Liberals of every persuasion are quick to denounce and summarily silence the views of Christians because they are . . .in their opinion… intolerant, bigoted, homophobic, sexists.

But if you read the reference manual they use to draw these conclusions… they are really saying these things about Jews.  The Old Testament . . . the Jewish part . . . the one before Christ . . . was pretty darn intolerant.

God, literally, took no prisoners.

He would order the mass slaughter of any tribe or nation that fooled with His chosen people. He had zero patience for immorality . . . of any kind, and even killed a righteous man just trying to stabilize the Arch of the Covenant.

He destroyed a couple of cities that openly practiced homosexuality.

Hey, I didn’t write this book . . . don’t kill the messenger.

Christ on the other hand said, “Judge not, love your neighbor as yourself, get the log out of your eye”… etc. etc.

So it is a little odd that the left is constantly picking on Christians for being intolerant when they really mean Jews are intolerant. But they don’t have the courage to say that… because that’s what Hitler said.

Maybe liberals should just back off, stop judging, and just learn to live and let live, unless they think we need another holocaust. Because that’s where their brand of intolerance leads.

I was behind a very conflicted person the other day who displayed their schizophrenia on their bumper.

One bumper sticker had that international “don’t do it sign” the one with the red circle with the red line through it, printed over the words . . .”censor art.”  Of course this was referring to the federal funding of certain products that people quaintly refer to as art in order to get funding for it.

Well… they obviously think that any and all art should be allowed … whether funded or not … just don’t censor art. It is free expression of an individual, it is irrelevant if it is blasphemous or racists or insulting or sexually degrading, just… don’t censor it.

OK… so we know where this driver stands on the issue of censorship… except… Lo and behold, the bumper sticker, right next to it says “Pull the plug on Dr. Laura.”

Imagine that. I am supposed to respect the very open-minded tolerant stand of this person who obviously believes the Constitution allows for all types of divergent speech and expression in the arts . . . while this same person wants to restrict someone else from expressing their viewpoint? He needs another bumper sticker that reads, “Driver is ambivalent about totalitarianism.”

Sadly, this is a reflection of liberal hypocrisy that is strangling free speech in this country and classifying speech as intolerant or hateful if it is not what they want to hear.

We have heard many times that one person can make a difference. But what kind of difference?

Margaret Sanger, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, all born within a few years of each other, have been collectively responsible for over 100 million deaths. They certainly made a difference.

On the other hand, Mother Teresa touched and healed thousands of souls and was mourned the world over when she died last year.

And the one person that affected her life, to give her the love and the compassion to touch the millions, was Jesus Christ.

We all have the power within our grasps to make a difference . . . either for good or for evil.

We can choose to harness the abilities, gifts and strengths that God has given us to help . . . or we can use them to destroy.

We can be the leaders with an agenda for good, or followers who allow a wicked agenda to destroy us. We are each responsible for our own actions and consequences.

No one should say in a free and open society . . . with free and open elections . . . that they can’t make a difference.

Your chance is coming up Nov. 3 . . . take it.

In 1998 there were 41,200 deaths caused by cars. 16,000 people died as a result of falling down.  8,000 were poisoned, 4,000 drowned, 3,700 burned… 900 were accidentally killed by a firearm.  900 . .. not the 41,000 killed by cars. Why don’t we hear about a big move to ban cars?

Almost 40% of these deaths were caused by an alcohol-impaired driver. Why don’t we hear about banning alcohol?

Of the ten leading causes of deaths in America, death by gun is not even listed. Topping the list is heart disease, usually caused by fatty foods and high cholesterol. Should we ban all of these?  Cancer, number two on the list, is caused by everything from the sun to artificial sweeteners.  Should we ban all of these?

More facts: A gun kept in a home is 216 times more likely to be used against a criminal than cause the death of an innocent. Women in America use handguns 416 times a day against rapists, and every 13 seconds an American uses a gun in self-defense.

Look at this in comparison to Australia one year after banning guns altogether.  Homicides are up 3.2 percent, assaults are up 8.6 percent, ARMED robberies are up 44 percent. That means, the bad guys still have the guns and the good guys are still the victims.

In Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are up 300%. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly. Australian politicians are having a difficult time explaining this after spending $500 million in “ridding society of guns.” Emotions run high on this issue .. .but the facts speak for themselves.

Since when is giving a blessing considered a curse?

An employee of Microsoft is from a culture and community that frequently, and habitually, blesses those they come in contact with.

She would even sign her work with a salutation that suggested she was blessing the person receiving it . . .and one recipient complained.

The woman, an African-American, explained that this was how she was raised, and it is how she has always greeted people . .. with a blessing.

She obviously is still covered by the First Amendment that allows her to express herself . . . by apparantly not on the job … and not if it in anyway suggests that there is a higher being.

She refused to back down saying that she has always done this, and there is nothing wrong with blessing people. I guess they want her to sign her notes, “a pox on all your houses.”

Are people that afraid of being blessed, acknowledging that there is someone who can bless them and that there is another human being concerned that they are blessed?

This truly is form over substance and has reduced a kind act to one of lawlessness. Should this woman have lost her job for this?

