Jocelyn Elders wants us to legalize prostitution because she says we have trained our young girls to be virgins and our young men to be studs.

She must be living in a time warp. The training today is to show young girls how to put contraceptives on their partners, and show young men how to embrace homosexuality as a preferred lifestyle. In fact, she was opposed to the idea of teaching abstinence in school. She insisted that AIDS training, contraceptive distribution and alternative lifestyles be taught to young kids when she was Surgeon General.

You can’t teach AIDs training, which is really a manual on sexual experimentation, without making a huge assumption that young kids are going to be sexually active.

So who are these virgins she is talking about? They are the modern-day revolutionaries who are challenging this status quo. They are the radicals wanting real love, not free love.  They want commitment and purity, not an endless search for intimacy.

They are the ones who hopefully will train the next generation that the lies of the adults today should be ignored and challenged tomorrow.

The federal government is trying to create yet one more dilemma for Americans.

Some in the current Administration are insisting that hate crimes legislation be passed that broaden that description. Others argue that all assault is a hate crime and it’s redundant to have a special category for them. But you can’t legislate against hate, no matter how many bills you pass.

The solution to preventing these hate crimes from occurring has been rejected and banned by the same government. The manual that explains clearly how we should all treat one another, with love, respect and honor . . . has been banished from schools and public places. The laws given, by God himself, that tell us to love one another, are forbidden to be posted. The person who exemplifies perfect love and has changed even the blackest heart is outlawed from being mentioned.

So the solution to solving crimes of hate is not to redefine them with inflammatory, politically correct words . . . the solution is to try and change that hate into love in the hearts of man.

The manual by the way is the Bible, and the man who continues to teach us to love . . . is Jesus.

The Democratic Leadership Council wants Al Gore to pretend to be more moderate and to ignore his liberal base. It sounds as though they have been talking to the Republicans.

It must be a party conspiracy to disenfranchise both wings from their parties and pretend to be moderate… just for a season. With the Republican party… that is not difficult. They have been playing that role for eight years now. But for the Democrats to suddenly “pretend” to be moderate when all the indicators point to the contrary is a little duplicitous.

If the plan of both parties is to ignore their bases and play to the middle of the road, the two bases have a few options. They can take their marbles and go home. They can stick with their parties, and chosen candidates, and play the game by their rules… or they can begin educating people in the middle and make a real difference.

Everyone gets one vote, however, they have the power to influence thousands more. But don’t leave it to the candidates. No one, even in middle America, will believe that Al Gore is a moderate… unless it is repeated enough.

The anti-tobacco people are upset again . . . not because people are smoking too much . . .but too little.

It seems as though the tobacco industry is making less money than before because of the anti-smoking campaigns and the increased price of cigarettes.

Increased because the government sued them for inflicting their product on people who can’t read a health warning on the side of each package.

So the $206 billion dollars that states were expecting to get over the next 25 years is being reduced. And they have already spent the money on things such as education, new roads and prisons, and just about everything except repayment of health care for smokers, which was the reason for the settlement.

But we all knew this was a smokescreen to fleece the tobacco industries. But what is really surprising is that suddenly, the government shows absolutely no concern for people who continue to smoke . . .in fact . . .they are upset that people are kicking the habit and robbing them of their $206 billion settlement.

This is Nina May reminding you to follow the money… that is where you will always find the heart of big government.

There are a lot of rumors circulating about Senator John McCain’s temper. But if character doesn’t count, as we are reminded by the media every time President Clinton shows none, then why should anyone care about this character flaw?  And if he does have a temper, he has earned the right to show it.

He has the right to be angry at every draft dodger who slipped quietly away to Canada . . . or England, while he was a prisoner of war, for over five years, being tortured for believing in something greater than himself.

But what people are really overlooking, in this frantic effort to pin some flaw on yet another presidential hopeful, is why he has risen in the poles.

The political pundits are looking at the wrong “extremes” to determine the outcome of the election. It will not be the left vs. the right. It will be the courageous vs. the cowards, the people who believe in absolutes and integrity vs. those who believe in moral relativism.

The polsters should not be shocked that the natural backlash against Clinton is someone who embodies values, integrity, honesty, and guts . . . character traits we never saw in him.

