If you ever want to see what the polls really say, listen to what a politician is saying when he is running for office… not what he says after he is elected.

Take Al Gore for example.

As Vice President Gore, he stood solidly behind Bill Clinton, never questioning, never doubting and even going to so far as to say he is one of the greatest presidents we have ever had.

On the day of his impeachment, Clinton is presented by Gore as a hero who has just saved a village or who has rescued an elderly lady from a burning car. Not an ounce of remorse, shame or contrition.

Now, candidate Gore says that what Clinton did was wrong, and we need to get back to moral basics in America. So the big question is, is it loyalty or truth that Gore can’t quite get right?

But the reality is… the pollsters have told him to distance himself from Clinton. He knew the day he put his arm around Clinton in the rose garden, congratulating him for his courage under fire… that this photo, and statement would one day be played during his campaign.

So was he lying then… or is he lying now? Was he loyal for a season and now that is irrelevant?

Are the American voters really this gullible? You’re one, you tell me. This is Nina May at ninamay.com.

A couple of months ago bombs hit the master bedroom of Milosovic’s villa. NATO denied that they were trying to kill Milosovic. Then a bomb just happens to hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and that too was called an “accident.”

All the civilian convoys, tractors, buses and homes that have been bombed have also been classified as accidents. Russia sends ground troops into Kosovo and they too claim it was a mistake. Does anyone really know what is going on in this war?

And can we all start applying that same reasoning to actions that might appear to be intentional, but are really accidental? Like, “I accidentally forgot to file my tax returns,” or “I didn’t mean to hit the policeman who was ticketing me . . . I was aiming at something else.”

Or, “I didn’t really move all that money out of that bank and into my car . . . I don’t know how it got there.”

We don’t know how those Russian troops got there either. Citizens are a reflection of leadership and cannot be held accountable for following their lead.

As citizens see standards of situational ethics played out globally . . . are they supposed to follow suit in their personal lives?

The new international theme for countries seems to be based on the old Plessey vs. Ferguson rule of segregation . . . separate but equal.

Of course that was considered not only unconstitutional, but unjust and blatantly racist here in America. But that out-dated standard seems to the new paradigm for countries such as Israel and Yugoslavia.

Israel is now a patchwork quilt of ethnic groups who do not work together, play together, or vote together.  It has become a “separate but equal” country. It seems as though that is the hope of the Kosovars, that they have their own separate, but equal country, with their own president and standing army.

This should be wonderful news for southerners who have steadfastly held to the motto, the “South Shall Rise Again.” After all, they tried, unsuccessfully, 140 years ago to do exactly what the Palestinian Authority and the KLA have accomplished.

To be consistent, Clinton should give them his full blessing, the backing of NATO, and any foreign country who agrees with this new standard, should feel free to join in the fray. This is Nina May asking what you think.

The claim by every pro-abortion group and advocate is that they care about the welfare of women and that their primary concern is that they have the right to choose.

But that choice never seems to include information on adoption.

Many believe the reason is because the abortion industry is making billions of dollars on the ethnic cleansing of unborn Americans… and that is true.

But what if individuals desiring to adopt approached the abortion clinic and said, “We will pay you double whatever an abortion costs if you will inform the woman that we are willing to adopt her baby.”

So then, the abortion clinics can really do what they have been claiming for years that they do… protecting her right to choose.

They will still be making obscene amounts of money and more importantly, that little child would be one more survivor of a national holocaust that has been taking place in America for over 25 years.

So this is Nina May challenging families seeking to adopt to approach abortion clinics and give them the opportunity to live up to their claims of protecting a women’s right to choose.

One of the biggest obstacles to allowing low income families to have school vouchers is the fear that they will be used in Christian, or religious schools. After all, it would be totally unconstitutional to use taxpayer money to give a child a moral and values-based education.

The operative phrase is “taxpayer money.” Which taxpayer is that?

If the state is so concerned about any Christian getting any special benefit from their own money, money they have earned and are forced, by law, to give the state . . . perhaps the state should exempt all Christians from paying taxes. Because to co-mingle Christian taxpayer money with non-Christian taxpayer money certainly must be a violation of the separation of church and state.

So, the answer would be, don’t tax Christians so that there is no possibility that “Christian” money could possibly be circulating in the same tax pool as “non-Christian” money. Or maybe we should begin to treat Christians as full citizens with the same rights and privileges as everyone else and let them use vouchers the way they see fit. Because taxes belong to all the people who paid them . . . not just a few.

