Several years ago a friend of mine told me what he witnessed during the liberation of one of the death camps in Germany during World War Two.

Because his job was to disarm the mines set by the Germans, he was in the first wave of soldiers to arrive at the camps.

He said he was so overwhelmed with grief and anger at what he saw, that he and his friends immediately began letting the prisoners free.

Even as emaciated and frail as the men were, they became like wild animals and began attacking the German guards.

He said the hardest thing he has ever had to do was to round the prisoners back up and put them back in the cells . . . not for their protection . . . but for the protection of their persecutors.

He knew they were justified in their anger, to attack the guards who had robbed them of their lives . . .their freedoms, their dignity.

Our soldiers knew they had a moral obligation to protect these men .. . even as guilty as they were, from being killed by their victims.

So, the question is, do Serbians citizens today deserve at least the same protection as Nazi soldiers did 50 years ago? I would hope as a civilized country the answer would be “yes.”

Who said, “In deep disappointment I have wept over the laxity of the church. How we have blemished and scarred the body through social neglect and through fear of being nonconformists.

There was a time when the church was very powerful, in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society.

Whenever the early church entered a town, the people in power became disturbed and immediately sought to convict the Christians for being ‘outside agitators.’ But the Christians pressed on, in the conviction that they were called to obey God, not man.

Small in number, they were big in commitment. By their effort and example, they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contests.

So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said this 36 years ago . . .but it could have been today.

While Thomas Jefferson was Chairman of the School Board in Washington, D.C. he authorized the Bible and Isaac Watt’s Hymnal as the principal books to teach reading.

He said, “The Christian religion, when divested of the rags in which the clergy have enveloped it, and brought to the original purity and simplicity of its benevolent institution, is a religion of all others, most friendly to liberty, science, and the freest expression of the human mind.”

He continued to say, “I consider the doctrines of Jesus as delivered by himself to contain the outlines of the sublimest systems of morality that has ever been taught . . .”

So here is a man who is not only one of our founding fathers, but someone who has evolved into a hero of the left. For what reason? Because historians have refused to acknowledge his faith in God or his belief in Christ.

When given the opportunity to assign books to kids, he had volumes of great atheists to choose from . . . yet he chose the Bible.

Now, how can ardent liberal supporters today, do any less. We certainly wouldn’t want to accuse them of intellectual hypocrisy.

This is Nina May at

I seem to be having more and more discussions lately with intellectuals who are proud of the fact that they feel they don’t need faith in order to survive.

I listen to them struggle with explanations as to why faith is for the weak of mind, those without an option or hope in life. And I smile. My mind sees them going up ten floors in a crowded elevator having faith that the last technician knew what he was doing. Or driving through a green light with the faith of knowing that the red light on the other side works and that the other driver sees it. Or faith in the plane carrying them to their next destination. Or faith that when they sign a contract with an unknown quantity that that person will honor their part of it. Or faith that a government, that knows every detail of their lives, won’t use it against them.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they believed in the God who not only knows every detail of their lives, and created them . . . but loves them dearly? If I had to chose between believing in God or an elevator . . .

I think I’ll choose the one who never breaks down.


I just returned from China where I made an incredible discovery. The government there is less involved in people’s lives than in America.

In the large metropolitan city of Anshan, with a population of about three million, there are no traffic lights or stop signs. Everyone is just expected to know how to drive carefully, merge into traffic, slow down at intersections and just use common sense.

It is amazing how creative they can be in accomplishing this. It may entail driving between two lanes of oncoming traffic to finally be able to merge… but it works. And guess what… there are rarely accidents in this city. Seat belts aren’t mandatory, there are no policemen giving tickets for jaywalking, riding bicycles in traffic, or riding in open trucks

. For a communist country, they sure do seem to place a lot of trust in their citizens… at least they hold them accountable for their actions. You may think this is irresponsible… but only if you have allowed the term responsible to be redefined by the government.

A female teacher in a public school is complaining that the librarian of the school, who is a man who dresses like a woman . . . uses the ladies room.

She feels it violates her right to privacy and it makes her feel uncomfortable. What is shocking though, is that she isn’t offended that a cross dresser is dealing daily with young impressionable minds. What about their rights?

