The movie industry always seems to have a reason why they should not be held to the same politically correct standards as everyone else.

They want the right to show anything, but will not shoulder any responsibility for what their movies teach. They claim that it is artistic and it reflects society but denounce anyone in society who does things shown in their movies.

In spite of political correctness, society is continuing to pack weapons, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, break the law, use the “N” word. So is that a reflection of society or not?

I let my nine-year-old son see the first three minutes of a movie to hear the opening music by his favorite composer. Before I could hit the controls… he heard the “N” word for the first time in his life. I told him it was not a nice word and not to use it. He asked what it meant. I told him it was a very bad word that people used in the past, for people of color. He said, “Well he just used it.”

If my response was, it’s just a movie, not reality, it undermines the industry’s claim that they are reflecting reality. So maybe the answer is that the politically correct liberals in the entertainment industry hold themselves accountable to the same standards they hold the rest of the country to.

Stop hiding behind artistic license to perpetuate stereotypes about groups of people, while denying they are promoting this behavior. Otherwise I have to tell my son the industry is full of hypocrites with two sets of standards

There is a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for DC involving the Church of Pierce Creek in New York. Their tax exempt status was revoked by the IRS because they distributed flyers before an election, suggesting that Christians should support candidates with the same belief system.  It did not tell the congregation how to vote.

Well, imagine my surprise to see a photo of Hillary kissing Al Gore on page A4 of the Washington Times on February 21 on the platform of the Wilborn Temple First Church of God in Christ, in Albany, New York.

The article said, “In a sometimes impassioned speech to more than 800 people at a largely black church, Mr. Gore accused the Republican challengers for the White House of being blind to racism.”

So I guess no one in the congregation, nor Al Gore, read the part in the Bible about judgement and casting stones. But that’s what the Bible says. What does the IRS say about using a church for partisan politicking? Gee .. ..why don’t we ask the Church at Pierce Creek?

I wonder where Al Gore stands on this case? Are there different standards for different parties?

What exactly does the ACLU really want? What is their agenda? They are like that little kid in school who tattles on everyone, and no one complains because they might be the next target. But enough is enough with the whining faction of the gestapo brigade.

They sent a letter to the coach of the University of Colorado basketball team DEMANDING that he call an end to the tradition of team prayer, saying they have received twenty complaints. Who from? From the players who VOLUNTARILY kneel at the end of practice?

Is it not their constitutionally protected right to pray? Would they be happier if the team swapped pornography in the name of free speech? Just what does the ACLU want?

It can’t be about free speech because every time a Christian is discriminated against . . . they are silent. They should stop hiding behind the First Amendment and just admit . . . they don’t like religious expression. But they are too late . . . the founding fathers guaranteed freedom against bottom feeders who would deny that freedom.

This is Nina May suggesting the ACLU just take a deep breath . . . and count to ten, and be thankful they have the right to be irritating tattletales.

Over 40 million babies have been aborted in America since the Supreme Court decided a woman has that right. But a right that wasn’t attached to the ruling, was the right to grieve.

No one wants to hear a woman go on and on about how old the baby would be today, or listen to her wonder about what he or she would look like. But it is acceptable, even embraced when a child whose name was given, picture was taken and body was cuddled, to be grieved in death.

Many will argue that the woman has no right to grieve since she was the one who aborted the baby. Well, actually a doctor aborted the baby and in the vast majority of circumstances it was under pressure by a third party. But that aside, why is she not allowed to accept the fact that her baby was killed in utero, and it is a great loss to her now?

Grieving is a natural process of loss, and the loss of a child through abortion is just as real as losing one in life… even though the grieving is alone and without support from others.

I challenge these grieving mothers to let their baby’s death count for something, and warn other women considering abortion, of the pain they will bear for a life-time. It’s a cinch the abortion industry won’t.

Are conservatives really a fringe group?

Did you know: That over 60 million households in America have guns?

That 53% of all people believe abortion is wrong and over 90% believe that partial birth abortion should be illegal? Eighty percent want tax cuts and feel government wastes too much money? Seventy percent want a choice in their kids education?

So according to these statistics, the vast majority of the American people are conservatives . . . whether they know it or not. M

aybe the reason they don’t know it, or identify themselves as such, is that the term has been so maligned.

Even Bradley accused Al Gore of, gasp, sounding too conservative . . . as though the indictment was that he beat Tipper.

In South Carolina, there was much hand wringing by the pundits that McCain and Bush were appealing to the conservative vote. As though it was a fringe group of radicals that shouldn’t even have the right to vote.

