It is not hard to understand why Bill Clinton believes that the extra money the government extracted from the citizens should go to pay debts he has incurred.

It is easy for him to refer to a $792 billion tax cut as “reckless”, because it isn’t his money. He didn’t cut corners on his family budget to make sure his taxes were paid. He didn’t forego the purchase of another car, or the dream vacation, or private schooling and expensive college . . . because the government took too much of his hard-earned money.

In fact he just spent a weekend with people who have contributed over $50,000 to his political party, and at the same time is telling people who don’t make that much annually, that they should stop being selfish about wanting “their” money back.

If it is reckless to return money to the taxpayers . . . is it not equally as reckless to spend money on wasteful projects?

The answer to paying down the debt . . . is to stop spending money that increases it. . .

And if a person is given $10 for a $5 item, they are expected to give the $5 back in change . . . or its called theft. So, Mr. President, who is being reckless again?

Most home schoolers say the biggest complaint they get from people is that their children are not properly socialized. That they can’t possibly be prepared for the world because they have been sheltered from it. Unless they experience the hardships and realities of life, then they are only getting part of an education.

Detractors will of course promote a regular classroom format as the only source of true socialization available to children. But this is interesting from people who are systematically cleaning out the public school libraries of any books that might be offensive . . . that might bruise the psyche of the young child.

Books like “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Mark Twain,” “Bre’r Rabbit,” or “Little Black Sambo.” These are considered highly offensive and to expose a child to these degrading works of literature would certainly destroy them. It reminds me a little of the talk show host who asked a mom how she could possibly home school all five of her children simultaneously. She asked why he didn’t ask the same question of a woman who was paid to teach thirty kids she didn’t even love.

This is Nina May suggesting that it’s home school detractors who need to be socialized to accept home schooling.

Some very interesting news has just been revealed that should be a great relief to President Clinton. Osama bin Laden has moved his base.

Inspite of all the money we spend on surveillance, espionage, and intelligence gathering, the location of his new camp was discovered by someone from the London Observer.

They report that a couple of months ago bin Laden moved into an old collective farm in the village of Farmihadda, a few miles south of Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan, on the Pakistan border.

This should be great news for President Clinton who felt so compelled to find him and avenge the bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, that he insisted these missions take place on the day his impeachment trial was to begin. Well . . . bin Laden is still at large . . . he’s still the guy who claimed responsibility for the bombings . . . and now we know where he is.

If President Clinton is as concerned about seeing justice done now, as he was last year, why isn’t he trying to take him out? And if the London Observer knows where he is . . . certainly our military intelligence does too.

In some public schools in Northern Virginia the children have a very interesting view of history.

Some think, the sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire is in the East and the sun sets in the West.

Karl Marx became one of the Marx brothers.

Handel was half German half Italian and half English. He was very large.

Voltaire invented electricity.

The Constitution of the United States was adopted to secure domestic hostility.

Benjamin Franklin said “a horse divided against itself cannot stand.”

Even though these are some humorous responses to history questions, the one thing that many young 13 year-old-girls have learned, and practice on campus, was taught to them by the leader of the free world.

The peer pressure for young girls is to emulate Monica Lewinsky’s performance on the President, and their excuse is, that the President does it.

So we might think it is funny that kids get a few facts wrong on a history test, but no one is laughing when these same kids are prostituting themselves because parents have decided that character doesn’t count and history is only important when it is revised.

Leon Wieseltier, of the New Republic says, “Wherever there’s religion, there’s hypocrisy.”

I submit, that even without the presence of religion you will find that characteristic at work. But the real message is that people who claim to be religious are held to a higher standard.

There seems to be an unspoken, unwritten hope that this person, who claims to have a personal relationship with the God of Universe will someone manifest His glory, peace, joy, love, compassion.

He goes onto say “Most people in politics don’t believe in God, they believe in religion.”

Jesus was despised by the religious people of his day and they set about to try and destroy him. If Christians remember that the focus is on relationship . . . with God first and then with our fellow man, then religion will become even more irrelevant than it now is . . . and more will be drawn to the true, loving nature of Jesus Christ.

And then it won’t matter if religion is equated with hypocrisy, because people will realize it is about a relationship with Christ. . . not about a religion made by man.



