The animal rights group, PETA, is pushing for laws to give animals the same rights as humans so they cannot be killed, experimented on or exploited for entertainment.  They don’t want them to be in cages or zoos or suffer any type of bondage or captivity whatsoever.

If that is the case and they really want them to be treated the same as humans, they will actually have to allow all the above to occur. Human beings in the womb are being killed, and experimented on . . . and even their body parts can be sold. Children are being exploited by pornography for perverted entertainment . .. obviously against their will. They are being trapped in a prison of bondage and degradation that is robbing them of the right to live their life as God intended.

So if animal rights advocates want to elevate animals to the status of humans …they will have to strive to restore the dignity to the human being. They can start by denouncing abortion as murder, harvesting baby parts and experimenting on them as barbaric, and exploiting them for pleasure as perverted and unacceptable.

Otherwise . .. their argument . . . besides being preposterous, actually becomes quite moot.

This is Nina May.

In Fernandina Beach, Florida, two teenagers were charged with car jacking and killing a 71 year old man.

In Port Saint Lucie, Florida, a 14 year old was fleeing from police when he crashed his parents’ car into a swimming pool, killing a 12-year old passenger.

This is Florida, which has one of the most lenient handgun laws in the country… but both of these crimes and deaths involved automobiles, a swimming pool, and children, not guns.

Should Florida have stricter laws against driving without a licence and proper registration? Oh, they already have those laws?

Hmm. What about laws that say it is illegal to steal a car . . . .and for someone under 16 to drive?

What could have prevented either one of these crimes involving kids? There are already laws on the books about the age kids can drive, the requirement of a license and registration of a car, and stealing.

Could it be . . . the families might have some accountability in raising a child so they are taught right from wrong and how to obey the laws? If not. Then no amount of new laws on the books will make any difference, if children aren’t taught to obey them. This is Nina May at


On May 24 the democrats honored Bill Clinton at an event in Washington, D.C. It sadly reflected the elitist disconnect of the party with the people.

The spectacle was punctuated by raw language, foul references, sexist and blasphemous remarks . . . all with the back drop of laughter and applause by those who have lost the ability to show shame or contrition . . . or to even blush.

This event is the culmination of a legacy shredded and unraveled by those trying so hard to preserve it. The Clinton Administration is pro-actively giving life to the global view that he is a laughing stock. He squanders what tattered remnant he held on to every time he acts the buffoon and goes for the cheap laugh.

There never has been accountability and now to shrug the entire eight-year experience off as an exercise in comic relief insults all Americans. .. Even those who laugh nervously at what they clearly see is the pitiful swan song of a man dethroned and tarnished by his own hand.

America wants a leader who respects them . . . who won’t lie to them . . . and won’t reduce them to a Colosseum of imbeciles clamoring for more, more, more . . . until there is none left.



Jesus says if you are ashamed of me before man, I will be ashamed of you before my Father which is in heaven. But he who exalts me will be exalted.

Well that is exactly what Angie Guidry, from Sam Houston High School, in Louisiana did. She had been selected to give the valedictory speech at her graduation. On the day of the graduation, the teachers in their very open-minded tolerant way, reviewed her speech and censored her words. The part they found so offensive was when she gave her fellow classmates a perspective on life and said college degrees, professions and all the world offers means nothing without a relationship to God.

This was her personal belief and of all the messages she could give her classmates . . .she felt that this was the most valuable. The teachers and principal disagreed. She would not change the words and was told she could not give the speech.

They quickly wrote an acceptable one and tapped another graduate to give it. But think about it, here I am writing about her years later, after hearing a sermon which mentioned her, after the preacher heard the story on another show. So God was right. Angie is being exalted . .. . because she exalted God first.

This is Nina May, thankful for people like Angie.

A friend of ours was raised in communist Hungary and was forced, as a little boy to join the young pioneers and wear, what he referred to as… a “goofy suit.”

He said he was seven and he refused to join the young pioneers, refused to wear the suit, and refused the communist indoctrination they INSISTED that all children go through.

He knew that was not his destiny, that he was created to be free and independent and told his parents what he had done.

As a result of their inability to “convince” their child that he should willingly be brainwashed… they both lost their positions as doctors… even though there were not enough doctors to take care of everyone in the country.

They were fined, put under house arrest and went through very difficult times. That is one of the reasons he was in America and could share this story freely without fear of arrest.

He refused to wear the goofy suit and buy the goofy ideology that would have robbed him of his identity, his individuality, and his future.

It is too bad they don’t allow him into the prison at Wye Plantation to explain to Elian Gonzalez that he doesn’t have to wear the goofy suit either… so one day he might be able to help another little boy escape the prison of communism.

It is so cute how Al Gore describes anything he doesn’t have an alternative solution for as a risky or reckless scheme.

It reminds me of Elmer Fudd always calling Bugs Bunny that Waskaly Wabbit.

But what is odd are how many risky and reckless things he does embrace.

