Have you ever seen people walking up and down the beach looking for coins or jewelry with a metal detector? They know it is there somewhere.

The recent State of the Union speech reminded me of that. As we get closer to another presidential election, it is imperative for all the candidates, and their respective parties, to start putting the metal to the beach and finding out where the treasure is.

After seven years of rejecting any tax cuts… In fact, raising taxes, increasing spending, increasing government control… now President Clinton is talking about cutting taxes, reducing the marriage tax, and giving a college tuition credit.

All good Republican ideas. But just in case the treasure is over the dune… he is also promising to spend more money, raise taxes and fund every government whim known to man.

So instead of relying on the metal detector to let off that little high pitched beep beep beep, when he gets close to the treasure… the voters will have to do that. The beep will let him know he is over someone else’s property… or it will let him know that he has hit a gold mine of political support.

So it is up to the voters to beep… one way or the other. This is Nina May beeping to return the treasure to its rightful owners.

In the mid ‘80s I knew a young lady who was a Senior at Harvard University, who we quaintly referred to as our Yankee friend. She didn’t mind . . .she was proud of her New England roots.  So when she was reprimanded for flying a confederate flag from her dorm room she was amazed by the accusations of racism.

She wondered why only her flag was not allowed to be hung outside her dorm window, when several ANC flags, communist flags and Nicaraguan flags were prominently on display. She said, she might not agree with, and may even be offended by what they stood for, but she wasn’t going to tell them they couldn’t express their opinion. And at the very least, if she couldn’t display hers, certainly the standard should be applied fairly, and they should all come down.

She went on to explain that for her, the confederate flag had nothing to do with the south, with slavery, with any meaning others may attach to it. She said for her it was a symbol of rebellion against government tyranny . . .for example, the kind of tyranny that could tell her she couldn’t express her views while others around her could?

Gee, maybe she had a point . . . Free speech does not guarantee you will like what you hear . . . or that others will like what you say.

Imagine you are standing in a check-out line at a store, having a conversation with your spouse and someone overhears it, disagrees with you, calls the police, has you arrested… and it is perfectly legal.

Absurd you say? Well not if the conversation was about abortion, you are pro-life and the eavesdropper is pro-choice. And not if the Supreme Court fails to overturn a Colorado State statute that criminalizes free speech if the topic is abortion.

It is referred to as the “floating bubble zone” case or Hill vs. Colorado. This law actually says that a pro-life person cannot even have a conversation with a pro-choice person without their permission, if they are less than eight feet away.

The purpose was to protect women outside abortion clinics from being assaulted. But we already have assault laws. The First Amendment makes no guarantees that you will agree with what someone says… but it does ensure that you have the right to say it.

For those who think the next President doesn’t matter . .. watch the decisions and the outcome of this case . . . and then decide. Your freedoms may be one vote away from being terminated. And that one vote could be decided by the next President.

Think about it . . . we are at ninamay.com.

The scribes, pharisees, and Sadducees were all learned men who spent their entire lives transcribing and translating the scriptures. They were the most intelligent men of their times and their main goal was to interpret the prophecies to determine when the Messiah was coming. And although the prophecies were clear that His birth and life would be humble . . .their intelligence misled them into believing he would come as the conquering hero to save them from bondage by the Romans.

So as smart, prepared, read and intelligent as they were . . . when their Messiah did come . . . not only did they not recognize or receive him . . .they nailed him to a cross.

This is not a judgement on the learned men of that time, it is just an observation that many times our intellect can be the enemy of our heart. If we are not open to hear the ever present, non-linear voice of God . . . to interpret His word for us, we will miss the message . . . big time. It is interesting that more and more Jews are accepting Christ as their savior because they have learned to read the scriptures with their hearts . .. and not their heads.

The truth was there all along . .. but now “they have eyes to see, and ears to hear,” as Christ said.

A number of people have asked what I think about Jane Fonda’s conversion to Christianity. Some are suspicious about it being real. But in light of the current social status, where Christians are the only group it is fashionable to discriminate against . .. why would someone pretend to join it?

What would she have to gain by telling everyone she had become a member of society’s least respected group of people. She isn’t running for anything, and it has certainly alienated her from people she cares about. It has to be real for a number of reasons. God loves everyone and accepts them just where they. All men are redeemable … no matter what they have done … take Saul of Tarsus, whose redemption and conversion brought about the writing and spreading of the Gospel around the world.

God loves Jane Fonda as much as those who have condemned her. God loves making a statement. But most of all … God answers prayers. Many of us have been praying for her, and Ted for years…

So, I rejoice at her conversion and pray that all believers join in that rejoicing . . . and refrain from second guessing whether it is real or not.

There was a very interesting law suit recently that makes you long for the days when we pondered what is… “is”.

