Israel is in the middle of a big “do-over.” It reminds me of when I was a little girl, with two older brothers, and one younger, and sometimes I would beat them all at something. But when I did, they were not only shocked and amazed… but royally ticked. They devised this rule that was new to me… called a “do-over.” They basically said that the laws of nature were not aligned properly and that I, by all rational calculations, should never have won.

So for them… a “do-over” was perfectly logical. And the threat of not doing a “do-over” was a life-time of noogies.  You know, those sharp little knuckle things aimed at the scalp.

Well, I understand how Israel feels. In 1967, they miraculously fought off the attacks of three major surrounding nations, with no warning, and won after only six days of fighting, and now the world and American liberals want a “do-over.”

But how far back do they want to go? 4,000 years ago God gave the Jews that land, and He even changed Abraham’s grandson’s name from Jacob to Israel. The world can try and do a “do-over” with God, but something tells me… it will be hard to noogie Him.

I was reminded the other night why I don’t watch Saturday Night Live anymore. I used to love it with John Belushi, Dan Akroyd, Gilda Radner, and Eddie Murphy who were real comedians that didn’t rely on trashing someone’s character to get a few laughs.

I had never heard of a Brave’s player named John Rocker, but after the horrific impersonation the show made of him, I know he must be a nice person. Both he and his father were maligned as being nuts and having an incestuous relationship because of an interview in Sports Illustrated where John gave an opinion about riding the subway in New York… an observation shared by millions.

He was ridiculed for stating an opinion, and making a poignant remark on society as a whole. Could that same observation be extended to the writers, producers, directors of Saturday Night Live who repeated the opinion by way of perverted exaggeration?

What kind of country have we become when stating an opinion is an excuse for character assassination, and acting out the opinion, is considered hip humor. There is nothing mature, funny or noble about using the public airwaves to destroy a person’s character.

The Bible really can’t be taught in public schools because it is meaningless when approached from an intellectual perspective. The true meaning can only be discovered through revelation knowledge, not by applying man’s understanding to it.

Why else do you always find atheists who teach in Seminaries and Bible colleges, but never see the mystery behind the words? Because they are interpreting it with their limited knowledge, disregarding the Author’s opinion. It would be as though they were teaching about the love letters from one person to another.

They can teach the mechanics, the style, the historical significance . . . but they will never understand the mystery of the love between the two . . . unless one of them reveals it. God’s word is a love letter to his church . . . to his believers. He has hidden truths in there, just for his beloved, as they pray for revelation as they read.

There are many verses that say the meanings will be revealed in time, to those who are seeking a deeper understanding of God’s heart.

I am glad they don’t teach the Bible in public school, because there is only one Teacher qualified for that job . . . the One who penned it .. .the Holy Spirit.

This is Nina May suggesting that if we want to learn the mysteries of God’s Word . . . we have to let Him teach us.

Billions of dollars are being spent to convince sovereign nations that the U.N should be the head of a One World government.

Countries are being lobbied, coerced and threatened to change their constitutions to give more power to the U.N.. Treaties and executive orders are being signed that violate constitutions and vest more power in this global organization.

But what good are they really? For example . . .there has been a pending referendum before the U.N. for almost ten years, to allow the Sahrawi people to determine whether they want to maintain their sovereignty . . . . or continue under Moroccan occupation, as they have for the past 25 years.

For eight years, the UN has spent millions of dollars to register 100,000 people to vote and now has postponed the vote for another 2 years.

This is a pathetic display of a bureaucratic process out of control . . . but with the power to destroy lives.

There are no checks and balances, no avenues of redress to protest this latest dictum.

This should be a warning to everyone that the One World everyone talks about, will be a very expensive bureaucratic nightmare where even the slightest conflict will have no hope of peaceful resolution . . . for years.

Tell us what you think at

I remember watching the Sound of Music as a young girl and being caught up in the politics of the film.  Nice songs, cute dancing… great matching outfits… but the setting of the movie was chilling.

Life seemed pretty great for the Von Trapps… until people start telling them what to believe and what flag to display in front on their home.

I remember burning with anger as a young girl, seeing some stranger come to his home, trying to intimidate him about flying the Austrian flag, as opposed to the Nazi flag of Germany. I’m not Austrian… so it must have been the principle that upset me.

What is so poignant is that Sybil Peachlove of York, Pennsylvania, is experiencing the same thing at the hands of the City officials. She has been told she can not display the flag of her religious faith in front of her home. What harm was it doing the Germans to have this man display the flag of his nationality, in his own country, in front of his home? What harm is it doing the City of York, to have Sybil display a flag, in front of her own home, which simply says . . . Jesus is Alive?

