A little boy was the victim of random violence in Alexandria, Virginia by a knife-wielding man. It is interesting that the President didn’t attend the funeral which was only a fifteen minute drive from the White House.  Maybe it is because he doesn’t think knives are as dangerous as guns and doesn’t support a three day waiting period to purchase a knife at a knife show.

Those who accused him of politicizing the death of Kayla Rolland were soundly criticized and ridiculed by the press, the gun-control advocates, and every individual who is shocked when someone in this country dares speak the unvarnished truth.

If it was not about grandstanding for political purposes, and if Kevin Shifflett’s life is as precious to the President as Kayla’s, then why was he not in attendance at that funeral? Why was a representative not sent? Why wasn’t there a press conference to express outrage at random violence and dangerous weapons such as knives?

For me to say this is outrageous? No this is called the truth. To attend a little girl’s funeral who was killed by a gun, pretending you care, while ignoring the brutal death of a little boy stabbed to death by a knife… now that is outrageous!

I just had the most interesting cultural experience imaginable. It was like being in a Kafka novel, illustrated by Dali . .. very surreal. I was asked to do CSpan’s Washington Journal on Sunday morning. The format of the show is that the host goes through daily papers and ask the guest to respond to different articles.

One article was on the gay march on the mall, and it was mentioned immediately. I have never had a dog in that fight, I told them we don’t deal with that issue with Renaissance Foundation, and any response would be a perception of why this is such an emotional issue.

Well, by the responses we got on our website and email you would think I had suggested napalming the participants.

Here are some examples… “Every day your hatred causes lives to be destroyed.” Well first of all, when does expressing a view point, that is merely a reflection of 98% of the American people, considered “hatred” and how do words destroy lives?

Another was, “May God grant mercy on your soul for the hate that you spread.”

Ironically, my responses must have been so benign that one viewer wrote, “It appeared that you were a gay rights activist.”

The message in most of these emails was that any opposition, or indication that you are not 100% behind the gay rights agenda… you are a hateful, intolerant proponent of death and mayhem.

So, a sane and logical debate on a topic that clearly elicits emotional responses is not allowed because any opposing view is perceived de facto to be hateful, therefore denied the opportunity to be represented.

People, I don’t know what you believe or why, but this type of fascist Gestapo mentality is not healthy in a free society and I would suggest to the homosexual community that if they want to gain the respect, not the fear, of the rest of society, that they allow a rational and civilized debate to occur without resorting to gratuitous namecalling and hyperbolic labeling.

Again, although I have written commentaries on it, the homosexual issue is not one that I have worked on, dealt with or been an activist with, but free speech, intimidation, coercion and manipulation are.

This is a perfect example of what I have been saying for years, and one of the reasons I founded Renaissance Women 17 years ago.

During those days it was a handful of women claiming to speak for all women, summarily silencing the opposing views with names such as “male chauvinist pig” or “brainless woman who can’t think for herself… etc.”

We found that women were more than capable of speaking for themselves and didn’t like the intimidation tactics of the feminists and spoke out against these tactics.

Now, the huge irony is that the homosexual community has so intimidated every aspect of society, that even a woman, or a mother who has a vested interested in protecting her children, is allowed to be blasted, debased, ridiculed and branded as intolerant and hateful. In my life I have never had a heterosexual man speak to me with such derision, such hate, and with such threats. And if a heterosexual man did speak to a woman this same way, the feminists would be all over him as being a chauvinist Neanderthal and much more.

So what has happened? Why is it that 2% of the population can so effectively denounce the opinions and beliefs of so many others as being intolerant when they themselves can escape that moniker? What is wrong with this picture? This is the type of heavyhanded tyranny that the founding fathers fought against. This is what tens of thousands of our citizens fought in WWII to prevent under the hand of Hitler when he successfully intimidated an entire country into believing that a segment of society should be silenced and systematically killed. Well we are seeing a repeat of this today in the name of open-minded tolerance. Either this is a free country where opposing and divergent views are allowed to be expressed or it is not.  Don’t claim you are trying to point out intolerance while practicing the very thing you claim to be trying to destroy.