So the smart money is on the political team who can identify their base, reject stereotypes and realize the safest special interest group to play to . . . is the individual by just speaking the truth . . .and showing leadership.

Recently while in Korea we were asking someone the ages of a group of kids. The response was very unusual.

They gave their ages based on their birthday in Korea, and based on a birthday in America.

The dates were always a year apart. We thought it was because they were referring to the Chinese calendar. But they told us that in their country a child is a year old the day they are born because they consider them to be a viable human being the minute they are conceived.

So they count the time in the womb as though it was time outside the womb. With just this little distinction, they are speaking volumes about the worth and value of each of these children.

It’s as though kids in the West are irrelevant, ignored, and expendable before they take that first breath. Maybe if we looked at an unborn child, no matter what age in the womb, as a fully developed, viable fellow human being, then the abortion problem would solve itself.

It was humbling to know that each one of those Korean children was loved and appreciated from the moment their parents knew they had been conceived. How fortunate for them.

Do you know that most of the Republican primaries are open to everyone, no matter what party they belong to?

That means that the person who never votes for anything can become an active voice for one second. They can determine the outcome of a race just by voting for the person who would be the worst candidate… to give their guy the edge.

I have even voted in primaries of parties I didn’t belong to. If the invitation is open, why not try and have an impact. Remember… politics is a full contact sport… without shoulder pads or helmets. That is what the process is all about.

What I find exciting is that it totally confuses both sides. Nothing is definite… nothing is certain. No matter what the polls say . .. they can never predict the outcome of any race when the people voting have a hidden agenda.

So the primaries… for the democrats and republicans… are nothing more than additional fodder for media stories that in no way reflect the “true” will of the people. Only that will be seen on election day.

This is Nina May encouraging everyone to keep the pollsters guessing. Don’t let your vote be taken for granted.

If you read about Saul of Tarsus in Acts 8, killing and persecuting new Christians, entering houses, dragging off men and women to prison . . . you realize God’s incredible mercy.

Mercy you say? How merciful is that for God to allow His own people to be persecuted?

No, not them, blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake… I’m talking about His mercy for Saul. He loved him so much, in spite of his past that he appeared to him on the road to Damascus, blinded him, and led him to the home of new Christians.

The Lord then told Ananias to go pray for Saul of Tarsus at the house of Judas. He argued a bit with God explaining that this Saul guy hated Christians and was fond of killing them… but he went anyway.

Well we know the rest of the story… Paul became one of the greatest Apostles, responsible for spreading the Gospel to the world. I am rejoicing that God’s mercy has touched the heart of many unlikely converts and that His incomparable love is far greater than ours.

Part of redemption is forgiveness… but most of all… love.

This is Nina May, welcoming new believers to the Body of Christ . . . whoever they are . . . and no matter what their past is.

There is a story of a frontier woman, over one hundred years ago who would be a prime candidate for PROZAC today.

She and her young husband have their first crop destroyed by hail and have no money to replant. The entire family contracts diphtheria and the husband is crippled as a result of it. Their young son dies, their farm house is burned to the ground, they have no money, no home and, what would appear to many… no future.

The difference between today and yesterday is that these circumstances were just a sampling of daily problems facing everyone back then. But they didn’t give up, they dug in. There were no self-help books, no psychiatrists, no group therapy, no government programs.  Their faith, perseverance and determination kept them going. And millions like them, became the heart and soul of who we are as a nation today.

She and her little family decided to move to Missouri to start a new life. She began writing and has left her legacy on the world with her classic series, The Little House on the Prairie.

She, of course, is Laura Ingalls Wilder, a paradigm of the overcoming spirit. This is Nina May celebrating the pioneer spirit in all Americans.

We have all heard the myth that the Republican party is run or influenced by “big business.” But what does that mean?

Does that mean a baseball player who signs a $110 million dollar contract is big business? Or a movie star who pulls down $50 million for a movie is a Republican? Or are they speaking of corporations that employ millions of people across the country, who then pay up to 40% of their income in taxes so that the government can hire millions more?

In spite of the fact that the average donation for the Democratic party is over four times the average donation to the Republicans, and union workers have become cheap pawns of the multi-million dollar “big business” unions, these stereotypes still prevail.

What we should do, is look at the country without big business. Big is identified as any employer with over 20 employees. The economy would come to a screeching halt, the tax surplus would evaporate, and all the people who now throw stones at companies that keep bread on their table, would be too busy looking for jobs, to continue spreading this falsehood.

We have two basic choices politically .. .to support the givers or the takers. You figure out which party is which.