The similarities are very chilling.

When an era passes, it is not marked by nines turning to zeros, it is marked by the passing of a hero.

Admiral Elmo Zumwalt was a true pioneer whose character was reflected in his instincts for justice, integrity, and honor. Many remember him as the Commander of the Naval forces in Vietnam where the tragedy of the war touched him personally in the death of his son.

But what I remember most about him was his commitment to those he cherished. I love the story of how he met Mousa, his wife of over 54 years, in Shanghai. She was Russian and he was a young American Lieutenant. The only language they shared was love. He said it was her smile that captivated him and three weeks later they were married.

They remained steadfastly devoted to each other for over half a century and their love story surpasses time, distance, language and nationality.

I will miss Bud and his incredible sense of humor, but the look of adoration and love, that he always gave his bride, is what I will miss most. Because it symbolized for me, the purest model of Christ’s unconditional love for His bride.

So Bud, thank you for giving us a glimpse of eternity.

The millennium turnover came and went without a hitch.

Were those accurate compliance charts for major cities … indicating that at least one major utility would malfunction?

Over $200 billion dollars was spent around the world to ensure compliance when the clocks turned all those nines into zeros.

There are many theories circulating as to why the panic …everything from allowing more government access into our personal lives, to the major networks ensuring that everyone stayed home to watch their shows on New Year’s eve.

But what if there really was a problem that the billions of dollars and thousands of man hours solved? Shouldn’t we be thankful instead of complaining that nothing happened? When hurricanes miraculously switch directions in mid-swirl, everyone blames the weathermen for bad reporting, instead of thanking God for answered prayers.

It is easy to be cynical on the first day of the new year with lights, heat, T.V., Internet still functioning the same. But what if nothing had been done? Would the world be different today?

This is Nina May . .. thankful to have heat, light and water, hoping you feel the same. Let us know at

This election cycle could be very interesting. It could be Hillary’s village experiment actualized. She has changed the paradigm of national and state politics, and I have an idea that will test that new paradigm.

Why doesn’t everyone, who knows their vote won’t count in their home state, move to New York for a season and really become involved in national politics? After all, we are becoming a one-world government. Why not carry that theme to the country?

If anyone can choose a state to run from without living there… why shouldn’t voters be allowed to vote in a state, without living there? Let the whole country get involved in the New York race.

This is the village that Hillary talks about… Shouldn’t everyone from around the country be a part of this global/national experiment?

Now of course she and the democrats can’t complain if a few republicans decide to change their voting address to New York and she happens to get defeated. But those are the chances you take when you start pulling up political roots and pretending you are from one state when you really aren’t.

Yes, this could be a very interesting election year. This is Nina May, at, with my eye on Manhattan.

If you read the writings of George Washington, there is constant reference to the United States being a Christian nation, ordained by God as such.

Should we have a “do over” and really apply the precepts of the founding fathers, who established this as a Christian nation, and say no other religions allowed? You know… real intolerance?

Like many countries in the world that have a state-sponsored religion where opposing beliefs are not allowed and practitioners are punished, or worse. If the United States had stayed within the strict precepts paradigm, then no one of another faith would ever have been allowed to immigrate… and it would be purely Christian today.

In spite of what many would have us believe, that is not what Christianity is all about. The biggest accusation you can level against it, is that it is too tolerant, too open, too accepting of different ideas and beliefs because guess what?  That is the nature of Christ.

Remember, He was the guy who hung with the tax collectors and prostitutes, and condemned the religious hypocrites? That is the paradigm of Christianity and to embrace Christ means to embrace, and love, the whole world.

As we come to the end of the millennium it is hard not to contrast the beginning of the last one with the ending of this one.

Two thousand years ago we saw the birth of hope for the world in the person of Jesus Christ. And as the religious leaders of that time wisely said, “let the Christians alone. If it is just a cult it will die out, and if Jesus truly was the son of God, then there is nothing we can do to stop the spread of this new religion.”

That was very prophetic and history has shown that indeed, Christianity is as alive today as it was when the stone was rolled from the tomb to reveal a promise kept . . . a risen savior for the world.

But where are we now, as a world? Some scholars believe that we are at the end of the sixth day and the new millennium will usher in the return of Christ to rule the world. But the lines are clearly being drawn spiritually and the day of deciding to be, hot for Him, or cold against Him, are upon us.

May this year be the year you decide which side of eternity you will be on. This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women wishing you a thoughtful New Year.