In a Better World Campaign ad, the headlines say, “Great Nations Pay Their Bills.”

Out of 183 countries in the United Nations, 170 pay less than 23% of the total bill. 29 countries paid as little as $10,516 for 1998. Yet they each get one vote, just like the U.S. which pays 25% of the entire U.N. bill.

This doesn’t even include 30% of the cost for peace-keeping missions, or $900 million to the UN affiliates, and $2.9 billion diverted from the training and readiness of our armed forces, and given to the U.N. Security Council.

So in spite of what the Better World Campaign says, the U.S. voluntarily gave almost three times as much as required in 1998. The UN building in New York is rent free, they pay no property taxes, the foreign employees pay no taxes… and only 7.1% of the employees are American.

So instead of asking why we are paying so little, perhaps the question should be, why do we pay so much? And, what do we get for the money we pay, besides insults?

A couple of years ago, when Congress was trying to return power to the states by restructuring the school lunch program, the Clinton Administration claimed that Republicans were starving poor school children.

No one ever asked what these starving kids ate on weekends, holidays or during summer break. And then the evil tobacco industry was targeted for selling a legal substance that might appeal to kids. And on T.V. nightly, faces of homeless Albanian children are shown to justify the continued bombing of a sovereign nation.

But if kids really are that important to this Administration… where do they stand on the report published by the American Psychiatric Association that says that pedophile may actually be healthy for a child. This blatant lie should send shockwaves throughout the entire nation.

Those not shocked should be classified as pedophiles and kept as far away from kids as possible. If the Clinton Administration that has exploited children for their political purposes, refuses to denounce this lie, then they are as guilty as those who destroy the lives of innocent kids each year.

This is Nina May, speaking for kids, who’s cry for help, has been silenced by lying adults.

I just returned from Mali in Western Africa where 99% of the people are Muslim.

You could safely say it is a Muslim country even though it is not a state-sponsored religion. Every day at certain times, you can hear the bells in the mosques calling people to prayer. And that meant they would stop, kneel, and pray. They were never hesitant to mention God in conversation, or thank him for . . . everything.

It was a very humbling lesson to realize how much more dedicated to their faith they are than most Christians who may give God one hour on Sunday morning. But what is interesting is that no one from a non-Muslim country considers this expression to be fanatic. It is the way they express their sincerely held religious beliefs.

But in America, which was founded as a Christian country, in spite of what revisionists will say, just having a Bible at work, wearing a cross, or mentioning the name of Jesus is considered fanatic behaviour.

Perhaps if Christians became more fanatic with their love of God and their love of their fellow man, their fanaticism would be embraced instead of symbolically ridiculed.

There are many theories floating around to suggest that the war in Yugoslavia is a smokescreen to draw attention away from the Clinton Administration’s questionable relationship with China — including illegal campaign contributions, sharing of top secret miliatry intelligence, down- playing the strategic significance of the Panama Canal purchase and other miliary bases — not to mention their abhorant and gross violations of human rights that make Serbia’s pale in comparison.

But I have another theory that began in the “Wag the Dog” period when Clinton took advantage of his position as Commander in Chief and attacked two sovereign nations, Sudan and Afghanistan, to distract us from the impeachment.

The transparent reason he used for bombing Iraq, on the same day the impeachment proceedings began, was because he didn’t want to bomb during their holy day.

However he was not hesitant to send U.S. bombers over Belgrade on Easter Sunday.

The KLA, that the U.S. now supports receives funds from Osama bin Laden. Is our support for his pet terrorist group, the KLA, a payback for a diversion during a sticky time for Clinton?

The price of liberty is constant vigilance.

After the devastating event at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, where 15 children were gunned down by two class mates, President Clinton made a statement.

He said, “We need to teach our children not to respond to situations with violence, that they should learn to live peacefully together.” This came on the heels of increased NATO bombing in Yugoslavia where more innocent citizens have been killed by these bombings than have been killed by the Serbs.

So what is the lesson here? Big guns and little guns can both kill when given to people who have rejected other means of solving their problems or conflicts. The two boys who murdered their classmates had no respect for human life and felt empowered to show this disdain by executing classmates because they were different, believed in something, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The NATO forces, including the U.S. have stated that civilian casualties are to be expected in any war, that Serbians deserve to die, and they have a moral right to kill because these people are different than the ones they support.

To quote an old saying, “the apple falls not far from the tree.”

