In any election year the double standards seem to triple.

George Bush is castigated for speaking at a University that legally promotes a religious philosophy. That doesn’t mean that everyone has to agree with it… any more than they have to agree with Al Sharpton’s racists comments that don’t seem to keep Hillary Clinton and Al Gore from embracing both the message and the messenger.

And, before he dropped out of the primary, Gary Bauer personified the extreme religious right, but since embracing McCain, the media portrays him as a moderate.

Bill Bradley, who is supposed to be the voice of reason says that Dr. Laura “makes him sick to his stomach.” She should not be allowed to have a TV show because she believes the homosexual lifestyle is destructive. He says, “Dr. Laura represents a homophobic extreme that indicates a deep-seated, border on hatred.”

Apparently his statement against her wouldn’t fall into that category. So men who support men who want to marry only men is ok, while a school that supports whites who only want to marry whites is not?

This is going to be an interesting year . .. if we can just keep track of all the hypocrisies.

Recently, I debated the issue of racism in America at GWU. The moderator of the debate, Armstrong Williams, is a dear friend. We even co-hosted a T.V. show called American Renaissance.

My position during the debate was that there is racism, but it can be solved with mutual respect, love, understanding and letting God change the hearts of man.

As I came down to the stage after begin introduced, Armstrong bowed to me as a gesture of respect and deep friendship, and then we embraced.

This gesture, from a black man to a white woman actually became an issue during the debates, many calling him an Uncle Tom for bowing to a white woman.

Would that accusation have been leveled at him for bowing to Queen Elizabeth, since millions of men, black and white have bowed to her? But it showed me the sad pettiness of racism that has kept us in bondage as a nation.

Until we collectively and individually decide that we are not defined by our past but by what we determine ourselves to be today then we will always be in bondage.

Slavery may be a thing of the past, but it is alive in the minds of those who refuse to let their hearts by freed by God’s love.

There has been quite a stir over a proposed OSHA regulation that leaked before it could be attached to some obscure bill. It basically said that employers would be responsible for the working conditions of employees who worked from their home.

So if McDonald’s can be sued for a cup of hot coffee balanced between a customer’s legs… imagine the implications for breakfast in the home of an employee. But I think the reason it was quickly rescinded was because they realized that the White House would fall under that category.

Because the President works for the people… his employer… and he works from his home… the White House… he would come under that regulation.

OSHA would have to ensure that knee pads were issued to interns should their duty require time on their knees. They would curtail the distribution of tobacco products to minors… lit or unlit.

I am sure the decision had nothing to do with the opinion that what a president did in the privacy of his own home was his own business. If that’s the case… then OSHA would never get to suggest this silly regulation again. But keep an eye on them in case they try.

Hillary Clinton has finally made it official. She will be running for the U.S. Senate from New York.

Many people think she is qualified, even though she has never lived in New York, but was raised in Illinois. They think that even though she has never held an elected office, just being a lawyer qualifies her. They feel that because she is an advocate for women and children and has a respected voice in the nation, written books, traveled the world, that she is qualified. They think that because she is recognized as a courageous advocate and activist against injustice, that she is qualified to run for U.S. Senate from a state she has never lived in.

That is actually wonderful news. That means that these same people have just declared that Phyllis Schlafly should be the next Senator from New York. She shares exactly the same credentials as Hillary . . .with one exception. She earned her notoriety and position in American politics . . . she didn’t use her husband and his position to establish herself politically.

Ironically . . . Phyllis is the real feminist of the two. I wonder if they would vote for her?

Who you would vote for the Senate. . . Hillary Clinton or Phyllis Schlafly?

My best friend growing up had three brothers the same ages as all of mine. But we were raised differently.  My brothers let me play games or sports with them, only if I could cut it. Her parents forced her brothers to allow her to play. If I had a dispute with my brothers, we would be told to put the boxing gloves on and settle it properly . . . no bare knuckles allowed. If she had a dispute, she would go running to her mom crying. If we misbehaved, we had to do pushups… her brothers were never disciplined, except when they picked on her.

As we grew up, my brothers respected me and included me in everything they did, because they wanted to, not because they were forced to. Her brothers couldn’t wait to get away from her.

These are two simple scenarios of children at play where one group settled their own problems and were all treated equally, and the other group had special privileges for the whiner.  One family of kids had unit cohesiveness, the other self-destructed.

So the point is, by catering to the demands of the overly-sensitive homosexuals, the Army will become the dysfunctional family, they will no longer operate as a cohesive military team, and will have outlived their purpose.

I know a woman who rejected God, the Bible and Christianity because of a verse in it where Jesus says he came to divide father from son, brother from brother.

