As we come to the end of the millennium it is hard not to contrast the beginning of the last one with the ending of this one.

Two thousand years ago we saw the birth of hope for the world in the person of Jesus Christ. And as the religious leaders of that time wisely said, “let the Christians alone. If it is just a cult it will die out, and if Jesus truly was the son of God, then there is nothing we can do to stop the spread of this new religion.”

That was very prophetic and history has shown that indeed, Christianity is as alive today as it was when the stone was rolled from the tomb to reveal a promise kept . . . a risen savior for the world. But where are we now, as a world?

Some scholars believe that we are at the end of the sixth day and the new millennium will usher in the return of Christ to rule the world.

But the lines are clearly being drawn spiritually and the day of deciding to be, hot for Him, or cold against Him, are upon us.

May this year be the year you decide which side of eternity you will be on.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women wishing you a thoughtful New Year.



The end of the millennium, century, decade, year has many speculating that it is a ripe season for terrorists attacks . . . for one reason or another.

But what is interesting is that all attention seems to be directed at the Muslim fundamentalists around the world, with specific emphasis on Osama Bin Laden . . .remember . .. . Clinton’s foil during his impeachment escapades?

But it all seems to receive a big yawn from the potential victims of such terrorists attacks. They say, Oh yes, the Jihad group, the torch and burn, strap explosives to the body group . . .whatever.

It is almost as though we have come to recognize and accept that there are religious fanatics of a specific faith who have made a life mission of destroying the heathen infidel. But heaven forbid, if that same infidel put a nativity scene on public property . . . or mention the name of Jesus in a public work place, or pray in a public school.

The anti-religious crowd should be thankful that the only thing Christians do during their holy days is stimulate the economy and sing some really neat songs. Now tell me again why the Christians are the ones who are intolerant?

At the end of Ramadan last week, the State Department hosted its first Iftar, which is a dinner that breaks the religious fast.

Madeleine Albright joined the dinner and asked “how can anyone apply a stereotype to a quarter of the globe’s people?”

It’s not hard Madeleine, Christians are stereotyped all the time as being intolerant, hateful, and bigoted. She also noted that the State Department needed to be more active in recruiting American Muslims for posts at that agency.

At the same time however, President Clinton is characterizing the Southern Baptists as an organization that “perpetuates ancient religious hatred.”

Now clearly, there is no wall of separation between church and state at the State Department for Muslims, but there is blatant hostility toward a Christian sect, identifying it as “being intolerant.”

If the government embraces one religion, supporting its sacraments, recruiting from within its ranks… then surely this should be the standard for all religions… even the ones labeled as intolerant.

Why does that wall only come down on special occasions, for a select few? This is Nina May, just asking for a little consistency from our leaders.

Alec Baldwin, a multi-millionaire who is part of the liberal elite in Hollywood, has very definite ideas about how Henry Hyde and Republicans should be treated.

He shared his views during a tirade on the Conan O’Brien show on National TV. He whipped the crowd into a cheering frenzy by suggesting that they go to the Capitol and stone Henry Hyde, and then go to his home and kill his wife and kids.

This is interesting from a man who sued a photographer for trying to take a photo of his new born baby and wife as they returned from the hospital. He is not tolerant of his privacy being violated, yet he will call for the assassination of a public official and their wife and children.

But that aside, Alec Baldwin has now become the biggest argument against gun control. If this man, who obviously has a national forum, can incite millions of people to riot and kill, then the targeted people have no option but to protect themselves and their families by invoking the protection of the 2nd Amendment. So this is the saner, gentler side of liberalism?

Do you remember the movie, The Truman Show? The main character, Truman, was raised in a town created by a producer who broadcast his every move 24 hours a day.

Truman’s world was designed by the producer to be idyllic . . and controlled by the producer.

He would make the news fit the unplanned events of the day with outrageous explanations that Truman always accepted.

Until one day he started questioning what was on the news. He knew there was more truth than he was receiving. And the minute he began to question, or doubt the “reality” that had been created around him . . . everyone turned on him.

I am surprised daily by how many Trumans listen to this commentary. Some people actually think I make this stuff up because they have not heard it on the evening news, or on CNN. But that’s the point of the commentaries . . . to break you out of the producer-created reality and into the real world.