A few days ago I was in a meeting in Kampala, Uganda with several members of their Parliament. After telling us about the internal factions that are continuing to war in their country, the discussion eventually came around to the U.S. involvement in Yugoslavia.

The point-blank question was “Why doesn’t the U.S. help us in the same way and come in and bomb our enemies in the north and south in Uganda?”

That was a good question, based on current standards whereby the U.S. becomes involved in the internal affairs of a foreign, sovereign nation.

The human rights violations and atrocities in Uganda are greater in number and in severity than those in Yugoslavia. There were no refugees because during factional conflicts no one is left alive. And certainly the ancient tribal hatred among the various groups in the country has such an entrenched history that even bombs would never solve the problem.

If our government cannot explain, even to its own citizens, why the conflict in Yugoslavia requires the type of senseless, poorly planned… and poorly aimed attack, then how can we explain to other nations that their suffering isn’t as significant?

This is Nina May still searching for answers.

When we hear of situations where the Ten Commandments are being taken down from courthouse and school walls it is odd that the followers of Christ seem to be the ones standing in the gap on their behalf.

After all, The Ten Commandments weren’t given to the Christians . . . they were given to the Jews, by God because they are His chosen people.

This was long before Christ was even born. And during his ministry, Christ said, I came to fulfill the law and the prophets. And, that all the commandments are fulfilled by keeping two . . .That you love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Ironically, if you do these things you will not break the other eight commandments. But why is the Christian community fighting so hard to keep laws given to the Jewish community?

Because if Christians love God, the same God, they must love their brothers as themselves. And the Ten Commandments represent a direct link between God and Man.

What Christians should pray for is that the world would see that Christ represents the same link as the written word, and that the word is “love.”

There must be great confusion and frustration in the many camps that have steadfastly supported President Clinton and the democrat agenda.

The feminists were forced to choose between their party and their principles when they redefined sexual harassment in favor Bill Clinton.

The anti-war protestors of old have been forced to reevaluate terms such as “American imperialism”, in the wake of our recent bombings of three sovereign nations… Sudan, Afghanistan and now Yugoslavia.

And the environmentalists who think that humans are the scourge of the earth are forced to turn a blind eye as 13 million gallons of oil flow into the Danube, from the bombing of Belgrade.

These are interesting paradigm shifts that are occurring in all the of special interest groups that heretofore have shown no tolerance for anyone who would gore their sacred cow, except Clinton.

How easy it is to see the emptiness of self-righteous rhetoric that is merely a front for a political agenda.

Now that the curtain has been pulled back on all the Wizards in Oz, and the truth exposed, maybe we can finally have honest debate on these and other issues.

(Transferred Blessings from Ducks to Crows)

We just discovered, much to our delight, that a pair of Mallard Ducks have taken up residence in our pond.

We put some bread out for them and noticed that they must be used to humans, because they came right over and ate it. I also noticed later from the window that the crows and blue jays were swooping down on them, trying to intimidate them, and get the bread that was left for the ducks.

I thought how interesting that was. The crows are an unwelcome guest in the yard because they tear up the trash and scare away the smaller birds. But because the ducks were a blessing, and we were feeding them, the crows were getting a transferred blessing.

But instead of realizing it was the presence of the ducks that caused there to be extra food . . . they tried to run the ducks off to keep the food for themselves.

That reminds me of people who try and take God out of all public life, restrict Christian expression, and forbid prayer in school, but they still expect the blessings of God on this country to continue.

The crows get blessed because of the favor the ducks have with us. If the Ducks leave, so will the blessing.

This is Nina May at Or 1-877-RWTODAY.




Before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, Sam West included the following phrase in a sermon at Dartmouth, “When a people find themselves oppressed by a parent state, they have an undoubted right to throw off the yoke of the oppressive state.”

When Jefferson was quoted as saying “It is the [people’s] indispensable duty to throw off the yoke of oppression,” he said, “I only put down on paper the popularly held view of the time.”

The patriots were fond of saying, “resistance to Tyranny is obedience to God.” Another preacher in the colonies said, before the Declaration of Independence was written, “The man who refuses to assert his right to liberty, property and life is guilty of the worst kind of rebellion. He commits high treason against God and is a betrayer of generations yet unborn.”

So the knowledge that God alone grants rights to people, not the government, was wide spread. This was not revolutionary, but the accepted truth. When Adams said, “Our constitution is designed for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate for any other,” he meant that as a lasting truth, not a dated message.