This very spiritual verse was read and translated with the mind of man. Jesus is speaking of the type of division that occurs when a young man or woman leaves their home, separate themselves from their families and join together as one in holy union. This is the type of union he calls us too . .. a holy union, the bride with the bridegroom . . . where the spiritual bond between us and God is stronger than any blood bonds we have every known on earth.

The Word divides flesh from spirit so that we can truly reflect His perfect and complete love for those around us. Until we die to self we will never live . . .

All of these are mysteries in the Bible that can’t be explained with the head . . . only with the heart and the interpretation of the One who wrote it.

Ironically, this woman’s wrong misinterpretation of that verse was what estranged her from her son her whole life . . . because she refused to allow the son to have that intimate relationship with Christ. That was the division Christ spoke of . . . but it was not caused by Him. It was caused by a rejection of Him.

When you fly over a city or country . .. no matter how poor it is . .. it always looks better from the air. Then when you get in a car and drive through the same town, you are shocked by the contrast as though it can’t be the same place you just flew over.

That is how God sees us all the time .. .after He has landed and seen how imperfect we are . .. but His image of us is air-borne. He sees the vastness of our hearts, the depth of our character, the terrain of our personalities and the flowing rivers of love we are looking to share with others.

We are the ones tripping over the mundane, failing to see our potential, refusing to accept that we have a destiny that is a beautiful landscape of ideas, creativity and dreams. But nothing is hidden from God . .. He gets the birds- eye view of our potential plus a nostril full of our depravity . . . and He still loves us.

Maybe we need to change our perspective of God and see that He cares about the mundane, but beckons us to a higher calling. Nothing is too difficult or far away for God to handle. If we just let Him land on our airfields to help show us the way to higher altitudes . . . and . . . attitudes.

This is ground control at

A friend of mine was one of the first young men to attend Vassar. He said he knew there were a lot of feminists there, but he and his roommate decided to make the best of things as some of the only men attending.

As young freshmen do, they decorated their dorm room with posters and reminders of home. One of the posters was of Farrah Fawcett in a bathing suit. Many of you remember the photo . . .mostly hair, but strategic body parts covered.

One day they returned to their dorm room to find the poster defaced and feminist graffiti scrawled all over the room declaring these two to be sexist pigs. These intelligent intruders signed their names. The men went to their room to confront them about their vandalism. When the women opened the door the two men were stunned. Not as much by the room plastered with playboy centerfolds of women . .. but by the hypocrisy of these women claiming that the men were the sexist pigs.

I only tell you this story because I have been asked many times why I think the feminists do nothing to stop degrading pornography against women. Are there any more questions?

The Army is mandating homosexual sensitivity training.

I never thought I would ever hear the words “Army” and “sensitivity” in the same sentence. But there might be good news in this ridicules mandate.

This sudden interest in being sensitive to the more “feminine” side of man might be extended to the real woman. That might mean no more pornography in the PX, no more foul language and blonde bimbo jokes, no more movies that aren’t sensitive to everyone’s feelings.

Then they can turn in their very offensive guns, ditch those mean, insensitive bombs, and all sit around singing Kumbaya and feel good about being so . . . sensitive.

What again is the purpose of the military, and why does the Pentagon keep insisting it needs more money? Money for what . .. to train their men to be weenies?

It seems as though they have forgotten why they exist. What would General Patton say I wonder? I know what General George Washington would do. He would enlist his own army from the citizens, form a militia, and throw off the bonds of politically correct tyranny.

This is Nina May, longing for the good old days when men were men . . not sensitive, pseudo-women, cry babies. Sorry . . .I failed sensitivity training.



In Washington, D.C. we just experienced the worst blizzard of the century.

Boy, that sounds so historic. The federal government was shut down for two days. I am not complaining. It makes me long for snow year round. But what is amazing… is how you can see in an emergency, what government functions are necessary, and which ones aren’t.

Government jobs that keep America moving and productive . . . those are good . . . like the snow plow guys. Jobs that stop growth, productivity, entrepreneurship and creativity . . . are defined as unessential.

It is sad that it takes a snow storm to perfectly illustrate the benefits of the free market and the detriments of bureaucratic supremacy.

No matter how high snow gets, the gas is pumped, the bread is sold, the coffee is ground, the snow stuff is sold, the papers are printed, the news is made, the anchors are coifed, the tollbooths are manned . . . but the government can’t seem to function.

Some have said it’s because they would tie up traffic if they came in. Two points . .. if government workers are so many that they tie up traffic .. .they are TOO many . . . and why is the private sector not tying up traffic but still functioning? What is an essential government worker? You tell me . .. we are at