The Cane Toad was imported from South America to Australia in 1935, to eat the mice in the sugar cane fields. One fact that was omitted was that it was poisonous. As a result, many of the native birds, such as the kite and hawk, would eat the toads and die.

The kite and other birds, however, learned through the years that the toads were poisonous, yet they developed a way to eat them without getting sick.

They would swoop down on the toad, grab it by its hind legs, slam its head into the tree and knock it out. This way, the toad couldn’t eject the poison onto the bird from the glands on its neck. The bird would quickly kill it, and surgically separate the edible legs from the inedible upper body.

This was an evolutionary process that took thirty years to perfect, yet the birds adapted to this survival technique.

In the U.S., socialism has been imported into the field of a free society and has poisoned it. But those who believe in individual freedom and less bureaucracy can learn to take the toad of socialism, break its back and remove the tastiest morsels of freedom that have gone uneaten for years.

Its never too late to learn new survival techniques. This is Nina May at 1-877-RWTODAY or

There is a move by pro-abortion advocates to ban Anti-Abortion web sites on the Internet. The claim is that they foster violence against abortion clinics and abortionists.

Forget the fact that most are merely sources of information and offer alternative solutions to abortion. What’s odd is that the very voices who scream the loudest to allow hardcore pornography on the Net, based on the erroneous belief that it is constitutionally protected, are trying to ban a sight they don’t approve of. But a site that is legal none-the-less.

What is ironic, on several levels is that abortion is one of the most violent acts performed on a human being, destroying one life and scarring many others.  Pornography degrades, debases, and destroys the lives of millions of men and women. So if the people trying to prevent the anti-abortion sites really cared about the safety of the doctors, then they should at least extend that compassion to the babies, the mothers, the exploited men and women of pornography and the millions of victims it ravages every year.

This is Nina May encouraging you not to let double standards hide the truth.

Most people are trying to figure out why there is so much support for Bill Clinton from women. But it hit me. If Monica Lewinsky is getting big bucks for a book deal with nothing new to tell, and women are still fantasizing about the serial killer Ted Bundy, and some well-known women have stated that they would have sex with Bill Clinton if given the chance, then maybe Bill isn’t the problem.

But it is hard to get angry at these pitiful women.  We should feel sorry that they have such little self esteem and integrity that they would debase themselves to such an extent.

The feminist movement really missed the boat in thinking that women could handle the type of sexual freedom they foisted on them.

They have become mad with illogical lust that has no outlet other than self-destruction.

They fantasize about someone who sexually harasses women, another who kills and mutilates young girls, and they are all willing to pay the price for a book by one of their victims . . . Monica.

Maybe Bill is not to blame for his sickness. Maybe he is just another victim of the sexual liberation movement that women created.

The other day I asked my young son to pick up his toys.

Later he came and confessed to me that he was going to tell me he did when he really didn’t.

He said he looked down at a little wrist band he wears that says WWJD? And asked himself . . . “What Would Jesus Do?”

It touched this mom’s heart that he would have the courage to tell me the process of deceit he was contemplating, but it touched me even more to know that he really understood who the person of Jesus Christ was.  That Jesus is one of the role models he uses to determine right from wrong.

It doesn’t say, WWCD? What Would a Christian Do? Because Christians are fallible like everyone else . . . some just pretend to be perfect.

No, he chose the most perfect role model for character, leadership and excellence that the world has ever seen . . . Jesus Christ.

It makes you wonder, why we are taking such a good role model for behavior out of public schools, just when kids are dying for someone to believe in.

My son picked up his toys, but who will pick up the mess left by humanism, socialism and atheism?

Maybe children wearing little bracelets will lead the way.

Thomas Jefferson once gave these words of advice to a young man.

“If ever you find yourself with difficulties . . . do what is right. Though you cannot see what will be the next step, follow truth, justice, and plain-dealing. The knot which you thought a Gordian one will untie itself before you. Nothing is so mistaken as the supposition that a person must extricate himself from a difficulty by intrigue, by chicanery, or by an untruth. This increases the difficulties tenfold, and those who pursue these methods, get themselves so involved that their infamy becomes more exposed. It is of great importance to set a resolution . . . never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual. He tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him.”

It is unfortunate that his namesake, William Jefferson Clinton, never read these words of wisdom.

This is Nina May reminding you that the truth, will always set you free.

