe worships. And as everyone would be shocked if someone forced Joe to ride in a car on the Sabbath, they should be equally appalled when the homosexual community insists that Boy Scouts, get in their car, or when pro-abortion groups force Catholics to get in their cars.

So finally . . . the debate has been silenced about born again Christians being intolerant, bigoted and homophobic. Because, whether people realize it or not . . . it was Joe’s God who wrote the Ten Commandments, sent His only begotten Son to earth, and gave us His Holy Scriptures.

This is Nina May thanking Al Gore for making God a three letter word again

If the Republican Convention Lacked Substance — Will the Presence of Stars Give the Democrats the Seriousness They are Looking For?

The Democrats claim that the Republican convention was all show and no substance. Yet they offer actor Jimmy Smits to talk about health care at their convention.

That poor issue that keeps making the rounds from one amateur to another. Barbara Streisand I suppose will discuss the issue of poverty, and Barney will talk about education.

That’s what happens when a party becomes bankrupt of new ideas, they hire it out, add some glitter, throw in a few big names and make us all think they have new policies.

The Republicans should have followed suit.

Instead of having all those politicians speaking on issues they deal with daily, they should have given speeches on film making, acting and script writing. That makes as much sense as featuring a bunch of actors at a political convention.

Just what makes Jimmy Smits such an expert on health care to warrant a billing at the Democrat National Convention? Even though he has the same non-credentials as Hillary Clinton, they must think his dashing good looks will convince America that Gore means business on this very serious issue. Gee . .. it works for me. How about you?

It is humorous to see Bill Clinton trying to take credit for eight years of economic prosperity when he, Al Gore, and the democrat party did everything they could to stop the engine of progress.

Everything from vetoing tax cuts, to increased spending, to putting additional burdens on an already over-taxed small business engine.

The only reason Bush Senior lost was that he went back on his pledge not to raise taxes. Remember the “read my lips” quote?  Those were the days when people trusted a President and really held him accountable to every word, every promise.

It is also ironic that Gore claims GW is a mouthpiece for big business and special interest while continuing to deny his own connections to Buddhist temples, Big Oil, Hollywood, gay rights, pro-choice and other groups that have him comfortably in their hip pockets.

The special interest group that Bush represents is the over-taxed, over-burdened Americans who are marginalized and ignored by the Democrats and referred divisively as rich, greedy, principled, religious, conservative, right-wing… etc.

They are the vast majority of America and they are “special”… and yes, Bush is “interested” in them. Thank God someone running for President is.

I was a little surprised to see a usually slick and hermetically sealed Clinton begin to unravel in his desperation to trash George W. Bush.

Without anticipating that the queen would be in danger as he moved his pawns across the board, he accused Dubya of being the crown prince to his father, and not really earning the right to even run for President.

Hmm, check mate. Sort of like his wife Hillary being his anointed queen and not really earning the right to run for Senate from New York?

And in comparing resumes, if Clinton was qualified as governor of the last ranking state in everything from education to health care to be President, then certainly Bush, is qualified as governor of the first ranking state in education.

And instead of being offended, he should be flattered that the Bush campaign recognizes that same need for change that he saw eight years ago.

I would suggest to Bill that he think before moving his rhetoric around on the board . . . or at least review his old talking points. But a bigger question I have for Bill and Hillary . . . if the voters of New York fail to crown her queen . . . will they still call themselves New Yorkers?

A man in Florida was convicted of killing his dog because it kept trying to mate with other male dogs. But ironically as that one dog was being killed, so were 50,000 human babies and the abortionists continue to murder humans with the full protection of the law.

This man is convicted of killing a dog he thinks is abnormal. But the implications are enormous.

The gay community keeps insisting that they are the way they are because of nature . .. because of genetics. We know that many people who choose abortions do it for many reasons other than birth control. We know they actually can select the sex of their child, or test, in the womb other genetic traits… including a “gay” gene, now that the genome has been unraveled.

So the big question here is… if a man can be convicted of killing a “gay” dog… can a woman be convicted of killing a “gay” baby in utero? And if a man can be convicted of killing a gay dog… can he be convicted of killing a straight dog.

And if that is the case, can a woman be convicted of killing a straight baby in utero? It would be wonderful to think that all human beings are at least as valued as dogs no matter what their genetic makeup.

General Robert E. Lee’s picture has been taken down from many buildings in America, and even plaques in Texas have been removed where he praised the bravery of the Texans.

It is a slippery slope when we start eliminating parts of history we find offensive, and destroying pictures of someone we don’t like.

Ironically, the people insisting Lee’s picture be taken down, are the same ones who support full funding of art work in public museums, no matter how offensive and degrading.

My big question is can people complain about Bill Clinton’s picture being displayed in post offices and other public buildings?

For many, what he stands for is just as offensive and insulting as what they claim Lee stood for. He is a devisive leader who has pit one group of citizens against another and separated himself from the rule of law. What is the difference between Lee and Clinton other than one served with honors in the military and one dodged the draft?

To many, they are both despicable characters.

Should all these people be exposed to their portraits? Yes . . . as a reminder that we still live in a free country full of divergent views . . . lest we forget. This is Nina May . . .still searching for consistency.

I have heard many people speculate as to why the homosexual community has so much power and even silenced the hetero male.

Imagine, two percent of the population controlling the way ninty-eight percent of the population thinks, speaks, and acts.

The most interesting explanation came from a misogynist heterosexual who also harbors racial and anti-Semitic tendencies. He said the homosexual movement has finally put men back on top. Women are second class citizens to the homosexual man.

He went on to say that only the gays could have the power to silence a woman, and a Jew at that…as in Dr. Laura.

Hmmmm. I asked him about the lesbians.  That means they would now have power over men. The response from this woman-hating, anti-Semitic neanderthal was enlightening. He said, “No, they are the bottom of the food chain, they aren’t a threat, in fact they are every straight man’s fantasy. We have women doing just what we always dream of…”

So the feminists owe a great deal of gratitude to the homosexuals for elevating women to nothing more than sexual objects and reducing men to nothing than more than sexual predators.