While online I came across a little box that asked, “Will you raise your daughter to be a feminist . . . take our poll.”

I was shocked to see the results of the poll. The site was a feminist site celebrating women’s history and all that entails. Of the 73,000 votes that had been registered on the site . . . 60% said they would NOT raise their daughter to be a feminist. But what was very interesting, and actually quite humorous, was the disclaimer they had attached to the outcome of the poll.

They said, “Take the above results with a grain of salt. Unlike the scientifically designed and implemented polls that you see on the evening news, open web polls such as this are notoriously unscientific. We use them as a fun and interactive way of generating discussion.”

Well . . .discuss this . . . why is it that when polls don’t reflect the views of the one asking the question, they are called unscientific, therefore “notoriously” wrong”?

Why shouldn’t we assume then that the other polls are wrong? Because with disclaimers like that, we can only assume that all polls should be taken with “a grain of salt.” This is Nina May, agreeing with feminists for the first time in my life.

The Reform Jewish Community has voted to recognize same sex unions in their synagogue.

Now . . . before we start throwing stones and judging . . . let’s look at the positive side of a declaration of such historic significance. There is far more evidence in the Old Testament that identifies Jesus as their Messiah, than there is evidence that God would be happy joining Fred and Ted in Holy Matrimony.

So we should celebrate that the Jewish community is finally opening their eyes to new possibilities in the interpretation of the scriptures. Hopefully they will now see that Christ was the Messiah they have waited for all these years and is as alive today as he was two thousand years ago. That He wants to have a personal relationship with them.

In the meantime, in their very open minded stance on recognizing same sex unions . . . I wonder if they will finally allow Jews to marry outside their religion? If Bob Jones can lift restrictions on dating outside a race, and same sex unions are recognized by the Reform Jewish community . . . certainly Jews and Christians can finally join as one.

Now that would be cause to celebrate! We are at ninamay.com and love hearing from you.

Let’s compare notes on the Microsoft trial and the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton.

Bill Gates is punished for stimulating the economy, opening up computer technology to the average non-techno-geek, and making the government tons of money. His crime… he was creative, hardworking and made the fatal mistake of believing that we live in a free market system where hard work is rewarded and not punished.

Bill Clinton on the other hand commits perjury that has caused the average citizen to spend time in jail and he is hailed as a hero as though he discovered a cure for cancer.

When Bill Clinton showed incredible creativity in refusing to answer even the simplest question with evasive nuances, he is applauded as being sharp and a tough advocate.

When Bill Gates stumbles on a few sentences or gets a little testy they practically have the padded wagon waiting to cart him away.

There are two Bills and two different judicial systems that tried these men. One Justice Department was determined to destroy big business, the other was determined to hold up as a paradigm of virtue actions that if committed by anyone else, would have put them in jail.

Do we have double standards in America? You tell me at ninamay.com.

Imagine… Alexander Graham Bell is taken to court for providing technology to make sure every home in America has a phone because this is considered a monopoly.

Thomas Edison is sued for billions of dollars, dragged through the courts and congressional hearings, because his brilliance and perseverence brought light to a darkened 20th century.

Jonas Salk is berated on the evening news for creating a monopoly that has stopped the threat of polio for millions of people. No one can compete with the vaccine and he is on trial for this monopolistic practices.

Bill Gates figures out a way to make computers user friendly so that millions of additional people can benefit from the new technology, the government gets rich, the information technology market booms and he is considered bottom feeding pond scuz.

If the government must break up a monopoly, the anti-trust monopoly that needs to be addressed is the liberal media that has in its cross-hairs business, entrepreneurship, individual liberties, alternative points of view, ideas that reflect value and tradition, and people who have integrity and honor as their paradigm of character.

This is Nina May .. . still challenging double standards and hypocrisy.

As long as I can remember growing up, my parents kept a loaded gun by their bed. My three brothers and I were told never to touch it unless we were given permission to, for example during target practice. And guess what?  We never did.

They also told us not to put metal objects in wall sockets, not to touch a hot stove, not to play outside when it was lightening, not to ride our bicycles in front of cars or play in the street.

So what kept us from playing with the gun? Probably the same thing that kept us from sticking knitting needles in wall sockets. We knew we could die… or get killed by our parents if they found out we did.

The threat of death was a huge deterrent, and the fear of disobeying our parents was a common condition shared by all kids our age.

Back then, parents were the adults and actually taught kids right from wrong. The school reinforced their influence, they didn’t countermand it. The community shared the same believe system of respect, honor, integrity, and consequences to actions.

Guns have never been the problem until the social engineers, who jumped the tracks of common sense, needed to blame their morally bankrupt ideas on something besides a warped agenda.

When touring the great museums of the old Soviet Union, 10 years ago, I could not help but compare their art to the art in American museums.