As a woman, I feel that the feminist movement has not only allowed the degradation of women and her position in society, but she has remained silent on the issue of free and open debate in the market place between women and men of opposing views. Women are being silenced, ridiculed and oppressed by men who have, by their lifestyle said they have no need or perhaps respect for women, women are irrelevant to them. This is discrimination on its face and women are the silent victims of this behavior. (No, I am not talking about anything sexual… I am talking about relationships where women are an irrelevant part of the happy life equation.)

We have posted all the comments on the website, and I would encourage you to get a copy of the C-Span broadcast and you make a determination yourself if these email responses are in any way reflective of any positions I took.

But I will say, if there is anything I did say, whether intentionally or by the slip of the tongue, I am sorry and ask forgiveness if I caused anyone any pain. I just want honesty in this debate, otherwise people who disagree with this lifestyle, the tactics, the motives and agenda are justified in saying this group is not interested in merely being accepted in society.  They will only be happy when society is a reflection of their values. Just be honest guys, don’t be so anti women.  The nation has been there and I am sure does not want to return to the days of male domination and intimidation.

I have a news flash for every illegal alien. Vermont has made it possible for you to stay in America legally, no matter what country you are from, no matter how you got here. They have legalized same sex “unions.”

Just find someone of the same sex, pay them a fee, take them to Vermont, get “joined” and then file for permanent residency.

Isn’t it wonderful that the government is making it so easy for so many various and sundry couples to join in governmental union for one reason or another?

Many say it is to get government benefits, others for health benefits, others for tax breaks. I would like to see these tax breaks because every married person I know actually pays more in taxes. That’s why so many elderly on fixed incomes who find love later in life can’t afford to get married.

So, motives other than love and commitment are acceptable excuses for these “unions” according to the judges. And they can’t make you prove you are a homosexual , that would violate your civil rights and rights to privacy. All you have to do is show up with a bonafide partner and bing bada bang, you’re legal.

Isn’t America great?

President Clinton is not ashamed of being impeached, yet he will still say that what President Nixon did was shameful deserved not just impeachment, but conviction.

Nixon avoided this by doing the honorable thing and resigning from office. Even though he left in shame, he left the country in tact, with moral values reigning supreme in a sea of questionable activities and bad judgement.

The government righted itself and the office of president remained a hallowed position to aspire to.

Now, it has become little more than a PR seat for values clarification, and self-aggrandizement.

Even GW Bush is talking about increasing the size of his tent. If Gore can try and be expediently inclusive . . .why not the other side?

The office just isn’t what it used to be… except for one very important fact… it still has the power to appoint judges. So in spite of the demise of the office… the officer will still have incredible power.

If there is no shame by a man who has hurt the image of the office .. there should be no shame for those doing or saying anything to achieve the office. But maybe the voters will see it differently.

If Christ did not exist, or was not who He said He was, how could he have exerted so much more power in death, than in life, to have the whole western calendar system recalculated to match His birth?

Even before his death he told his unbelieving disciples they would do greater miracles than him. And the main distinction between Christ and other religious leaders is that the tomb is empty . . .he conquered death literally, so that we could conquer it symbolically. But even that could have been explained away in 2000 years or even forgotten.

Certainly the new Christians being fed to lions must have entertained the thought that maybe it was a rumor and the resurrection didn’t really happen.

But the miracle that has survived 2000 years is the fact that the Holy Spirit of Christ never died but is as alive today as He was when He walked the earth 2000 years ago. That is the miracle that has outlived common logic, persecution, rejection, and the forces of evil.

We celebrate the empty tomb on Sunday, but do we really understand that he is with us still, today? That is the miracle that defies common sense and logic.

This is Nina May at www.ninamay.com.

The WTO and World Bank protestors were not unusual to D.C. There have been groups of conservatives protesting outside these buildings for years. In fact, I remember a few years ago, sending a new intern down to a protest outside the World Bank.

He never asked why he was going or what the protest was all about… He was just thrilled that within his first week in Washington, he was going to be able to participate in a bonafide rally. Isn’t America great?

I am very impressed by the number of high school kids taking place in the protests. Kids who don’t even know the names of their congressmen or the capital of Idaho, but they miraculously know what WTO stands for… And what it does. Or do they?

