The liberal media is dying to find some infraction to pin on George W. Bush. They are searching the archives for proof of an arrest thirty years ago. And everyone is still trying to figure out who is in that photo.

But this is actually good news. We are finally sending an important message to the youth of America that what you do today… could affect your future. You will be held accountable for your actions. That is… if you run on a platform of values.

Now, on the other hand, we have children in Arlington, Virginia who are using the current President as a paradigm of immorality. They are opting for his personal favorite “sexual encounter” because, well, he does it, and they are taught that it is “safe.” They don’t feel there is anything wrong with it, because America told them there was nothing wrong with it. After all . was performed in the privacy of the Oval office. And his wife even defended him by saying he was a victim of the vast right wing conspiracy.

So it is refreshing, and encouraging, that the press is finally holding a presidential candidate accountable for his actions and finally sending the right message to our kids.

Recently on 20/20, journalist John Stossel listed a series of intrusive laws into peoples lives — everything from how eggs are prepared to what music should be played to infants.

It was decided that the justification for intruding on private behavior is to protect us from making unwise choices. But of all the unwise choices that were not mentioned… from choosing not to fasten a seat belt to choosing to eat fatty foods… was the unwise choice of abortion.

This somehow has slipped under the radar of the thought and action police. Suddenly, they think that women of all ages, should be spared from any government intrusion when making this devastating life-changing decision.

But these same girls would be given a ticket for not wearing a seat belt or disconnecting an air bag. The government looks the other way when it comes to abortion.

There is a huge inconsistency here that needs to be reconciled… otherwise we should base all government rules intruding in the privacy of individuals on Roe vs. Wade and tell the government it has no right passing any laws that deal with what we do, or don’t do, with our own bodies.

It was interesting to see in the Washington Times, on October 18, two articles juxtaposed to each other.

Actually one was an ad informing people that partial birth abortion is not a partisan issue… that democrats are just as concerned about protecting the life of the unborn as republicans. And the other was an article about the incredible outrage, by animal rights activists, that the hair of a Chiru is being woven into shawls for the rich and beautiful.

The hair… mind you, not the hide.

The protestors estimate that 4,000 are killed per year. But it is counter-intuitive to believe that this number of slaughters really occur… it’s like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. They are only after the hair… or wool equivalent if it was a sheep.

How many shepherds kill their sheep after sheering them? But even if it is 4,000, how does that compare to 1.5 million human babies killed each year, just in America.

Oh, I know… we have 6 billion people… we can afford to slaughter a few million . . . we aren’t endangered after all.

Well, yes we are. When we put more value on animals than on human life… we have become the endangered species.

It was interesting to see in the Washington Times, on October 18, two articles juxtaposed to each other. Actually one was an add informing people that partial birth abortion is not a partisan issue . . . that democrats are just as concerned about protecting the life of the unborn as republicans. And the other was an article about the incredible outrage, by animal rights activists, that the hair of a Chiru is being woven into shawls for the rich and beautiful. The hair .. . mind you, not the hide.

The protestors estimate that 4,000 are killed per year. But it is counter-intuitive to believe that this number of slaughters really occur .’s like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. They are only after the hair . . . or wool equivalent if it was a sheep. How many shepherds kill their sheep after sheering them?

But even if it is 4,000, how does that compare to 1.5 million human babies killed each year, just in America.

Oh, I know, we have 6 billion people, we can afford to slaughter a few million.  We aren’t endangered after all. Well, yes we are. When we put more value on animals than on human life we have become the endangered species.

During any communist revolution or regime, it is imperative to stifle free speech, religion, creativity, academic freedom and free expression.

This is done by imprisoning dissenters who understand the human spirit needs to be nurtured in the soil of liberty. It is done by destroying works of art and literature that express the beauty of creation that inspires people to understand their creator. In some communist regimes we have seen desperate despots even breaking eye glasses, which for them, are symbolic of a desire to learn.

This kind of tyranny has taken on a different form in America. The stifling of free speech is directed at anything that challenges the debasing of society, the degrading of mankind. Education is little more than indoctrination with emphasis on self-gratification and spiritual annhiliation. Great authors like Shakespeare are demeaned as being dead white men, and ideas of spiritual relevance are denounced as mean-spirited and intolerant. But they stop short of breaking the student’s glasses.

They don’t need to. They have destroyed their vision for greatness and virtue already.

This is Nina May at

In National Geographic’s kids magazine, there is an article about the plight of many baby sea turtles.

