It is interesting to see feminists who want to remake society in their image and it is up to each of us daily to know what mood they are in.

For example, they have traditionally protected pornography and feel that to prohibit the use of it would violate First Amendment rights. They are offended when a connection is drawn between rape and pornography and claim it can’t be proved. They don’t seem to have a problem that women are victims of horrendous crimes at the hands of users who admit pornography is their instruction manual for abuse.

They were strangely silent on the recent case in Florida of the little 9 year old girl murdered by a teenage boy just ten minutes after he viewed hardcore pornography.

But do you know what will really, really, really gets feminists upset? Just call them an endearing name like Babe and they will throw the book at you.

In fact, Maryland’s Court of Special Appeals said that no female attorney may be called “Babe” in a Maryland courtroom.

It’s just too bad these victimized feminist lawyers don’t have something more important to do, like try and save the lives of innocent women and children who are the real victims of their selfishness.

We get many responses to the commentaries, but one in particular that struck me was dealing with the homosexual issue.

The respondent wrote, “Do you support having death camps for unrepentant homosexuals?”

I couldn’t help but think that someone like that is already in a death camp of their own choice . . regardless of what I believe or don’t believe.

But what hit me next was the verse in the Bible where Jesus says, “I came to give life, and give it more abundantly.”

He didn’t come into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world . . . he doesn’t want someone languishing their entire lives in a death camp of lies, of bondage, of oppression.

He wants all of us . . .no matter what death camp we are trapped in . . . to be liberated to know the true destiny that we have been created for.

So it doesn’t matter to the Lord what we are, what we are doing, what lifestyle we are involved in . . . He loves us unconditionally and wants so much for us to have a personal relationship with Him . . . so He personally can liberate us from all death camps that keep us separated from His love and mercy.

This is Nina May reminding my friend, that Jesus came to set the captives free.



The San Fransisco Board of Education has just banned the sale or use of products on school campuses that are linked to tobacco companies. That includes all-American snacks such as Oreos and Jello pudding.

The agenda to destroy the political clout of the tobacco industry is veiled in the excuse to protect the children. These are the same people who want to train kindergarten through 12th graders that the homosexual lifestyle is healthy and preferred to the heterosexual lifestyle. These are the same people who refuse to share the fact that more of these kids will die of sexually transmitted diseases than cigarettes . . .or oreo cookies. These are the same people that believe the government should get out of people’s bedrooms and out of a girl’s womb.

Well shouldn’t the government then stay out of their stomach’s and lungs as well? If they are concerned about the harm of cigarettes to kids, but not about the possibility of these same kids getting AIDS, then maybe it is the School Board members who should be banned from having access to these kids.  They are the real danger to their health.

Recently I have met more and more people wearing crosses, from countries where the government dictates the religion, and where Christians are regularly persecuted. But they aren’t just wearing crosses around their necks, they are also carrying one on their backs.

They have escaped religious persecution in their countries, have witnessed family members killed, have escaped with their lives and now live in freedom. They now have the freedom to wear a cross openly, to smile and respond when the name Jesus is mentioned, to share information about where they worship without fear of jeopardizing the lives of the people they worship with.

They have not only been liberated by the cross of Jesus from the burden of their sins, they have been liberated from government systems that would tell them this liberation is wrong, is illegal and is deadly.

What is most gratifying, as an American, is that they chose this country to express and share their new found freedom… their new liberty.

How appropriate, in this day of sensitivity to human rights violations, ethnic cleansing, and genocide that America still opens its doors to persecuted Christians.

To a visitor from another planet, the 4th of July in Washington D.C. would be hard to explain.

They would obviously be aware of current technology, from the T.V. to video games, to virtual reality synthesizers, and almost anything that is designed to entertain.

They would probably wonder why thousands of people begin early in the morning, parking their cars along the road near the city, setting up tents and chairs, bringing in coolers and hibachis.

They would search their data bases, looking for an explanation.

What are they waiting for? What are they all doing?

And instead of the crowds getting smaller toward the end of day . . .they keep growing, until not one square inch of ground is bare when night falls.

Then suddenly they would witness thousands of people watching primitive fireworks, developed over 5,000 years ago, light up the evening sky.

They would never understand that it’s not just the fireworks that bring people out, but what they represent . . . the freedom to watch and enjoy and remember for one moment that we all share something in common . . . the love of our country.

