When prayer was taken out of school it was as though a pest had been infesting the school system and finally they were free from this horrible influence. Now the kids could concentrate on learning, on the important things of life without the threat of religion hanging over their heads. But with any pendulum swing in society, when you extract the good from something, the evil automatically fills in the void.

So instead of kids openly, and freely discussing the attributes of a loving relationship with God, and their family, they talk about how cool it is to dabble in Satan worship. Or instead of listening to music that edifies and builds up, they listen to tortured music that kills the soul. Instead of encouraging each other to set new standards of excellence for themselves and each other they are force-fed trash pumped out by the movie industry.

And then everyone is suddenly shocked when two of the new breed demonstrate what they have learned on the dark side. Ask yourself, which do you think is more harmful to children . . . prayer in school or two kids with no self-esteem, full of hate, caring loaded guns?

This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women,

A few weeks ago, an intruder attacked a sitting duck on the White House lawn. The intruder was a Red-Tailed hawk who swooped down and literally attacked . . . a sitting duck. This occurred right on the heels of the NATO bombing of Serbia, and for some, it seemed very symbolic. But what was most interesting was the reaction of the White House staff.

The paper reported them as being disgusted by the way the hawk ripped the duck apart and devoured it right in front of everyone. This is the same administration that has gone out of its way to protect the environment, set aside natural habitats, and parks for wildlife. They must spend all of their time inside writing bills that protect wildlife instead of actually getting out and seeing how they behave with each other. It is not a pretty picture. They devour each other daily . . . that is how they survive.

Hawks don’t go down to the local McDonalds and order a duck burger. And in spite of what animal rights activists will tell you, human beings are not an animal’s biggest predator . . . another animal who is hungrier and bigger is.

This is Nina May at ninamay.com.

There are many southerners in Georgia who recall vividly the stories they were told by their non-slaveholding Grandparents, about the devastating path of destruction General Sherman took through their state.

They speak of the pain, the suffering, the murder and the genocide. It is still an open wound for many who weren’t even alive at that time. They still refuse to ever vote for a Republican because that was Lincoln’s party and they view him as a tyrant, and a dictator… one who authorized the murder of their families.

Of course if you talk to someone in the North, with family who fought on the Union side, you will get an entirely different picture. Lincoln was a liberator and one who tried to hold the country together and keep the South from seceding.

In all civil wars, there are two sides to the story. We must not lose site of this as we blindly scramble to condemn Milosivic alone, without looking at the war in Yugoslavia that has been waging internally for years, and consider that the Serbians have a story to tell too.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I feel there is a lot more to this story than we are hearing in the press. This is Nina May encouraging you to look at both sides of every story.

It seems as though the Labor Party in Israel is so impressed with the political integrity of the Clinton Administration that they have hired their number one spin-meister, James Carvell.

You remember, the one who tried to keep Paula Jones from having her day in court, thinks that Ken Starr is the Devil incarnate, and that Bill Clinton is an innocent victim of the vast right wing conspiracy?

It reminds me of the old movie “Tammy”, starring Debbie Reynolds.

The lawyers trying to have the wealthy old woman committed were talking about how dangerous she was and how it was in her best interest to be sent away. Tammy saw right through it and said, “If you were her lawyers, you would be talking about what a fine upstanding woman she is.”

Of course she was right, as that is the essence of advocacy.

So as we hear Carvel say, “When you get down to it, Israel’s well-informed electorate can be seduced just as easily as America’s apathetic and ignorant voters,” you realize he is just a hired gun.

But the jury in Tammy, the voters in America, and those in Israel aren’t nearly as ignorant as Carvell thinks. The old lady in Tammy won, and so will the truth. This is Nina May.

I remember hearing, during the eighties the phrase, “one person’s freedom fighter is another person’s terrorist.  This was always in reference to the Contras, or the citizens of Nicaragua who opposed communist oppression.

Of course those who opposed communism with them knew them as freedom fighters but those who supported Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas, referred to them as terrorists.

Two such people were Bill and Hillary Clinton, plus the usual suspects who saw America as the Evil Empire and Ronald Reagan as Darth Vader.

They were opposed at every turn to even sending arms to let the people defend themselves against some of the most horrible atrocities to occur in our hemisphere.

Sandinista supporters in America pulled out all the stops in their unabashed support of the communist dictatorship. These same people are the current Administration. So if they called innocent Nicaraguans, terrorists, and they called the real terrorists, the freedom fighters . . . how can we trust what they are now calling Milosevic?