And if the school continues to allow this behaviour, what is going to keep a group of creative young men from donning dresses one day just to have access to the girls room? Or vice versa?

And if this behaviour is acceptable to society who will protect the young co-ed from a man who dresses in women’s clothing merely for the purpose of gaining access to the girls dorm to commit mayhem?

And if homosexuals can’t be excluded from the Boy Scouts . . .what about cross-dressers? For example a woman who dresses as a man?

And, if she is allowed to join, then why not let women in? Will cross-dressing men then be allowed to join the Girl Scouts? Where do we draw the line on this increased absurdity? Is it only when our personal rights are violated.

Scholars are continuing the constitutional discussions concerning the Second Amendment and whether or not the word “militia” refers to “people” or the “military.”

This will take a minute. The Amendment doesn’t say the right of the “military,” it says the “people.”  The same people who formed a more perfect union as in, “We the…”

One scholar said that “the framers couldn’t have intended to bestow a right to armed insurrection.” But that is precisely what they did and what they meant. The idea was that if the government ever got to the point where individual liberties were denied, the citizens could defend themselves, like the patriots did against the British.

Harvard professor, Laurence Tribe, however, has changed his position and finally admits that militia refers to the individual, not the military.  He thinks the Second Amendment assumes that “the Federal government can’t disarm individual citizens without unusually strong justification.”

But what is ironic is that peace-loving liberals, who hate guns and violence have been sending him angry hate mail because he switched his opinion. Lucky for him they don’t own guns.

Barbara Harris has begun a campaign to eradicate the problem of crack babies born to drug addicted mothers.

She is offering these women money to either stay on a birth control program or voluntarily become sterilized.

In an incredible display of hyprocisy, the president of Planned Parenthood is equating her activities to eugenics, and claiming that it is unethical because these women can’t give informed consent, and that this will be a decision they will regret the rest of their lives.

This is a group whose founder, Margaret Sanger truly did practice eugenics and had as her goal, total sterilization of what she considered inferior races.

This is the same group that promotes abortion and opposes the idea of informed consent.

They also deny that women ever regret a decision to have an abortion. The truth is, almost half of the women accepting Barbara Harris’s offer are Caucasian, and they are all thankful for the option and say it is a better solution for them than abortion.

So why is Planned Parenthood complaining so loudly?

Because they make millions from the abortion industry and this practice cuts into their profits… plain and simple.

It seems a little ironic that the President and First Lady who are strong opponents of violence, want to grant clemency to 16 Puerto Ricans jailed for 130 violent terrorist acts.

And while they continue to point to Columbine High School as a reason to disarm Americans, Americans are pointing to Waco and arguing why we shouldn’t.

But up above the rhetoric, in the mountains of Guatemala, in a little village of Almolongo, lies the solution to these problems.

This town of fifty thousand people has one policeman and instead of carrying a gun, he has a fountain pen in his shirt pocket … for writing the occasional ticket.

The reason is not because guns have been banned, or citizens have been intimidated by the government, or all the terrorists have been locked up . . . or released.

The reason is that a huge revival hit his city, and what was released was the Spirit of God, and hearts were changed miraculously.

So if America would give God the same chance that Almolonga did, maybe we would see the same kinds of changes here in our own country.

And then we wouldn’t have to listen to political doublespeak anymore. Now that would be a miracle.

This is Nina May at



Animal rights activists are very upset by a new genre of film that shows animals being tortured. Yet at every other turn they are the biggest supporters of free artistic expression and feel that anything is acceptable . . . where humans are concerned. That includes gratuitous violence, degradation, suffering, torture, pornography .. . none of which is offensive to them. Just don’t even think of killing an innocent mouse and filming it.

But how can they expect people to be horrified by the killing of a live mouse, when they support the murder of half-delivered children, degrading pornography, and violent films that show no compassion for human beings.

So, a bill has been introduced into Congress that says it would be a crime for anyone to offer any “depiction of animal cruelty” for sale, or face five years in prison. If humans are considered animals . . . would this protection extend to them too?

In some cities, if you DON’T kill a rat in your apartment, you are fined. So, if you filmed the killing of that rat, would you get five years in jail? I’m not for cruelty, just consistency.

This is Nina May at