Choice Doesn’t Just Mean Death

While listening to NPR I heard an ad for an organization that “proudly supports a woman’s right to reproductive choice.” That of course is a euphemism for abortion.

But what if a woman has done everything she can to have a baby… as millions of women do … and nothing works? Would this organization help her fulfill her choice to have a baby?

She should be very careful though when approaching this abortuary, to ask that question, because according to the Supreme Court, she could be arrested and fined.

She cannot even suggest that she is for life within 100 feet of an abortion clinic, or within eight feet of a pro-choice person. So if a pro-life woman… hearing this ad, and really believing this organization supports a woman’s right to reproductive choice, went in and asked how to get pregnant… or how to possibly adopt one of these babies about to be murdered… she could be arrested.

So much for women’s rights. So much for free speech. So much for the Declaration of Independence which declares all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I guess her happiness will have to be postponed… while lives are being sacrificed for the perverted definition of liberty.

It was fascinating to read the reviews of the movie Patriot and then see a totally different show. Thankfully I have developed the reverse theory of movie reviews.

If it gets four stars, I know we are in for a movie like “Leaving Las Vegas.” When they trash it as being simplistic, or redundant, I know I will love it.

The complaint the reviewers had of Patriot is that history is not a pretty picture and showing only one farm burning is sufficient, two redundant, and three is overkill.

Guess what guys?  Sitting freely behind your computer terminals trashing the memories of men who died to give you this freedom… hundreds of homes, villages and churches were torched by the British. Sorry for the redundancy.

And if the idea of showing young boys ambushing soldiers with… gasp… guns is offensive… then maybe you need to only review movies that have a G rating where fantasy usually prevails.

It is unfortunate that these reviewer’s liberal sensibilities are bruised by a two hour reinactment of four years of living hell for the people who fought and died for their right to whine. But I do appreciate their consistency though.

I can be sure that a one star review is going to be great and four star a real stinker.

I remember celebrating the fourth of July in England, when I was sixteen years old.

Well, I couldn’t exactly celebrate it because I couldn’t find anyone in England who understood the significance of it. I sort of forgot that they lost. And unfortunately, it seems that there are millions of Americans who forget that we won.

We won the right to have control over our destinies, to express ourselves, to worship as we choose, to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from an oppressive government, to determine who lives in our homes, who our leaders are, who we choose to govern us.

And as we see six members of a nine member panel of appointed judges not having even a semi-working knowledge of the document that guaranteed these inalienable rights, then maybe it is time to remind ourselves again. Just who are we as a nation?

We stretch the constitution to justify killing unborn and partially born children while ignoring it to allow prayer in school.

We enlarge the first amendment to allow degrading and misogynist pornography, but insist that the right to keep and bear arms is not a right reserved to the individual . .. even though it is in the Bill of Rights . . .reserved to the individual. M

aybe this July Fourth, instead of cooking hotdogs and watching firecrackers, maybe we should all read the constitution together and remember why we are celebrating this holiday.



ABC-TV did a special about Jesus, discussing his life, his ministry and his impact on history. The interesting thing though was the angle they took.

Were the Gospels reporting the truth? Even though Matthew and John were with Jesus during his three years ministering and had access to his family, friends and neighbors . . . it was reported that there were no eye-witness accounts.

I would say that the person who laid his head on Jesus breast, referred to himself as “the one whom Jesus loved best”, was there at cross, with him for forty days after the resurrection and at the transfiguration when he was taken back up to heaven . . . could be considered an eye-witness.  And the Gospels, although different in the perspective they bring to the writing, are similar in the reporting.

So what is interesting is ABC is a network with editors, reporters, writers, photographers and producers who bring their interpretation of the news to us on a daily basis.

Are we supposed to question them, their sources and their veracity because we aren’t privy to the same sources they are? Should we doubt everything they say is a fact and every report they bring us?

The huge difference in all of this though is that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and you can know him as your savior without even opening the Bible or knowing there are four Gospels, who wrote them, and what they said. That is the mystery of Christ.  That is the mystery of salvation and the transforming power of His Holy Spirit that abides with us today.

So it is sort of irrelevant what the “experts” say . . . He is as alive to day as he was then and the arguments against it are proven mute by the millions of testimonies by people who have felt His touch, His liberating power and His unconditional love.

The U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision, has decided that children who attend public school become subjects of the state the minute they enter the school house door . . .and abandon their First Amendment rights to free speech.

They seem to be offended by a child who is putting his life on the line to play football for a school that considers him less than a full citizen.

Hmmm, this sounds a little too much like pre-emancipation days when blacks were considered to be only partially a citizen. Either we are all treated equally in the eyes of the law or not. The court has basically said that voluntary religious expression during a sporting event on a public campus is unconstitutional.

Does that include a child who pulls out a prayer mat in a public library during Ramadan? Does that include a devote Jew holding a religious ceremony in a public park or building? And why wouldn’t it if you interpret the finding in its most complete form? If a child is not allowed to express his religious views in a public school . . .why not any other public building?