This is Nina May at hoping you never forget why we watch them.



Many people believe that public schools began to decline when prayer was taken out. And all the money in the world cannot fix a broken or non-existent moral code.

When God was expelled, so was a confidence level and foundation for learning. Children were left to establish their own absolutes and value systems or adopt the humanist one that public schools promote.

Someone, who could be classified as a right-wing, religious fanatic once said, “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.”

That person was Martin Luther and he made that statement almost 500 years ago. If one person was able to expel God, then many more can invite him back in.

Because as we have seen, and as Martin Luther so wisely stated, without God in the hearts of the children, the schools will become breeding grounds for amoral patterns that corrupt every aspect of society.

This is Nina May at

There is a move to capitalize on the recent shootings in high schools to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

There are 65 million gun owners and 200 million guns in America. If the 65 million people who are regularly classified as nuts, really were, the country would be a totally different place. There would be no law and order, there would be no respect for politicians who irresponsibly spend people’s hard earned money on wasteful boondoggles. There would be no domestic peace and tranquility. There would be many more terrorist acts than the dozen or so reported every year.

Between 1987-1992, about 83,000 crime victims per year used a firearm to defend themselves or their property. 75% did so during a violent crime. 38% of victims defending themselves with a firearm attacked the offender, and the others threatened the offender with the weapon.

To quote an often seen bumper sticker, gun control means hitting your target. This is Nina May at Reminding you that 200 years ago, it was a group of nuts carrying guns that won for us the right to freely discuss this issue today.

This past week an unborn baby’s life hung in the balance as abortion vs. adoption was discussed.

For the young girl, who’s body the baby was growing in, it was a life and she chose life.

She also chose to give the baby up for adoption. She chose to be accountable, to be responsible and not condemn a baby to death, just because of her mistakes.

But, when this young girl announced to her mother what her decision was, she was dragged to an abortion clinic and forced to have an abortion.

So the girl’s choice was irrelevant… to her mother… and to the abortionist.

What other industry can you legally drag someone into and carve life out of them without their permission?

This parallels the treatment of slaves who had no choice, as people, what they could do with their bodies. This young girl became a slave of lies, of a feminist agenda, of a mother’s selfishness… of a government that sees her as a non-person when it comes to reproductive rights.

She had no choice in the matter.

Until women smash the leg irons of the abortion industry that are keeping them enslaved… no woman will ever really have a choice to do the right thing.

This is Nina May, mourning the death of an innocent child.

A lot of people are wondering what the furor is about Clinton, surreptitiously appointing James Hormel as Ambassador of Luxembourg.

Well, let me ask, would you be upset if a very vocal homosexual wanted to show your child a film promoting the homosexual lifestyle as a preference to the heterosexual lifestyle, while calling your values intolerant?

Well, that’s what Hormel has done, with the assistance of PBS, in a film he funded called, “It’s Elementary.” It is designed to desensitize children from k-12 about the homosexual lifestyle and indoctrinate them into it.

This is a benign man with no agenda and is harming no one? Not once in this film does it mention the death rate of homosexuals, the number of kids with sexually transmitted diseases, suicides, broken homes, destroyed lives.  This is man we can count on to tell the truth about America in another country?

This would be as though Clinton was appointing a radical member of a militia group who had distributed a film about the necessity of carrying loaded guns in school.

What Hormel has done is given your children a loaded gun of self-destruction and lies.

In San Francisco, there are several homosexual activists who are pushing to loosen rules in the city’s bathhouses. Michael Petrelis, leader of Queer Nation says, “We want to increase the number of venues where adult gay men can practice safe, consensual sodomy.”

San Fransisco has the highest rate of AIDS in America, and almost eighteen thousand people there have died of AIDs since it was first diagnosed. This is akin to youngsters who have access to loaded guns, complaining that they don’t have a safe place to shoot each other.

But shouldn’t the same standards be applied to gay activist groups as are applied to the tobacco industry and gun manufacturers? The courts determined that because smokers who are on medicare and medicaid, might get lung cancer, the tobacco industry should be held accountable.

And the gun manufacturers are supposed to be responsible for how someone uses their product.

So if tobacco use might cause lung cancer and we know unprotected sex with people infected with AIDS does spread the disease. . . should the groups, individuals, businesses and communities that support this activity be held liable and accountable, as the tobacco and gun industries are? What do you think?