Federal Magistrate William Sanderson, decided that he knows best what “better” means. This very subjective word, that is used in everything from the Oscars to the Miss America pageant, is now a tangible, definable word that is not allowed even in the most personal of opinions.

Apparently, Pizza Hut is offended that Papa John has declared their pizza to be “better” because of its ingredients. But a judge, who must prefer Pizza Hut pizza, said that Papa Johns could not say they were “better” any more, and awarded Pizza Hut $468,000. But what if the consumer thinks it is? Does that matter?

What if taste tests were done and even one person said it was better than Pizza Hut’s pizza would that matter? The point is, why should the government — in any form – be defining taste for consumers?

Obviously many people think it is better otherwise they would choose the other pizzas when offered a choice. So I think we should all go to Papa John’s and decide for ourselves if their pizza really is better than the competition. Let us know what you think after tasting their pizza.

We’re at ninamay.com.

The Attorney General’s office of Colorado, has bought into the sexist, discriminating, homosexual agenda.. They say that a man … who dresses as a woman, has a right to use the ladies’ room.

Does that include a peeping Tom, rapist, or any man who decides to put on a dress and invade the privacy of women in her private space?

The homosexual movement has become a very clever excuse to destroy women’s rights and the gains they have made.

But the real inconsistency is that this office will stand firmly behind the Supreme Court decision to allow a woman to have an abortion . . . based on a penumbra . . .or shadow of the law …. that says her right to privacy supercedes the right for that child to be born.

Shouldn’t that same right to privacy supercede the right of some guy in a dress, pretending to be a woman, to invade that privacy?

Why is the right to murder an unborn child in the woman’s best interest but her interests are ignored in other areas of privacy?

Women have become the expendable pawns of the abortion industry and the homosexual community, who are determined to destroy everything sacred to them, from their marriage, to their family, to their unborn children. If you agree .. .or not… let us know at ninamay.com.



Several years ago, a woman in China, wanted freedom so desperately for her four sons that she sold her eyes to a wealthy man whose daughter was blind.

The money she received purchased tickets on a tramp steamer to California for her sons, with no hope of, literally, ever seeing them again. Her love for them was greater than her love for herself and her sight.

God protected these young boys and arranged for them to be adopted, raised and educated by a wealthy businessman. They are now successful and have devoted their lives to sharing God’s unconditional love with people around the world who have never had the freedom to know God.

So their mother’s sacrifice of love, has touched thousands of lives.

In a similar situation today, Elian Gonzalez’s mother’s sacrifice has opened the dialogue again of freedom versus oppression. And Christ’s sacrifice for every man is a perfect summary of the love of both mother’s for their sons… a desire that all might have life and have it more abundantly.

He came to set the captives free and to bind up the broken-hearted. These women manifested His perfect love on earth and lives have changed as a result. This is Nina May celebrating freedom.

The Zumwalt family extended grace and mercy to President Clinton by asking him to give a eulogy at the funeral of Admiral Zumwalt, who served as Chief of Naval Operations during the Viet Nam conflict.

Even though Bill Clinton had stated, and illustrated openly, his loathing of the military by avoiding the draft . . . the past has been forgotten by those who want to move on. And even though Admiral Zumwalt’s son, Elmo Jr., did the honorable thing and served in the Viet Nam war, and lost his life as a result of it . . .there are no hard feelings extended to Bill Clinton that he did not honor his duty to serve.

So I hope that those who would stand and throw stones at other presidential hopefuls today, for youthful indiscretions that reflected poor judgement yesterday, will show the same mercy. Extend to them the same grace, forgiveness and love that has been extended to Bill Clinton by the Zumwalt family.

A good slogan, to have emblazoned on the hearts and minds of all those running in this next election should be . .. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

It is amazing to me how liberals can actually look themselves in the mirror and not either burst out laughing or die of shame.

Middle America is told that they should not be shocked, amazed, or disturbed by men doing all kinds of tortuous things to each other, their pets or livestock.

We are supposed to be nonplused and accepting of every perversion known to man on the Internet and in periodicals, plus make it available to everyone to see.

We are supposed to be avant guard about self-mutilation, and the by-product of bodily functions… But suddenly… we are supposed to be SHOCKED and outraged when a baseball player, John Rocker, thinks that someone with purple hair is odd.

We are supposed to censor and send him to the shrink because he thinks a young unmarried women of twenty shouldn’t be having kids out of wedlock.

And although we are supposed to be very upset by the recent outbreak of tuberculosis, we are to be more upset that this man even mentions the spread of AIDS which is life threatening.

Now… if I have missed something here… will someone please tell me at ninamay.com, because when I look at myself in the mirror . . . I don’t want to see a hypocrite staring back.