Maybe the C-list is Preferred

For decades the Washington, D.C. social scene has been dominated by people who are infatuated with power, position and politics. A system was even developed to ensure that only the people considered the “flavor of the day or week” are included.

It’s called the A-list and is actually published in a book that is considered the Bible of the social set. But, no matter how important or politically connected you are . . . if you have the bad habit of mentioning God at cocktail parties, you are rejected from the A-list.

What this says about the A-List is that is filled with people with wonderful resumes, brilliant achievement, and maybe even a private faith in God, but they lack one thing I think is a requirement at any successful social function . . . .they lack guts.

Who wants to be around a group of like-minded people who congratulate themselves on achieving social status when there is no substance, no courage, no conviction of beliefs or core foundation that brought them to this point?

This is called a hollow victory. With this type of intolerance toward people of conviction, it is not hard to imagine what the A stands for in the A-List. Let us know what you think at



In 1909, President Teddy Roosevelt said, “I believe that the next half century will determine if we will advance the cause of Christian civilization or revert to the horrors of brutal paganism. The thought of industry in the hands of paganism is a nightmare beyond imagining.”

He also said, “Every thinking man realizes that the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven with our whole civic and social life that it would be impossible for us to figure ourselves what that life would be if these standards were removed.”

And here we sit and the end of the century that this was spoken in, witnessing his warning for the nation played out in a myriad of scenarios. Everything from leadership without moral character to children without moral absolutes. From good people being ridiculed and labeled as evil, while those without moral conviction are raised up as the standards for tolerance.

But the battle is not political, it is spiritual.  It is not geographic, but territorial in the spiritual realm. If Christians fail to understand this, then we may not even recognize ourselves in the next half century.

Recently there was a conviction of a 14 year-old Florida boy who brutally murdered a nine-year-old girl. Without getting into the details of the murder and how he disposed of the body, the most disturbing thing is what prompted this murder.

Just ten minutes before he lured her into his home and committed this heinous crime, he had downloaded hardcore pornography from the Internet.

He did not kill her with a gun . . And he was not smoking a cigarette when the murder occurred. He had been coached by material that is easily accessible to kids of all ages on the Internet. And what was the response from the usually vocal left who believe the NRA and the tobacco industry are always to blame? . . . . That’s right silence.

If they really cared about the health and safety of children as they constantly claimed . . . .destroying the pornography industry would be at the top of their list.

Instead California State University at Northridge hosts a Pornography Trade Show allowing over 200 pornographers to peddle their wares. Of course, they had metal detectors and no smoking signs.  We must protect those kids you know.

I keep seeing these PC bumper stickers around that say, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

This of course is supposed to make tax payers feel guilty that they aren’t putting even more of their hard-earned dollars into a failed system that is disguised as education, but is little more than indoctrination.

Let’s see how intelligent public schools are.

In some Alaskan schools kids can’t say Merry Christmas. In Tempe, Arizona a second grader was reprimanded and punished for typing the word “Jesus” on her computer screen at school. In Northern California kids who were singing Joy to the World were told they couldn’t sing the words Jesus, Lord, or Savior . . .they had to hum the words. In Atlanta, Georgia a high school student was suspended and charged with “possession of Christian materials” when he quietly passed a note to fellow student inviting him to a Bible study.

These as just a few examples of your tax dollars at work in the public school system. They are right . . .this type of education is much too expensive, and it actually sounds like what we are paying for is ignorance.

This is Nina May at

Why Not of the Dangers of Abortions?

Although it has been determined that silicone breast implants don’t cause cancer women are still warned, “It is essential that women fully understand these risks before they decide to undergo this surgery.”

Now, isn’t that interesting? A lawsuit was recently filed in New Jersey by three women who claim they were not fully informed about the dangers of an abortion.

Clearly as dangerous, if not more, than an operation for breast enlargement.

The suit contends that women are denied information about abortion and thus cannot give informed consent.

The Doctor’s claim that Roe v. Wade created a “right to choose” and it didn’t matter if the “choice” was uninformed.

The court ruled that abortion providers don’t need to explain their procedures… but plastic surgeons do?

If a woman can choose to have something put in her body that’s not been proven to be dangerous, and is not harmed..then certainly that same woman has the same rights when something is taken out of her body and damages do occur.

Women are told of potential dangers of breast implants but not of baby unplants.

I’m suggesting that this is a deadly inconsistency.