At an event for the Orphan Foundation of America, one of the recipients of the Oliver Scholarship said that during the week in Washington, D.C. with the other recipients… she turned 18.

The normal response is to wish her well, but she continued to say that when she returns home she will have six days to pack up and leave the home she has been in for five years, to make room for another child.

The poignance of this moment was punctuated by the presence of both First Lady, Hillary Clinton and Majority Whip, Tom Delay who both have worked on this issue.

But all the programs and money won’t solve a problem as simple as providing a home base for children who have been in as many as 40 foster homes in their short lives. It will have to come from people who care, who will be a surrogate family for these kids during their summer and holiday breaks from college.

If you would like more information about the Orphan Foundation of America and about their program to support kids who have been emancipated from Foster care, contact us.  This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women, asking you to open your heart and your home to our future.

Now that America is celebrating the new discovery of the importance of the father, they should naturally rally around a father who is being persecuted by the government.

Johan Harder, who was home schooling his eleven children in Germany, had his home ransacked by the police. He was threatened with fines and imprisonment if he did not return his children to the state for public education.

Let’s analyze this. If his eleven children came to America in a raft to keep from having to go to public school, would the US government send them back to be with their dad… and support his rights as a dad to home school his kids?

If he was in America and wanted to teach them at home, would he have the full support of the people who have recently discovered the rights of a father are paramount over the rights of the government?

If Elian Gonzalez’ dad was home schooling him in Germany… and his home was broken into by the police and Elian forced to go to a public school… would Janet Reno have an opinion about his right to choose home schooling for his son over the state telling him how he should be educated?

Should the US government make a statement on behalf of Mr. Harder’s rights to home school his children since the children belong to the father, not the state… no matter what the circumstances?

Happy Father’s Day… enjoy it while the PR is in your favor.

The Boston Transit Authority has taken that very progressive leap of installing transgender bathrooms at it facilities. This is for the conflicted person who doesn’t know daily if they are male or female.

But what they have actually done is marginalize this person as a non-person who is not worthy of visiting either the men’s room or the ladies room.

By creating a special bathroom, the Transit Authority is saying that transsexuals are less than human, less than people, less than men or women. They have bought into sexual Jim Crow laws that identify a class of people and then proceed to alienate them from the rest of society, very similar to the separate water fountains and toilets a few decades ago.

The homosexual community, in its haste to carve out special considerations and protections for its adherents, is actually creating a class system where they are perceived as less than worthy, less than able, less than gifted or articulate.

They need the government to speak for them, fight their battles, protect their every desire.

This special treatment engenders a type of pity from the rest of society who feel sorry that they are trapped in that lifestyle anyway, and they treat them as physically, emotionally and sexually challenged individuals.

But they have no one to blame but themselves because they have determined they need special care, special laws, special protections . . . therefore, they must know they are different.

They then should not be surprised if they are treated differently because it is, after all, themselves who have defined themselves to be different and deserving to be treated differently.



Do you remember the days of the Vietnam conflict when a handful of communist sympathizers successfully turned America against its own military for the first time in our history?

Never before had the people been so hostile toward the military in its defense of freedom for others. Ironically those same anti-war protestors, became pro-war sympathizers when someone more philosophically aligned became the Commander in Chief.

But the military is always under scrutiny or attack from one source or another and if you look at the incredible sacrifice they make to join the forces . . .you have to ask yourself why?

Why does an individual join an institution that is regularly slandered and maligned? Why do they work for a fraction of what their civilian counterparts do? Why do they sacrifice their comforts, freedoms and relationships to give the rest of America the freedom to enjoy these same things?

That same question could be asked of people who enter the ministry to fight similar battles but on a spiritual level.

They make similar sacrifices in order to bring liberation to the soul of the lost and imprisoned.

What if they all decided to just join the civilian ranks, get theirs first, forget both the physical and spiritual well-being of their fellow Americans? Would this be a better place to live? A safer place to live?

I wonder what group we would begin to complain about . . . If we are still allowed to complain about anything?

This is Nina May . . . asking what you think. Let us know at



Gun control advocate, Rosie O’Donnell, feels that the rest of America is a very dangerous group, not to be trusted with guns.

We are so dangerous that only she should have a well-armed body guard to protect her kids who are more precious than everyone else’s.

OK, nothing new… it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the well orchestrated PR campaign to disarm Americans called the Million Moms on the Mall was designed to intimidate and manipulate. The spokesmen didn’t realize that America would be watching their actions and actually hold them accountable to their words. This inconsistent thinking on a civilian level was reflected to me the other day from a global military perspective.

A Wing Commander of the Air Force introduced himself as a fighter pilot and then proceeded to say that the second Amendment has been misinterpreted… that it doesn’t mean the individual has the right to keep and bear arms.

The hypocrisy was as obvious as that of Rosie’s, but what was very scarey about this encounter is that he has sworn to defend the constitution, and is given armed aircraft to do it.  But he doesn’t even know what the constitution says.

So is it ignorance or hypocrisy that is driving this agenda? Either way, it sends a clear message to all citizens that the ones with guns are trying a little too hard to make sure the rest of us don’t have them.

One of the biggest complaints you will hear from secular humanists against Christians is that they try and impose their moral values on the rest of society.