We invite you take our poll on this issue at ninamay.com. This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

The circus has many acts that symbolize real life.

We see the tightrope walker delicately keeping his balance to avoid falling. This is a lesson we should apply daily.

The horses run in unison around a tiny ring, but if any one of them did not keep up, stopped, protested, it would cause them all to stumble.

But the most interesting symbolic act is the tiger trainer and some of the largest, most powerful animals in the world.

With a tiny stick with a piece of string on it, this vulnerable man has the power and authority over animals that could kill him easily with the swipe of a paw.

This has two applications, depending upon who the trainer represents, and who the tigers represent.

If the trainer has faith in God and believes as the Bible says that he has more power in his little finger than Satan, and acts accordingly, he can manifest that power.

But if the trainer is Satan and we are tigers, we are ignoring the incredible power and authority God has given us and are letting a weak man, a stick and piece of string control us.

As soon as we know who we are, then we can figure out how to manifest God’s power and Glory.



Thirty years ago, before sex education was required in public schools, and before legalized abortion, the out-of-wedlock birth rate for high school kids was less than 1%. Now it is soaring at over 30%.

What have they been teaching kids for the past three decades to warrant such an epidemic?

Well first of all, kids were taught that any and all sex was good, just do it safely, abstinence is old-fashioned, and that sexual experimentation is liberating. What they weren’t told was that their innocence was being stolen, their self-esteem destroyed, their values mocked and the consequences were life-altering.

With the push for sexual liberation, past societal restraints quickly disappeared. No longer was a girl ashamed to be pregnant. She was taught to either abort or give birth and be eligible for welfare.

She was lied to by the system that had authority over her. But kids today, who are trying to hold onto their virtue and innocence, with programs like “True Love Waits,” are ridiculed by these same adults who have been lying to them for years.

This is Nina May encouraging parents to take back that authority and teach your own kids the real facts of life.


If you ever want to keep life in perspective, dig out an old weekly magazine from the early eighties. Remember the ones that called Reagan a “cowboy” for punishing Muamar Kadaffi for terrorist acts? Or the one that had the leaders in the Middle East upset because we intercepted an Egyptian plane to capture the terrorists of the Achille Lauro? Or when Daniel Ortega was a hero and Reagan was the bad guy and the press was always on Reagan’s case about something?

Look at the liberation of Grenada in comparison to the questionable bombing of an aspirin factory in Sudan. Look at the effort to try and end civil war and bloodshed in Nicaragua, in our own hemisphere, just by giving them arms to defend themselves. And see us now send our young men and women into a civil war halfway around the world that has been waging for years.

Read the quotes of people who epitomized international wisdom and wonder where they are today.

The lesson is, Kings and Kingdoms will all pass away but the etermal truth of Christ’s love will live forever. And the treasures we store for eternity will mark what people will remember of us in the future.

If Christ did not exist, or was not who He said He was, how could he have exerted so much more power in death, than in life, to have the whole western calendar system recalculated to match His birth?

Even before his death he told his unbelieving disciples they would do greater miracles than him.

And the main distinction between Christ and other religious leaders is that the tomb is empty . . . he conquered death literally, so that we could conquer it symbolically.

But even that could have been explained away in 2000 years or even forgotten. Certainly the new Christians being fed to lions must have entertained the thought that maybe it was a rumor and the resurrection didn’t really happen.

But the miracle that has survived 2000 years is the fact that the Holy Spirit of Christ never died but is as alive today as He was when He walked the earth 2000 years ago.

That is the miracle that has outlived common logic, persecution, rejection, and the forces of evil.

We celebrate the empty tomb on Sunday, but do we really understand that he is with us still, today? That is the miracle that defies common sense and logic.

In California, a science teacher tried to make a school force children back into his class after they asked to be removed when they found out he was gay. They said he made them feel uncomfortable, that he would put his arm around them and they didn’t like it.

Their parents agreed, and obviously the school did too, because the kids were moved. He forced a hearing and demanded that “his” children be returned to his class.

Several of the parents rose to remind him that these children did not belong to him, they were theirs, and their responsibility. The vote was in favor of the parents and the children. This was not good enough for the teacher. He took it to the state School Board, and the school was reprimanded and the new policy is that kids will be forced to stay with teachers they find objectionable. Also, they will be forced to take sensitivity training classes on homosexuality.

Public education has become little more than a 12-year political indoctrination course. Maybe now, parents will begin to believe it and save their children from people who see them as their property, not as individuals with their own belief system.

This is Nina May at ninamay.com.