But my big question is . . . How does the US government intend to dispose of the billions of dollars in priceless paintings hanging in government funded galleries that depict religious scenes? After all, that is promoting religious expression in a public forum.

In a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee he talks about two different political parties.

He said… “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties… Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. AND Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interest. In every country these two parties exist; and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves.”

It seems as though as Ecclesiastes says, “there is nothing new under the sun.” The only thing that is new is the PR spin about each party. The one selling itself as having confidence in the people while it is busy controlling every aspect of their lives, is the same one that fears and distrusts the people.

But the key to any party system, especially in a democratic republic… is for people to learn to think and speak for themselves . .. otherwise they become the pawns of any party.

This is Nina May suggesting if you must align yourself with a party… choose one that respects you as an individual . .. not one that treats you like a subject.

Our very intelligent Justice Department has decided to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. In a rush to teach big business a lesson, the socialists are gleeful at the prospect of forcing Bill Gates to redistribute his wealth.  He is being forced to basically cut his company in two and give half away.

Well, I have a suggestion for Microsoft who employs thousands of people in the US, and contributes billions in taxes whether directly, indirectly. Close down all operations in the United States and shop for a country that really is pro-free market, and invest in it.  Stimulate their economy, hire their people, grow their infrastructure, increase their tax revenue base.

There are many countries with a GNP less than Microsoft’s annual income. And then, with products made offshore, of course it will increase the price for consumers at home, so they will be forced to go out and find competing software and not complain that they have no choice and were FORCED to settle for whatever Microsoft products.

Maybe finally the whiners will stop whining, and Bill can get on with his life where hard work, industry, and creativity are rewarded… not punished.

This is Nina May wondering… who’s next?

I was fascinated to hear Sec. Of Energy, Bill Richardson’s explanation for the misplaced hard drives containing top secret information that were found behind a copy machine at Los Alamos National Lab.

He said, “It is very clear in the contract the University of California has with the Department of Energy that they, the University of California, is in charge of security.”

I don’t know about you… but this does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. These are the same people who hire communist professors who indoctrinate their mindless pupils about the ills of the free market society. They are the same people who give extra credit to students for attending WTO protests, anti-gun rallies and gay pride marches.

The same people who refer to Shakespeare, Longfellow. Byron, Keats, etc, as dead white men and don’t feel they are a necessary part of the curriculum anymore. These are the same people who teach diversity, sensitivity and tolerance, all euphemisms for group-think or fascism. These are the same people who wallow in victimization, embrace values clarification and adhere to the failed concept of situational ethics. These are the same people our Sec. of Energy says is to blame for a couple of hard drives with top secret information being misplaced?

Is it me . . . or is there something wrong with this picture?  This is Nina May asking you what you think.

During graduation we grow accustomed to all the pomp and circumstance, because even though it is an accomplishment, it was expected.

For those who have become complacent about graduation, I encourage you to attend one at Youth For Tomorrow which is a last resort for juvenile delinquents who already have a police record.

The catch is, they talk about the real solution in these young boys lives, they talk about God, they read the Bible and they share how Jesus can change them. And guess what? He does.

For anyone who doesn’t believe in God, meet these boys before and after. Transformed from drug dealers, car-jackers, robbers and gang members they almost look angelic as they raise their hands to the sky, singing “I will lift Your name on high.”

This is a graduation that rivals any academic accomplishment of the brightest scholar. These young men have graduated from a life of self-destructive defiance to one of love and leadership. They broke the self-esteem barrier that kept them trapped in a life going nowhere, except jail.

Ironically, that was the option the judge gave them, jail or Youth for Tomorrow. They chose life!! This is Nina May suggesting that they deserve a standing ovation!

They are Now Subjects to Their New Master – the School System and the Federal Government

June 19th is a day that African-Americans celebrate, as it symbolizes the end of slavery in this nation in 1865. But 135 years later, this day will now symbolize the beginning tyranny for children with religious beliefs, who attend public school.

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court said that children in public school cannot pray before a sports event, even if they all vote that they want to exercise their First Amendment rights to free speech. Because while on public property, they become “subjects” of the state, and spokesmen for the school system, abandoning all their own rights to free speech.

So basically . . . children are less than full citizens when they attend public school.

As we celebrate the liberation of one group of people, we must mourn the unequal treatment of another. But does a decision like this mean that a child will be barred from praying in a public library, a public park, at national monuments, on a public highway or in the Nation’s Capitol?

Just what are the implications of a decision so draconian as it relates to a person’s rights as he navigates a nation surrounded by public arenas?

Chief Justice William Rehnquist said in his blistering dissent, “Even more disturbing than its holding is the tone of the court’s opinion. It bristles with hostility to all things religious in public life.”

He rightly accused the majority of distorting legal precedents and “venturing into the world of prophesy” by deciding that harm was inevitable. This is all done in a court surrounded by engravings of religious symbols, that begins each court session by asking God’s blessings on the court and making everyone swear to tell the truth and asks God’s help in doing this.

It’s too bad that unequal protection under the law still exists 135 years after slavery ended.