Things like condom distribution which has been proven not to prevent the AIDS virus from infecting someone. Or not supporting the idea of Internet blockers to protect children so that they can’t download hardcore pornography, violent websites, or sexual predator’s who can lure them into deadly liaisons.

So the newest risky scheme that he is hunting with his cute little musket is George W. Bush’s idea of finally treating wage earners like adults.

Giving them options in investing their own hard earned money for their own future.

What is the risk in this? . . . That they might invest in the wrong thing? That is no more risky than giving up to 30% of your income into a system that you might not see a dime of when you are ready to receive it.

Now that is a BIG risk. This is Nina May . . .rooting for the rabbit.

I thought it quite interesting that on the weekend of the Million Mom March, the icon of liberation, Nelson Mandela, made statements that better illustrated the opposing view than any counter march could have.

The opposing view to the anti-gun Moms, whose only concern for child safety is suspiciously limited to guns, have stated that their main goal is to preserve the Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment.

The “moms” were hung up on the word “well-regulated” as being the delete button for the Amendment, when they conveniently forget that the first 10 amendments to the constitution specifically and purposefully deal with rights reserved to the citizen NOT the state.

Well-regulated was what Washington did when he identified the back woods boys who were sharp shooters, but had no formal discipline to work together as a cohesive unit to overthrow the tyranny of the existing controlling government.

Ironically, Nelson Mandela is giving us a very current example of how that well-regulated militia should work against the oppressive regime of Mugabe in Zimbabwe.  He has called for the citizens to take up arms and oppose the tyranny through armed insurrection, and the only way that such opposition can work is if they cooperate and work together as a militia formed of citizens, well-regulated from within their ranks.

So Nelson Mandela, who was prevented from having a gun, to protect his life and to fight for equality understands the importance of the rights of citizens, in order to form a well-regulated militia, to have the right to keep and bear arms.

Remember when Barry Goldwater was running for office and Lyndon Johnson’s campaign did the TV commercial of a little girl picking daisies in a field, when she looks up and sees a mushroom cloud.

That was all the viewer needed to see to know that Barry Goldwater would get them into a nuclear war and the cute little girl running through the daisies would be vaporized.

Those were the years following the Cuban missile crisis, duck and cover, bomb shelters, psychological manipulation of kids, and scaring them to death into thinking they would not survive a nuclear war It was a scare tactic of the disarmament group to keep us stuck in the standoff of Mutually Assured Destruction while opposing a strengthened defense.

The Strategic Defense Initiative was maligned as being offensive against our very gentle and peaceful cold war adversaries. Even President Carter’s daughter Amy said her greatest fear was nuclear proliferation.

So the liberals effectively lobbied against allowing Americans to defend themselves miliarily… very much like they are lobbying now to prevent Americans from defending themselves individually. The scene has changed but the players and plot are the same.

We have seen a variety of marches and rallies through the years. Some are small and insignificant, and some change the course of history.

The most significant ones, which really generate grass roots support, are the ones whose origins are the grass roots. Where the people have put up with status quo long enough and they want to affect a change.

On the other hand you have the rally, billed as grassroots, but really organized by people with a specific political agenda which serves to disseminate falsehoods and propaganda. They are easy to spot.

The signs are all pre-printed and handed out the docile masses, the media all laud the effort as exemplary and honorable. The political leaders who rely on disinformation to stay in power are present to applaud the efforts of the manipulated masses. And of course, it is all very well-funded by sources who have a stated interest in promoting a specific political philosophy, and making a specific political statement.

Now, you might think I am referring to the Million Moms on the Mall rally. And although it does fit in all those categories, I was really thinking more about the 400,000 people who just happened to spontaneously appear on the streets of Havana just hours after Elian Gonzalez is reunited with his father.

We expect to see this type of pre-programed, media-backed and politically motivated propaganda display in a communist country. But when it occurs in a free country and the message is that all guns are bad and we should ban them all… then you sort of wonder what country you are in.

I remember the first time I saw Jesus Christ Superstar, before I was a Christian. I loved the music, the message, the person of Christ. In fact I accepted Him as my savior after seeing it because I saw him in a new light.

I grew up hearing the same Bible stories in Sunday School, year after year. But there was no connection in the telling. We would jump from David and Goliath to Jesus healing someone, to Daniel in the Lion’s den to the crucifiction of Christ. All played out with sterile pieces of flannel that was no substitute for the possibility of a relationship with the living God.

So when I hear Christians complaining that the CBS show “Jesus” is not based on the Bible it saddens me because there are so many who may never see the face of Christ if not for this show. Ironically, after accepting Christ, I took all my friends to see Jesus Christ Superstar and during this showing I was appalled by how inaccurate it was. But I kept my mouth shut . ..and let God do the talking to their hearts. They all came to know Christ as their savior that night . . . with the same grace and mercy that had been extended to me, not the judgement I was ready to unleash in my zealous attempt to speak for God.

This is Nina May, thanking CBS for allowing God to speak for Himself.