So it is very interesting to see these same people representing a small group of nations, refereed to as JUSCANZ*, in the United Nations, bullying 138 other nations who reject their form of absolutism.

The 138 countries, referred to as G-77, are asking for a few simple statements to be included in the UN document on women and families that was drafted in 1995 for the Beijing women’s conference.

These are radical statements like . . . “The family is the basic unit of society and is a strong force of social cohesion and integration and its stability should be strengthened.” But this has been rejected by a handful of the elitist nations who want to remake the world in their secular humanist image.

The Clinton Administration in particular has backed efforts to block religious and cultural values of individual countries. They feel the individual sovereignty of a country should not be upheld if it disagrees with the United Nations.

I wonder if this would apply to America? The more developed countries also refused to allow a statement in the document that would “promote responsible sexual behavior, including abstinence.”

This is becoming a document created through coercion and threat. Ironically, the UN ordered this 1995 document, created because of the Beijing conference on women, not to be changed.

Will the groups insisting upon its change which is in direct violation of a UN order, have their sovereignty challenged? If so, that would include the US.

* The JUSCANZ countries are Japan, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Luxembourg, the European Union and handful of others.

It was reassuring to see our President debate the merits of an American missile defense system with Russian President, Vladimir Putin. He said that allowing Americans to defend themselves against foreign aggressors was not a threat to strategic stability and mutual deterrence… in fact it would have the opposite affect.

Putin has adopted the Rosie O’Donnell theory of national defense. Because he can’t trust anyone else with a gun to defend and protect their borders, their homes, their children in school, he must be the only one that is allowed to have weapons, because only he and his can be trusted with them.

He sees a defense system, like Rosie sees a gun in a private home: they can’t trust that it won’t be used offensively. Well, it won’t if he respects borders, and locks on front doors.

A missile defense system is like a lock on a front door and a strong defense system is the knowledge the would-be aggressor has to be deterred from breaking into that well-defended house… or well-protected country.

If our leaders applied the same principle to arms control and the national defense as they do to the average citizen, Clinton would have signed a statement agreeing to everything Putin requested.

He didn’t because maybe he understands that disarming invites aggression nationally, and personally.

Chuck Schumer Seems to Forget that he is a Member of the UNITED STATES Senate.

A photographer in New York was fined for assembling a group of nude people on a public street to take their picture. He won his case in court and the judge said the constitution allowed him to express himself in such a way. But if this same group had been assembled in front of an abortion clinic for a photo… nude or not… The Freedom of Clinic Entrances Act could have prevailed over their rights to free expression.

This is a law, authored by Senator Chuck Schumer that classifies citizens based on their beliefs and does not allow them the same protections and privileges as other citizens..

He is now pulling out that same dusty box of “yellow stars”, hoping to force the judicial system to pin them on pro-lifers who can’t afford to pay fines as a result of being arrested outside the abortion clinics… for just expressing their opinions and views.

Some of these arrests have resulted in costly court battles and many of the protestors have had to declare bankruptcy.

The very fair-minded, tolerant Senator Schumer feels that these people should spend time in debtors prison to pay for their sin of expressing a view on abortion that opposes his. He wants to tie his “Yellow Star of David” Amendment to the Bankruptcy Reform Act that is now in the hands of the Senate.

I wonder what group will be chosen next for disparate treatment and held accountable to a different set of laws? Will someone please get Senator Schumer a copy of the constitution and our Bill of Rights. He seems to forget he is in America.

Elitism is a separation from others through power, influence and money.

The President and VP, who are surrounded by armed guards can afford to suggest that Americans disarm themselves.

Clinton is so afraid of the American citizen he even had barricades erected around the White House.

Bill and Hillary are “given” a house worth $1.7 million yet they call Americans greedy for wanting tax cuts, school vouchers, and a cut in the capital gains tax.

Al Gore is a millionaire who will never need a dime of his Social Security, yet he opposes a plan to allow middle America . . .the non-millionaire sect, to take their hard earned money and invest it themselves for their future.

He keeps saying that is risky and reckless . . . like every other plan middle America has suggested just to get by.

But the real reason that Al Gore opposes investing in the private sector is that it will wean people from the government and expose them to the benefits of capitalism.

When this happens, the mystique of the royal couple and elitist party will disappear and people will realize they can do it themselves without being beholden to the government for everything they have and are.

The curtain will be pulled back and the wizards will be exposed in the land of Oz.

Does it depend on who is being killed?

I drove by a church the other day with a huge sign over the front of it that says “Thou Shalt Not Kill, Stop the death penalty.”

I called to see if they had a position on the abortion issue and they said they don’t take political positions. Hmmm. Ok, that must be their definition of consistency. Or they must think that God feels it is better to kill an innocent baby BEFORE he MIGHT commit a crime, than killing a killer who HAS committed a crime.

What then should we do about the perpetrators of war crimes who are rounded up in UN detention centers? Should they be executed or not? In Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi faces the death penalty for trying to liberate her people. So those who commit war crimes face the death penalty, and those who oppose those who commit war crimes face the death penalty.

But who decides who should die and who shouldn’t? Even Al Gore is conflicted. He suggested that Milosovich and Saddam Hussain should both be assassinated, yet he is against the death penalty in America.

It seems as though pro-choice women are the only group who have the unfettered right to decide who lives and who dies.