A lot of our listeners who call or visit the website have asked what they can do to get involved. They say they appreciate being informed, but they don’t know what to do with the information.

If a neighbor called you and said he sees a burglar breaking into your home, to hurt your family and steal you blind . . . what is your response? Do you say, gee, thanks for the call, I’ll think about it? Do you ignore it thinking they can’t possibly mean your house? Or do you take the warning to heart and take action? If it is a serious threat .. . you take it seriously. But if you have become used to it, you tend to ignore it.

The purpose of these commentaries is to get you to think, to act, to challenge status quo and not allow yourself to be manipulated or intimidated by powers that be. But I can’t do it for you.

Here are some suggestions though. Your greatest weapon is prayer. Start using it. Share what you hear with friends and neighbors, forward the commentaries to friends, call your representatives and hold them accountable. And stop thinking its hopeless.

This is Nina May reminding you, that you have a lot of power . . . start using it!

The newest book to burn up the Best Seller lists is about a boy named Harry Potter who attends a wizard school to learn how to cast his magic spells.

Children are fascinated by it and adults are eating them up just as fast. Schools are even encouraging kids to read the Harry Potter series, claiming that finally, young boys are getting excited about reading. The only problem is… Witchcraft is a religion.

What about separation of church and state? Oh, don’t be silly you say, these are just harmless stories about the spirit world, about evil spells and encantations . .. You can’t possibly believe that stuff.

I guess no more than you can believe there is a God and heavenly angels.

But if all this talk of the dark spiritual world is so harmless and just child’s play . . .then why is there such a concerted effort to make sure they are not exposed to another spiritual world . . . the one God reigns supreme in?

By denouncing the good and embracing the bad are they saying that God is real after all? They can’t possibly hope that children are only exposed to the works of the devil . . . and not those of God. Or could they? What do you think?

This is Nina May at ninamay.com.

Because there are so many cultures and tastes, taboos and no-nos, it is hard to please everyone all the time.

The idea of a global village is only possible if you moderate and destroy extremes and train people to have bland taste and safe ideas.

At the fiftieth Anniversary of the U.N. it was a difficult task to try and serve sixty-five heads of states without insulting any.

That meant no shellfish, no pork, no beef and no sauces that included alcohol.

It also meant no white flowers on the tables, because some Asian cultures associate white flowers with funerals. They could not afford for a dignitary to take religious or cultural offense at any ingredient in the hors d’oeuvres.

They couldn’t take the chance that one dignitary might be served his wild-rice-and-wheat berry pilaf before another, and perceive it as an insult. So, what did the caterer end up serving? What do you serve when you don’t want to offend anyone? Chicken.

How appropriate that the Global village, comprised of a society based on the lowest common denominator, so as not to offend . . . is full of . . . chickens. Rather ironic.

While in China I was struck by an incredible contradiction. I always thought that one of the main tenants of communism was that the state replaced all religion with atheism. And of course there are thousands of stories coming out of China about religious persecution against the Christians and particularly the home churches.

We were guests of the government at a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the third anniversary of a Buddhist temple and the largest jade Buddha in the world. The speakers were the communist party leaders who pointed with pride at the temple and statue and invited all the special guests to come into the temple.

We discovered that the government pays for the upkeep of the temples and they pay the monks who live and worship there. We saw them lighting incense, bowing to the statue and paying homage to a 280 ton piece of jade.

So, not only has a wall of separation between church and state never been erected… the state-sponsored religion is Buddhism. But I always thought Buddhist were peace loving and never hurt a living thing. Why then are they beating, imprisoning, and killing Christians? Is that really what Buddhism stands for? Just curious.

This is Nina May. Today marks one year since we have been producing these daily radio commentaries. It also marks 25 years since my husband and I were married.

Many people have asked how a hippy and a member of the ROTC rifle team could have joined up . . . and stayed together.

There are a lot of small reasons like mutual respect, keeping a sense of humor, staying physically and mentally active. But the most important one, is that we have always had God at the center of our marriage.

He is our marriage counselor, physician, and referee .. . Our marriage not only survived, it thrived with God as the head of our home. So I just want to thank my husband for having the courage of his convictions to realize, early on, that he couldn’t be the type of husband he wanted to be . . .without the help of God. And I want to thank him for his humility, his gentleness and kindness, and the pure reflection he has always been of God’s love to me.

There is no greater gift that a man can give a woman than to love her purely, the way God does. So thank you dear for your pure reflection of God’s love, and forgiveness. Happy Anniversary. Oh, by the way .. . he was the hippy.

