Christians seem so upset by the refusal of schools to post the Ten Commandments on their walls.

This is understandable to a certain extent. The rules God gave His chosen people to live by could and should apply to everyone.

But the truth is, when Christ came, he said he came to fulfill the law and the prophets and there were really only two commandments to keep . . . Love God and love each other.

He said if you do these things you will automatically keep the other eight commandments.

If you love God you won’t worship idols, or bow down to anything or anyone, you won’t take His name in vain. You will remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy as a time to be with Him because He loves our company.

If you love each other, you will honor your father and mother, you won’t kill, steal, lie about someone, or covet their belonging or their spouse.

So the place for the ten commandments, is not on some wall somewhere, but in our hearts as an act of love for God and each other.

If Christians could understand that they are commanded just to love . . . then maybe they would begin to show mercy to people who need love first . . . before the laws will mean anything to them.

This is Nina May at



The House Committee on Government Reform subpoenaed a memo from a White House staffer saying that if Clinton granted clemency to the sixteen Puerto Rican terrorists, that it would help Al Gore win the Puerto Rican vote.

Well, why stop there? If votes are more important than national security and human lives what about granting Timothy McVeigh clemency? He could garner support from all the fringe militia groups. What about rapists and murders? But the group to appeal to, that would guarantee him victory, are the income tax evaders.

Thirty percent of the wage earners in America never file a tax return. He could grant clemency to all of them and be a sure winner in 2000. In fact, I am sure that most Americans would volunteer to be a part of that select group to gain clemency from the President. Even if it meant they would have to vote for Al Gore to express their thanks.

What the administration has really done, is insult the intelligence and integrity of the vast majority of the Puerto Rican population, who are law-abiding, and reject violence as a means to political end. But heh… anything for a vote.

It is almost amusing that the “National Organization for a handful of Women” are just NOW hoping to raise awareness about the rapes and sexual harassment at Woodstock ‘99.

This is after they turned their backs on Paula Jones and her right to her day in court. It’s after they rejected Juanita Broderick’s claim to have been raped, when they never once questioned the dubious testimony of Anita Hill against Clarence Thomas. It’s after they continue to ignore an ever-expanding multi-billion dollar porn industry that has women and children as the victims. It’s after they reject the theory of common decency and respect when it comes to the portraying of women as sex objects in museums.

So suddenly they are shocked when women, running around nude, with drunk and rowdy men are sexually harassed? What did these women really think was going to happen? What does NOW really think was going to happen to them?

They should know. They have turned our adolescent men into predators, our old men into voyeurs, and our little boys into victims. And now they scream for justice? Where were they when these women really needed them?

In 1777, the Continental Congress approved the purchase of 20,000 Bibles. In 1904, the 57th Congress, in an effort to restrain unethical behavior, voted to have copies of Thomas Jefferson’s book, “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth” reprinted. It was then distributed to the members of the congress and senate. It was paid for with tax dollars and published by the Smithsonian Institution.

Today, using tax money to print and distribute a book on ethical behavior would be outrageous, yet we fund offensive and blasphemous art.

Today, schools and libraries fight hard to prevent Internet filters to protect children from online predators, but they object when it is suggested that religious books or the Bible are included in curriculum.

Today, books dealing with witchcraft and sorcery are taught in schools, but ones dealing with angels and the Holy Spirit are banned.

In less than one hundred years, as a nation, we have brought to life the verse in the Bible that says in the end days, they will call good evil, and evil, they will call good. Is this a coincidence?


Before taking office, Clinton was proud of the fact that he and Hillary had never owned a home.  They were just middle class people who understood the plight of the poor, who lived in public housing.

So how did a homeless politician, making average wages, get to be a millionaire in the White House?

No one begrudges him success, but what is hypocritical is that when the rest of Americans are being bled to death with high taxes, unable to realize their American dream, they are told they are greedy and selfish if they want a tax cut.

Are the Clintons going to invite the poor to live in their $1.7 million dollar mansion, or will they stand on the balcony overlooking the middle class and continue to call them names while accusing the Republicans of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor?

You cannot keep up the ruse of being the voice for the poor when you have separated yourself from them, from sending your child to a private school, to hobnobbing with the wealthy, to spending $70 million dollars on boondoggle trips to Africa.

I guess the Clinton’s have finally put their money where their mouths are.

Hate Crimes bills, that target people with sincerely held religious beliefs, are unconstitutional, because, the state is showing hostility to various religions and preventing the free exercise of it.