The anti-gun advocates always seem to be lobbying for more policemen, more law enforcement, and more power to the justice department to find and prosecute criminals. But why do they trust the government with guns and not their neighbors?

The only difference between their neighbor with a gun, and a policeman with a gun is the uniform.

Shouldn’t we just arm all citizens, deputize them, and make them responsible for their own actions and let them keep their own neighborhoods safe. We can’t trust them you say? Any more than we can trust the FBI that wiretaps, breaks down doors of innocent people, shoots mothers holding their babies, and torches religious people in their compounds?

If we are told by the government that we can’t trust citizens to own guns, this must necessarily include citizens who happen to work for the government. Does the second amendment only apply to Americans who work for the government and wear a uniform?

This is called a police state.  I doubt that was what the founding fathers had in mind when they put the Second Amendment into the constitution.

Well the congress finally caved and handed their wallet to the UN mugger. We are expected to pay 25% of the total UN budget… but get only one vote.

Do you know that some member countries pay as little as $10,000 a year and also have one vote… just like the U.S.? But one thing the U.S. did that was really smart, was to tie conditions to the money given to the U.N. banditos.

One of the conditions was to cut spending… trim the budget. And if they violate this spending cap, $565 million that the UN claims we owe, will not be paid. We also want our share of the budget reduced by three percent and our share of the peacekeeping operations reduced by six percent. And we want a position on the budget committee to oversee spending. The big question is, can the U.S. taxpayers do the same thing?

Can we refuse to pay our taxes until spending is cut, taxes are cut, and we have a greater voice in what our money is spent on? This is a wonderful precedent that all Americans should learn from.

The Bible says, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God.”

Even when we don’t understand why something is happening . . . a thankful heart releases a divine knowledge within us that God knows why. When the young Indian brave, Squanto, was captured and brought to Europe, it changed his life . . . and served to save the lives of many others.

Because he was taught English, he was able to help the Pilgrims survive during the their first harsh years.

Because of the hardship that he endured . . . not understanding why he would be taken from his family and brought to a strange land . . . he came to know Christ as his personal savior and, in turn, became an answer to prayer for hundreds of others.

And his obedience, his patience, kindness and love preserved his legacy for all times.

Here we are, almost 400 years later, remembering and thanking God, for the kindness and sacrifice of a man who learned to give thanks to God . . . in spite of circumstances around him.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women reminding you to give thanks in everything . . . for this is the will of God for you. We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.



“Everyone is looking for a ‘man’,” I heard a preacher say the other day. “Give us a man who isn’t afraid to preach the truth.”

I would add, “Give us a man who has the courage of his convictions, knows right from wrong, and who has the guts to express it. Give us a man who is a leader, not a follower, a winner, not a whiner.

That is such a contrast to the search for a man in the book of Genesis when the Sodomites surrounded Lot’s house because they had seen the angels enter there. They gathered outside yelling for Lot to “give them a man” . . . so they might know him sexually. Give them a man, so they might defile him. They were seeing man as a receptacle, for their own selfish desires and passions.

The man the preacher and I speak of is a man that God sees as a receptacle for His love and passion. A Bud Lite billboard spotted in England sums up the cultural redefining of men everywhere. A beautiful woman is saying, “I like men, I just hate their guts.” That is a subtle P.R. spin designed to further defile and demean men . . . much as the Sodomites wanted to do to the angels in Lot’s house.

This is Nina May challenging men to have guts to seek God’s purpose for them.

The FBI has decided that anyone who believes in apocalyptic occurrences during the year 2000 is considered suspect. They are calling it “Project Megiddo.”

This is the same group that decided the Branch Davidians were nutty enough to torch. But let’s look at who some of these millennium nuts are.

Both Billy Graham and the Pope have stated that several books of the Bible, including Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah contain accurate prophecies concerning the second coming of Christ.

Although no one knows the exact date and time . . . Christ said we would know when certain events occur, like the reestablishment of Israel as a nation which happened in 1948.

Many orthodox Jews feel that the year 2,000 will usher in their Messiah. So what is the purpose of this exercise, other than to intimidate and control people because they believe the revelations of God?

Since when should the government question what and how people believe? It’s not as though the Bible is some top secret book that has just been discovered.

If these agents had been allowed to read it in school, maybe they wouldn’t be so afraid of it today. This is Nina May at asking if the FBI would think you are a nut.