The Clinton Administration has decided that East Timor deserves its independence after a referendum indicates that is what they want. And of course we saw the U.S. policy toward Kosovo as it struggled for independence.

It seems as though in any conflict around the world, where a portion of one country decides it wants to be liberated from the main country… that the U.S. is there to oblige them.

But why isn’t that the policy with Taiwan as it relates to China? Why does the United States continue to ignore the fact that Taiwan is a separate nation, with a political system totally different from mainland China… and that they are clearly autonomous?

Everyone plays polite lip service to the Chinese and refers to Taiwan as being part of the one, real China, when we all know better.

Why is independence from Indonesia so necessary for the Timorese, or independence of Kosovo from Serbia, but Taiwan is denied that same support? And if they are supposed to be one country… why does mainland China constantly threaten to invade Taiwan? And why are we prepared to intervene if they do?

Just curious. This is Nina May at ninamay.com asking what you think.

People from several Arab nations are upset that Disney is deviating from the fantasy path in an exhibit at Epcot Center, and actually showing the truth.  They are portraying Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel and several Arab leaders are upset by this.

At first blush you wonder why they need to convince Disney to ignore the truth. Remember that they had no trouble in saying that Pocahontas and John Smith were romantically linked, or that young gazelles get together and celebrate the birth of a young lion, who will one day have them for dinner.

But they must be counting on the company that convinces us that mice and ducks talk, to create more magic for them and make something that isn’t a reality.

But no matter how much pressure the Arabs put on Disney, and no matter how many times Disney waves its magic wand and sprinkles fairy dust… they just are not going to be able to get around the fact that Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel.

But if they do pull off another revisionist ploy, will it really matter? We aren’t talking about the Library of Congress here. This is, after all, fantasy land and you make up your own truth as you go along.

What do President Clinton, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, and Slobadan Milosovic have in common? They can all act unilaterally without having to clear decisions with the citizens of their country.  The other leaders use their dictatorial power and authority, that was obtained through force or revolution, and our President uses the power of the Executive Order.

When President Clinton released the Puerto Rican Terrorists from jail last week, he basically thumbed his nose at congress, at the citizens, at the judicial system, at the law enforcement agencies and said he could do anything he wanted.

Does that mean if he wanted to give clemency to Timothy McVeigh… also an avowed terrorist… that he could without any accountability?

This is the type of action we have seen and spoken out against in other countries as being irresponsible and inconsistent. But we expect it from Saddam, Fidel, and Slobadon… but we don’t expect the national security of the United States to be put in jeopardy by our Commander in Chief.

This is an action reserved for dictators who care about no one in their country, but themselves.

Clinton says his only enemy is the “religious right” and he is open in his hatred for them. But he was quick to point the finger at G. Gordon Liddy and other conservative talk show hosts for being “purveyors of hatred and division,” and that they were “encouraging violence” that resulted in the bombing in Oklahoma City.

So now we have a horrible situation in Fort Worth Texas where a deranged person comes into a church and kills seven people while shouting blasphemous statements about God. Could we be so bold as to connect the dots between Clinton’s anger directed at the religious right and this man’s actions? I mean if G. Gordon Liddy can be blamed for Timothy McVeigh’s actions in Oklahoma, and Gary Bauer and the Family Research Council can be blamed for the death of Matthew Shepard, why shouldn’t we blame Clinton for the death of these seven people?

After all, if hate speech is so powerful that people are no longer held responsible for their own actions, then its the speech of others.  Since Clinton openly shows disdain for the “religious right,” then could we assume that he is a “purveyor of hatred and division,” and is “encouraging violence.”?

Partial Birth Abortion is an Accurate Term

The President of Planned Parenthood feels the term “partial birth abortion” is a PR campaign created to incite and confuse.”

OK, we could call it, “A baby’s body delivered breech, but murdered before the head is through the birth canal?” But that’s sort of long.

Or how about the term infanticide?

But if she is so concerned about manipulative terms that are misleading and confusing, how about “reproductive rights”? That is a euphemism for abortion, forced sterilization, and sex education designed to destroy virtue in young people.

The vast majority of women who have abortions are either forced by their husbands, boyfriends or families to do so. Whose rights prevailed there?

Women in third world countries are told how many children they can have and are forcibly sterilized if they object. Whose reproductive rights prevailed there?

Young kids are told that they should not be restricted by social mores, and explore their sexuality. Whose reproductive rights prevail there?

So, if Planned Parenthood doesn’t like the term Partial Birth Abortion . . .stop promoting the practice. And, stop lying about the term “reproductive rights.”