For example a devote Muslim, who reads in his Koran that “Allah’s curse is upon women who appear like men and upon men who appear like women,” could be arrested for sharing this statement with a cross-dresser.  It could be considered a hateful statement, therefore a pure violation of the hate crimes bill.

So the teacher in Minnesota who complained to the Department of Human rights that a cross-dresser was using the women’s room could be arrested. Even if she is Muslim and the Koran teaches her this.

And for those wondering about what Allah thinks of Bill’s tryst with Monica, the Koran says, “Allah will not look at a person with pleasure who commits sodomy with a man or a woman.” But for a Muslim to express this might put them on the wrong side of the law.

Hopefully though, our lawmakers will realize that we already have laws that prevent hate crimes called assault, battery, slander and libel laws, and will leave the First Amendment alone.

This New Year’s eve, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, atheists, humanist and wiccans. . . all over the world, whether they believe it, or understand it, will be celebrating the two thousandth birthday of Jesus Christ.

Does that mean that everyone sipping champaign, singing Auld Lang Syne, is acknowledging that the birth of Jesus Christ was significant enough to change a world calendar’s time line? Not directly, but there is no other logical reason for the celebration.

B.C. means “Before Christ” and AD means, “in the Year of our Lord.” And those who click their heels together and pretend that BC stands for Before Current era are hard pressed to explain why the current era just happened to begin with the Birth of Christ.

So I pray for a special blessing for everyone who lifts a glass to toast the New Year, New Century . . New Millennium . . . that they will have a divine revelation about who Jesus Christ is. That they will see him lifting His glass to them . . . telling them how much He loves them and wants to have a personal relationship with them.

What will you be doing when the clock strikes twelve?

I was so amused to see that Al Gore had to hire a woman to tell him how to be a man. Not because of the squirming and confirming, justifying and denying . . . but because he paid too much.

I would gladly give him advice for free, as I am sure millions of other women will when they vote.

But let’s look at what this female consultant believes, other than unrestrained sexual pleasure for the masses.

She liked the way Bill Clinton took his mistress, Gennifer Flowers, seriously.  She was convinced that Clinton respects women more than most male politicians.

Does that include his wife and daughter who he has repeatedly humiliated in front of the world? Does it include Paula Jones who was flashed, propositioned and then denied her day in court too? Does it include Monica Lewinsky that he used as a service stop and then abandoned her in her greatest hour of need?

So this is what we are to admire in our leaders . . . men who “take their mistresses seriously.” I’m sure with advisors like this, every wife in America is going to feel real comfortable voting for Al Gore.

The Sixty’s counter-culture is now the establishment that they fought so hard to overthrow.  But they know, instinctively, that it is a matter of time before they are de-throwned and the next group of leaders displace them.

The only thing is, they are waiting for an heir apparent that they have trained on non-absolutes and amorality.  That is like planting a seed in a dark crack in the sidewalk and expecting it to blossom and bring forth fruit.

No, the revolution, the next move, will come from those they have been classified as the extremists and disenfranchised from the national debate. Those who clung to virtue as a matter of survival.

The ones who were raised by the hand a nurturing mother, who sacrificed her career, her desires, for her children, who would one day, raise a standard of excellence in the shaky ground of immorality.

The ones who have been rejected, ridiculed, scorned . . . will be the ones who will lead a dysfunctional nation.

Ironically, it’s like Christ, who was despised, rejected, abused, denied …but lead the world in peace and love. As we approach the new millennium, the coincidence is too great to be an accident.

I saw the Jerry Springer show for the first time the other night. What an interesting experience.

The show was dealing with bondage and people who like to dominate others. There was a woman who introduced another woman . . . on a leash . . . as her pet and slave. They were the same race and sex, so the stereotypes don’t apply. But what was amazing is that this person, who had the freedom to get off her knees, take the collar from around her neck, and toss the chain aside . . .didn’t.

It was such an incredible statement about people who walk around with invisible collars on their necks, held captive to addictions or weaknesses.

We have the power to break the bonds of oppression, and control, but we don’t. Jesus said, “I came to give you life and give it more abundantly . . .I came to set the captives free.” He wasn’t just talking about the obvious captives, like this poor girl, he was talking about everyone who is held captive to their own insecurities, self-doubts, rejections, fears, and oppressions.

You have a choice to live free or . . . die a slave. Christ is the liberator . . . Satan the enslaver who came to steal, kill and destroy. Who do you serve?