The supporters of Bill Clinton keep referring to “All the American People” as though every single one of the 260 million signed some huge document in unanimous support of Bill Clinton.

The truth is, approximately 96 million people voted, and only 47 million of them gave Bill Clinton a victory. So to be accurate, we should start saying 20% of the American people want this and 20% of the American people want that.

We have all discovered that the big 70% they keep referring to is from a small pool of the same 1500 people who have proven themselves loyal to the pollsters. They can be counted on for the same response to every single question. That is why if you ask them if they have ever been polled they will say “yes hundreds of times.” But if you ask the rest of the populus, they will say they have never been polled.

So I encourage you to take your vote back. Let these self-proclaimed spokesmen know that they don’t speak for you. If you don’t, they will continue to misrepresent you and disregard you.

This is Nina May encouraging the 80% that didn’t vote for Clinton, to let your voice be counted.

There are too many people who believe that Government knows best.

We have exchanged common sense for complacency. Remember years ago when we were told that Fluoride prevents cavities? It was placed in toothpastes and nearly two thirds of public water supplies are fluoridated.  But did you know it is an extremely toxic compound that originally was sold as a bug and rat poison?

Dr. Robert Carton, a former scientists at the EPA says, “Fluoride is somewhat less toxic than arsenic and more toxic than lead, and you wouldn’t have either in your mouth.”  Dr. William Marcus, former chief toxicologist with the EPA lost his job after he insisted on an unbiased evaluation of fluoride’s potential to cause cancer.  Yet the Clinton Administration and the NIH are pushing for 100 percent water fluoridation in America . . . even though scientific research suggests that long-term fluoride consumption may cause cancer, impaired brain function, and brittle bones.

As a free people, we have a responsibility to keep our government in check . . . .and not relinquish rights to something as basic as good health.

Tell us what you think at

In September 1983, I was shocked when the Soviet Union shot down Korean Airline flight 007, murdering 269 innocent people.

I was even more shocked however at the deafening silence from the liberals who had screamed so vociferously against military aggression.

And certainly against any type of strong military defense by the U.S…

Remember the quaint days of Mutually Assured Destruction?

There was no outcry, no condemnation, no rallies, no marches. So I decided to organize one.

Within a couple of hours we got over 300 people to protest in front of the Soviet Embassy in DC. One little problem. We didn’t know it was illegal to express our outrage in front of a foreign embassy.

I was subsequently arrested and charged with a misdemeanor and put in jail. I had a choice of paying a fine or facing a trial. I admitted my guilt, paid my fine and was released.

But according to the constitution, if I had been president, I could have been impeached for the misdemeanor of protesting the murder of innocent people. Should lying under oath be considered any less of an offense?

Let’s take the current situation of the trial of Bill Clinton, move it back 50 years, place it in Nazi Germany and change his name to Adolph Hitler.

No, I am not suggesting that Bill Clinton is Anti-Semitic… I am trying to point out that if you had a majority of his loyal brown shirts in a voting body that could keep him from being convicted of the most heinous of crimes… it would have happened.

The Senators who blindly support Clinton with total disregard for the facts, the law, the circumstances and their legal obligation are thumbing their noses at the American people while using them as their scape goat.

“The American people want us to get back to the business at hand.”

Yes we do, and the trial of Bill Clinton is the business at hand. Don’t hide behind a collective to avoid your responsibility! And your responsibility is to look at the facts of a case… look at the law… and ask yourself… did he break the law.

If the people who supported Adolph Hitler had looked at their conscience and done what was right, there probably would have been millions of spared lives.

Remember the story of the Emperor’s new clothes? A couple of con artists convinced the Emperor to let them make an outfit that only truly intelligent people could see.

Not wanting to appear average, everyone pretended to see the clothes, but they knew he was just standing there in his underwear.

The pollsters in America have become like the two con artists, giving poll results that no one really believes, but that no one has the courage to challenge.

Who was going to challenge the Emperor and tell him he really didn’t have clothes on? It took a young boy who had nothing to lose or gain by pointing out the truth. And when the truth was articulated, it liberated the people to be truthful as well.

So, we can either be conned by polls, or we can challenge them, as this small boy did.

I invited everyone last week to call us and tell us if they have ever been polled, and I would give you the results today.

Well, 99% of the people who called said they had never been polled. So what does that tell us about the accuracy of polls? It depends on what truth you want to see.