They say that law enforcement officials have seized enough illegal sea turtle items from international travelers to fill the shelves of a government crime lab in Ashland, Oregon. They also say, “Some people pay a lot of money for sea turtle parts and products such as stuffed turtles, turtle eggs, turtle-shell jewelry, turtle steaks .. . and turtle shell guitars. The high demand [of turtle parts] could easily result in the extinction of sea turtles.”

It’s too bad there aren’t articles in children’s magazine’s about people paying a lot of money for human baby parts in abortion clinics. One brochure advertising body parts boasts that, “We have over ten years experience in tissue harvesting and preservation.”

And although it is a federal crime to sell human flesh, they get around it by saying it is donated. Couldn’t we conclude that the turtles then, “donated” their shells, and body parts? Are butchered and dissected turtles really of more concern to our government than butchered and dissected human beings? And is this what we are teaching the children who survive this holocaust?

What do you do about unsolicited pornography that is being sent to you by e-mail?

It is a problem for many people who get spammed constantly. And these are not air brushed centerfolds, these are hardcore, brutal, dehumanizing pictures often involving children. They are clearly illegal, yet the government doesn’t seem interested in stopping this multi-billion dollar illegal industry.

You would think the lost taxes alone would get their blood going. But I have an idea on how to get their attention and maybe get some action.

Since we all know that the government monitors all e-mail and is looking for key buzz words, such as anthrax, fissionable plutonium, North Korea, militia, assassination, bomb, etc., forward all your spammed mail to them using one or all of these hot button words.

Maybe they would see it’s not a plot against the government, but is an illegal plot to destroy the culture. And perhaps we could start cleaning up the internet and our mailboxes.

If the government concerned itself with real threats to the society, and especially our children, and stopped seeing each of us as potential criminals, then maybe we could make the streets safe again for kids to walk on.

In spite of the fact that doctors will testify that a partial birth abortion is dangerous to the mother, and that they are rarely necessary, there is still a huge lobbying effort to keep these procedures legal.

Maybe the reason is because of what is being “harvested” in these procedures. There is a huge market in the pharmaceutical industry, medical labs and university medical centers for perfect body parts. Which means of course, these are not fatally deformed children being murdered, but almost full-term, fully developed little babies.

But the bigger the organs, the bigger the bucks. There is actually a price list for eyes, lungs, hearts, kidneys . . . and a rate sheet with prices that increase with the age of the baby killed.

It’s funny that “extremists” are considered those who work to stop this holocaust, and the “mainstream” are those who sit back and allow this debauchery to continue.

It transforms the word extreme into a badge of honor and equates complacency with those who turned their back on the mass slaughter of jews in Germany.

Which side of the fence are you on with this issue? The days of straddling are over.

After 50 years, there is unusual scrutiny of events that involved civilians during the Korean War.

For some reason, the victims of this war are now supposed to be compensated.

Does that mean that all the civilian bombings of the Albanians and Serbians will end in compensation for them?

And who should pay for these casualties of war? Should it be the family of the soldier who is responsible for their deaths? Should it be the country he was serving under?

Should it be, in the case of South Korea, the United Nations who sanctioned the U.S. military involvement there to save them from communist oppression?

But what is really unusual, is this comes at a time when the United Nations has stated that human rights considerations must sometimes take precedence over the right of national sovereignty.

What does that mean with the precedent of compensating civilian casualties of war?

Does it mean the United Nations could never have a peace keeping mission in a country where human rights are being violated, because they could be responsible for the death of innocent people?

And wouldn’t this contradict their mission of protecting human rights?

The population control people openly show their disdain for humans. But isn’t that the height of hypocrisy? If they really were concerned about over-population they would eliminate themselves instead of insisting that innocent women eliminate their potential for having children.

This is what is happening around the world with little or no disguise as to the reason. It is the same zeal that Hitler had when discussing the “final solution”. There seemed to be a mathematical imperative to increase the number of deaths thereby decreasing the number of people he felt were inferior.

At a recent United Nations Population Fund briefing, a former UN representative, Jan Fransen, joked that AIDS was helping to do the work of population control in Africa. He declared that the sustainable number the earth can hold is about one billion people, and said the focus on human rights disturbs him because it draws attention away from reaching that goal.

Bottom line . . . if we didn’t worry so much about saving people from suffering and dying we could meet his goal of one billion. I wonder if he’d make the cut.