Are we that sensitive as a people that we can not accommodate a kind and gentle word without taking offense because it does not align with our own belief system. What if she had signed her notes Shalom?

This is merely a reflection of the diversity the left is always speaking of promoting. It is sad in this society that a woman’s blessings come back to her as curse from a country that bills itself as the beacon of freedom, truth and justice.




Most parents teach their kids not take candy from strangers. Well, it seems as though we need to apply that same lesson to the classroom.

Students in a California high school English class are being shown “highly objectionable, materials that graphically deal with perverse sexual and violent subjects,” according to the Pacific Justice Institute.

Subjects “include unmentionable sexual behavior, watching women in strip clubs, access to adult bookstores and obtaining fake IDs.

In a daily journal exercise that is part of the students’ grade, the students were reportedly instructed to address the question, ’If you could murder anyone, who would it be, and how would you do it? Children who objected to the material have experienced verbal and written threats, by other students and the instructor.”

Why are these children sitting and taking this abuse? Why aren’t parents applying the same principals to these teachers as they do to strangers who approach their children to hurt them?

They need to teach their kids that a stranger is not always someone you don’t know… but someone who doesn’t respect your personal rights and beliefs.

This is Nina May hoping that kids will refuse this poison “candy” and run to safety.

Many people who are neutral on the issue of gun control, ask what’s the big deal about the government registering guns.

Dr. Stephen Halbrook offers an historic perspective to help answer that question. “On November 8, 1938, The New York Times reported that ‘The entire Jewish population of Berlin had been “disarmed” with the confiscation of 2,569 hand weapons. Any resisters were shot immediately. Thousands of Jews were taken away. Searches of Jewish homes were calculated to seize firearms and assets and to arrest adult males.’

It was self-evident that the Jews must be disarmed before the extermination could begin. Finding out which Jews had firearms was not too difficult. The liberal Weimar Republic passed a Firearm Law in 1928, [ten years before this], requiring extensive police records on gun owners. Hitler signed a further gun control law in early 1938.”

So in light of the very hostile speech against the “religious right” by certain presidential candidates from both parties it serves us well to remember history. That, coupled with the insistence by these same people that guns be registered or banned is cause for concern. A concern that our Founding Fathers obviously shared.

This is Nina May reminding you that history can teach us a lot . . . if we are willing to learn.

The anti-gun advocates have a hard time hiding their smug glee every time a gun is used in an unfortunate tragedy. They pull out their tired speeches about the gun being the enemy of the people, and additional laws being the only way to protect them.

This, in spite of the fact that dozens of gun laws are broken every time a gun is used to kill someone. But what about rules against screwdrivers?

Where are the grand speeches saying we should ban screwdrivers after the death of one student in Houston by another who stabbed him in the head with one?

What about seatbelts? The little six-year-old boy who was dragged to his death when his mom’s car was stolen, was caught in his seat belt. A feature required by law, to be worn by every passenger. Should the government be responsible for this boy’s death?

What about the little 12-year-old Russian girl on her tenth day in America who is sexually harassed by a 14-year-old boy and then beaten up and disfigured? What about banning fists in school?

Because obviously, it was not the screwdriver, the seatbelt, the fists that cause deaths or mayhem… any more than it is the gun. It was the people misusing them.

If Al Gore and Bill Clinton are so concerned about guns in this country they would immediately dismiss their secret service agents who are armed and according to Al and Bill — dangerous.

Oh, not them? Why is it OK for the Commander in Chief to be surrounded by armed guards while he discusses shredding the constitution and not allowing his “fellow” Americans to just defend themselves?

What about the single woman who lives in apartment alone?  Isn’t her life just as precious as the President’s? And what does he think would happen in America if there were no guns ?  That we would all live in peace and harmony?  No more attacks in public library parking lots with crow bars and sticks? No more throwing bricks at people’s heads, busting ice-skaters knee caps, stabbing and killing rape victims?

No, the mayhem, that he contends exists ONLY because guns are legal, would not only continue, but intensify against innocent victims. If Clinton really believed in gun control, tell him to dismiss his private army that insulates him from the real world, while the rest of the country has to deal with his justice department’s lenient sentencing of criminals that use guns.

The very open-minded, tolerant, and non-judgmental representatives of the homosexual community are trying to censor Dr. Laura from expressing her opinions.

Gay activists claim that it is not fair to talk about homosexuality and not have a homosexual on the show.

Does that mean we should balance every single liberal show with a conservative, woman’s show with a man, Asian show with another race?

But… for argument’s sake… let’s say she capitulates.

Would they approve of Michael Johnston of Keruso ministries who was in the lifestyle for years, contracted AIDS, become despondent, and finally decided he wanted to be liberated?

Would they mind him talking about the degradation of the soul, the hopelessness of the heart, the destruction of innocence?

Would they mind him talking about the vast majority of gays who were sexually molested as children which resulted in their sexual confusion and ambivalence?

No, I am sure they will want to censor that speech too. So much for open-minded, tolerance of opposing view points.

Let us know what you think at . . .while you still have the freedom to do it.