This is Nina May at ninamay.com.

As we wind down this century, it serves us well to reflect upon the end of the last one to gain a historical perspective on who we are as a nation.

On this day, 95 years ago, President William McKinley, then Governor of Ohio said, “There is no currency in the this world that passes at such a premium anywhere as good Christian character… The time has gone by when the young man or the young woman in the United states has to apologize for being a follower of Christ.”

It is important for Christians today to understand that the cause of Christ has been a spiritual battle that has been ongoing since the foundation of the earth. It has been a physical battle for 2000 years as Christians have been faithful, persecuted and victorious in that order.

Why do we think today we should have it any easier just because we think we live in a more civilized and more accommodating time? Christians one hundred years ago had to make the same choices we do today. And because they stood for the cause of Christ, we can continue sharing His love with others.

We are merely passing the baton of love, forgiveness and salvation. . .that is a wonderful legacy to leave our nation.

Anytime school vouchers are mentioned as an alternative to failing public schools, to provide families an educational option, the bureaucrats say the answer is putting more money into the public school system to “make it better.” But the paradigm they should be studying is the one created by home-schoolers. These are kids taught by their own mothers who get paid nothing.

A recent report released in March, 1999, by Dr. Lawrence Rudner and the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, studied the test scores of 20,760 students and found that home school students, at every grade level, significantly outperform their public and private school peers.

From grades 1-4 they perform one grade higher, and the gap widens in 5th and 8th grades where they perform 4 grades above the national average.

Students who have been home schooled their entire academic careers post the highest scholastic achievement. And the median spending on educational materials was $400.

So more money is not the answer to a better education . . . allowing parents the right to choose it is.

This is Nina May at ninamay.com.

Robert E. Lee was offered a commission by Abraham Lincoln and turned it down to lead the Confederate Army, so both sides thought he was qualified. And now his portrait has been removed from a wall containing 28 others in Richmond, the capitol of the Confederacy, because one of the city councilmen is offended by it.

He compared him to Adolph Hitler. Obviously not a history buff, this man is comparing an apple to an orange. The better analogy would be to compare Lee to the leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army who have been fighting for independence from Yugoslavia. They want to secede from their Union. The dictator, Hitler, on the other hand, wanted to remake the world in his image.

So what again is Sa’ad El-Amin’s complaint about the portrait of a great general? He claims that “Lee is a pariah in my community.” Which community is that? Richmond? The former Capitol of the Confederacy . . . I doubt that very seriously.

This is Nina May asking you to tell us what you think. Should the portrait stay or go? And if it goes, can Republicans have every picture of Clinton removed from public buildings because they find them offensive?

A high school science teacher in Minnesota was removed from his job after being quizzed by school officials about his faith, and whether he ever mentioned God or the Bible during science class.

Their great fear was that he would tell the kids the truth that God created the heavens and the earth and it wasn’t a ball of lint exploding through the cosmos.

Even though his text book had “creation” as a teaching option, he was grilled, humiliated and fired for just having sincerely held religious beliefs, and not even mentioning them.

On the other hand, James Hormel has just recently been named by Clinton as the Ambassador to Luxembourg and will be the first homosexual to openly display his lifestyle in that position. He is applauded for his bravery, his resolve to do the right thing.

On one hand, the government fires a man for potentially mentioning his lifestyle, his beliefs, because they might be offensive. And on the other hand a man who practices a lifestyle, openly, without concern for the feelings of others, is promoted to a position of representing our nation abroad.

Is it just me, or does this seem a little hypocritical . . . let me know what you think.

Al Gore is reinventing his image to appeal to voters who may have been living on a remote island for the past eight years.

For the rest of America, it is going to take more than telling us what we want to hear. . . we need to see fruits of a changed heart.

Take the city of Almolonga in Guatemala, for example. There used to be eight thousand people, thirty-six bars and three churches.

Since a spiritual revival that occurred there a few years ago, there are now twenty-four thousand people, three bars and eighteen spirit-filled churches.

They used to have four trucks per month leave the village with vegetables, now they have forty-six per DAY.

Ninety eight percent of the people profess to be born again Christians and almost every truck, car, house or business proudly proclaims it with signs.

People travel from all over the world to see carrots the size of your forearm.

So as Gore struggles with a new image to get more votes, the town of Almolonga truly has a new image . . . one that reflects the power, forgiveness and the love of God.

A heart change, not an image change, would be a believable transformation with tangible fruits . . . like the vegetables in Almolonga. This is Nina May.