The best artifacts on display in their museums were items made over 200 years ago, when U.S. independence from England was still a dream. Our treasures from that same era show struggle, hardship, toil and endurance, while their’s show affluence, comfort, and excessiveness reserved for a small elite class.

Today, however, the roles have switched. America was carved from the wilderness with the will power, faith and determination of a group of people who abandoned their wealth in favor of freedom. This freedom then provided the people the opportunity to actualize their God-given potential and goals.

The same freedom that was denied to people whose only function in life was to serve the state. As a result, the modern wealth reflected in America is a consequence of a realized spirit of individuality and self-expression.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women reminding Americans that where free men flourish with God’s blessings, abundance and grace abound.

It must be difficult for communist sympathizers in the US to justify Castro’s decision to allow Elian Gonzalez’ dad to finally come here.

Before, the argument was, “He shouldn’t have to come here . . . just send the boy back.”

They couldn’t bring themselves to admit that the father wasn’t allowed to come get his son. And if the father was free to travel, but chose not to . .. what does that say about his level of love for the child?

So no matter how you look at it . . . the lifestyle that this little boy and his mother were trying to flee from does not reflect the romantic ideal liberal elitists have created in their minds.

Communism is a system that subordinates the individual to the will of the dictator, the government . . .or euphemistically, the “people.”

If Cuba had the freedoms we are led to believe they have, this little boy would be begging to go home to his father.

The real test of the legitimacy of this latest gesture is to see if Elian’s dad and other members of the family can choose to stay here instead of taking Elian back to Cuba.

If he can . . . the boy should be released to his custody. If he doesn’t . . . it means they are all being held hostage so the father can retrieve this little pawn of the state that has embarrassed an aging dictator who has nothing to show for his tenure other than pain, suffering, death and imprisonment.



Annabel Chong has become a celebrity, in fact a documentary is going to be done of her life. That’s impressive.

She must have done something really historic and noteworthy. Did she discover a cure for cancer? Invent some new technology? Did she help relieve the suffering of millions, ala Mother Teresa?

No . . . her claim to fame is that she had sex with 251 men . . . in 10 hours . . . on camera. To put it bluntly, she is a porn star. But don’t judge her . . . instead compare this scenario . . . with the two bare-breasted women on the mall during Promise Keepers with 1.2 million men who could have easily helped these girls break Annabel’s record.

But instead they offered these women their coats, diverted their eyes, prayed for them, respected them, even though the women didn’t respect themselves.

So we can’t be judgmental of Annabel since there were 251 men willing and waiting to defile her.

The biggest culprit is society that feels the debasement of one woman is worthy of a documentary . . . while they chastise a group of men who would respect and honor two women who flaunt themselves in front of them and their kids.

We can’t judge Annabel . .. as a society, we have to judge ourselves. This is Nina May at ninamay.com.



The democrats, are by anyone’s definition, the establishment.

They are the entrenched status quo who have fed a bloated bureaucracy to the point that it has taken on a life of its own.

What is ironic though, is that it is run by the sixties liberals who were anti-establishment, anti-government, anti-military, anti- anything that resembled law and order. But they cleverly continue to paint the Republicans, in particular the conservatives, as those with entrenched power.

Conservatives do make up the majority of the American public, if you look at the issues and dissect each one based on the level of support.

But they are by nature . . . wary of big government, and support the rights of the individual to determine their own destiny, and set their own agenda.

They are the true revolutionaries. Perhaps that is why so many young people are naturally embracing conservative philosophies because the natural progression of youth is through a stage of rebellion.

You can put any label you want to on it . . . and attach whatever meaning . . .but the facts are . . . .the old way of doing things . . . status quo liberalism . . . is old news and being a conservative is far more revolutionary.”



The liberal media is just not going to rest until they get everyone to agree that what Wayne LaPierre said about Clinton was outrageous. That he accepted a certain level of violence in the country to further his agenda.

Well, the truth is sometimes outrageous, but it’s odd, that they have never pressured anyone else to disavow their “outrageous” statements.

Remember when the Republicans were equated with Nazis during the school lunch program debate? Remember when Clinton said he loathed the military? Remember when Clinton said, on several occasions, that the religious right makes him sick and he hates what they stand for? And both Clinton and Gore continue to say that returning your hard earned tax dollars to you in the form of a tax cut is a “risky scheme”. Gore even called it “economic snake oil”

But that aside, what is really interesting, is that the media . . . which constantly fights against any kind of censorship in their profession, is working so hard to silence a man who is doing nothing more than protecting the integrity of the 2nd Amendment . . . while invoking the privilege of the 1st Amendment.

Just how biased is the media? It’s hard to say when 91% are self-proclaimed liberals.