It was hard for Truman to believe his whole life had been a lie . . . but when he did . . . he went forward not back. I am glad that many of you are taking that first step to discovering a world beyond the mainstream media. This is Nina May challenging you to keep asking questions.

I have asked many of my Jewish friends through the years what they would have done if they had lived in Nazi Germany during the religious persecution. Would they have resisted? Would they have worn the yellow star of David? At what point would they have seen their country going down that slippery slope and done something about it? Would it have been during a nationally televised debate between two members of the Socialist party running for President?

When one refers to a candidate from the Republican party as being intolerant because he acknowledges Christ as his favorite political philosopher? Was Bush supposed to lie to appease Al Gore’s religious litmus test?

If acknowledging that Christ is your favorite political philosopher earns you the badge of intolerance, then the vast majority of Americans could be walking around with yellow crosses stitched to their clothing, if Al Gore is elected.

Didn’t we learn anything from Hitler’s selective persecution against a specific religion?

Can someone please tell Al Gore that lesson, before he grows one of those silly little mustaches?

If you listen to the words of the old Christmas Carols you will notice that not only are they heralding the arrival of the Savior, the new born King . . . they are introducing unbelievers to Him.

Joy to the world . . . not just to Christians . . . let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare Him room. This is an invitation . . . not a commandment. Even nature is implored to sing His praises. Joy to the earth, the savior reigns . . . while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy. And the message is timeless. In Bethlehem, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

When Christ was born, there was no Catholic or Protestant or denominational conflict. Christ fulfilled Gods promise to the Jews, but his salvation is a gift to the entire world. The most priceless and enduring gift you can share with someone is a personal relationship with the one whose birthday we celebrate today . . . Christ, the newborn King.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women wishing you a blessed Christmas.

Have you heard the news? Lady Justice has just had laser surgery on her eyes. She is no longer blind. Actually… she got the surgery just before the impeachment hearings of President Clinton.

Although he classifies lying under oath as defending the Constitution, there are American citizens who served time in jail for the exact same crime of perjury under the exact same conditions.

Remember when we learned of members of congress taking a private, recorded conversation, between two other members of congress, when NEITHER knew they were being recorded… and using it against them? Nothing was said or done about this illegal and highly unethical activity.

Now Linda Tripp is being tried for protecting herself and taping her own conversations while the court is making Clinton look like the victim. The blind fold has not only slipped off the eyes of Lady Justice… it has fallen around her neck and is strangling our judicial process.

This is a dark day in our American history when a citizen is prosecuted for bringing truth to the light.

The recent rioting in Seattle is a rehearsal of things to come . . . especially if a Republican is elected president.

But the rioting is a natural out-growth of a permissive society where there are no real absolutes . . . even death and taxes have become negotiable.

It’s the Lord of The Flies revisited. When the children are free to run wild and decide the rules and laws as they go, we can only expect anarchy to be a natural byproduct.

And since law enforcement agencies have had free reign under a liberal administration, that has used them as their own private detective firm, employing intimidation tactics and even mass murder . . . ala Waco .. . they won’t be stopped now. Try and put that genie back in the bottle.

So you have an amoral society clashing with a police force with no bounds or restrictions. This is a recipe for revolution. And they want the average American, the logical victim of such violence and mayhem . . . .to disarm themselves and trust the other guys with guns?

So expect moral relativism and situational ethics . . .the lessons in yesterday’s classrooms to be exhibited in tomorrow’s streets

Choose Life are Offensive … So Choose Death Wouldn’t Be?

There was a controversy in Florida over allowing a license plate that said, “Choose Life.” Apparently it was considered offensive by people who tried to get it censored.

You know, the same people who drive around in designer cars with those little bumper stickers that say, “don’t censure the arts”, “Buchanan is a Fascist” and “no Internet blocking in libraries”. But what is offensive about Choosing life?

Would they be happier if it read, choose a gun? Choose a cigarette? Choose a knife, drugs, death or mayhem?

This really is not a controversial word … this word “life.” We all tend to cling to it rather tenaciously. But when you pair it up with the politically exploited word “choose”… it becomes lethal.

But it’s all relative.

If you ask someone from FSU, which they would rather have on their car. .. a “Choose Life” license plate or a “Go Gators” license plate, they would choose “life” every time. But I think what is really at the heart of this controversy is just plain old fashioned jealousy.

The pro-abortion people are upset that no one wants to drive around with a license plate that says… choose abortion, death, murder or infanticide.