The protestors’ only demand was that debts to third world countries be forgiven. It takes three days of tying up traffic to say that? And their concern for the homeless and starving around the world was not reflected once in their concern for the homeless and starving in DC. So what gives? Who is behind this masquerade of feigned concern?

I am willing to admit I got my intern to do my dirty work… Will the people behind these kids be as honest?

The father of the modern dictionary, Noah Webster, forgot to add a much used term in today’s lexicon . . . “religious fanatic.” It could be that two hundred years ago, that phrase was non-existent because, by today’s standards . . .everyone was a religious fanatic.

Even Noah himself said, “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering. But if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”

If you look at the movies Hollywood holds up as icons of American culture we can see the prophetic substance of Daniel’s words. When the best picture that Hollywood can offer America is one that creates a caricature of lifestyles that are at best, political hyperbole, elevating decadence and self-consumption . . . then you know our glory has been buried in profound obscurity. And to express this view, based on values and absolutes as taught in the Bible, is to invite the moniker . . . Religious fanatic.

At least religious fanatics today are in good company . . . they have the same timber and resolve as the founding fathers of this nation. That’s not shabby company to be associated with.

We are at ninamay.com.

San Diego State University is taking a very unique approach in educating its would-be teachers in multi-culturalism.

Oh, that’s wonderful you say. That must mean they are traveling the world to see abject poverty in totalitarian countries; religious persecution where people are sold into slavery because of their beliefs; and cultures torn apart by culture wars that have lasted for centuries. They will see manufactured famines by dictators who care about power instead of their people; women suffering genital mutilation; children sold by their parents into brothels to keep food on the table.

No? Not that kind multi-culturalism? The kind that could really change the world and save a life? Oh, you mean the liberal type that only includes trips to homosexual bars, and forcing these “teachers” to pretend to be homosexual for a day. Now isn’t that enlightened?

It is too bad these would-be teachers don’t learn to think for themselves and expand their own horizons. It is even more unfortunate that someone is going to give their hard earned money to be indoctrinated by these Stepford teachers of the liberal establishment who don’t have the courage to explore the real world, and realize their form of multi-culturalism is self-centered and none-existent in the real world where people are just trying to survive.

We kept hearing liberals referring to the 80’s as the decade of greed. That was really the only way they could spin the prosperity story without betraying their socialist tendencies.

In reality, the 80’s was a decade of economic renewal. If you recall, the end of the 70’s, during the Carter Administration, the unemployment rate was over 13%, inflation was over 20% and interest rates were 18%. Then President Reagan came into office, much to the chagrin of the liberal elite and the tooth-grinding Tom Brokaw who could barely bring himself to say that Reagan was the landslide winner.

As their paychecks got fatter, jobs safer, cars faster, houses bigger, the millionaire talking heads, continued to refer to the 80’s as the “decade of greed.”

Maybe for them it was. But for the rest of America, it was a decade of unprecedented opportunity and personal growth.

Interest rates plummeted along with unemployment and inflation.

It was not a decade of greed any more than the 90’s under the Clinton’s has been.

Everyone today is benefitting from that growth and not to admit it is intellectual dishonesty and political hypocrisy. This is Nina May at ninamay.com.


For Many, Kids are Only Good in a Political Debate But Don’t Deserve Equal Rights


The U.S. congress had a debate over their Chaplain. Not whether to appoint one or not . . . but what denomination he should represent.

The U.S. Supreme Court begins its sessions by reminding everyone that “God saves the United States and the court” . . . they also ask for God’s help.”

Almost all of the older federal buildings in Washington, D.C. have some mention of a creator, a supreme being, God, Jesus, Moses, the Ten Commandments or other indications that this nation was formed Under God.

So . . . our leaders are free to acknowledge God and even begin their sessions by invoking His name. So what are the children of America? Chopped liver?

Why does a case have to even come before the Supreme Court to decide whether a child can voluntarily say a prayer before an event as in the case in Sante Fe, Texas.

For all the posturing the politicians do out of feigned concerned for children . .. you would think at least one would say these children are entitled to the same rights that we have . . . which is to pray.

A lot less harm will come to them by praying, than having to defend themselves against other kids who have been told there is no God, and there are no consequences to their actions.