Home schoolers used to be considered out of touch with reality, but actually, they have preserved reality for society and their children. They have shifted the paradigm from being the social outcasts, to setting a new curve on standards, creativity, confidence and integrity.

Colleges are anxious to get applications from home schoolers and employers are delighted to see it in the child’s resume. Because it speaks volumes as to who that person is, what their work ethics are, and what type of educational foundation they have.

But still one of the biggest complaints you hear against homeschooling is, how will the child be socialized?

The proof is in the generation that has come through it. They actually are better leaders, relate better with adults, are self-motivated and creative.

Children in public school on the other hand are clinging to virtue, refusing drugs, avoiding gangs, and just trying to survive. The choice is pretty easy for most parents who have the option available to them: Be socialized by a community of sacrificial moms and disciplined kids or by the local bully. Ask your kids what they would prefer.

This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

In the mid-60’s and early 70’s there was a move in the educational system to do away with absolutes, like right and wrong because they were considered too restrictive. There was a belief that the old fashioned moral values taught in schools were too reflective of the values in the Bible. These absolutes were replaced with concepts such as situational ethics and values clarification.

Basically, you were taught to apply your own set of values to each situation and it was free-floating and nebulous. These flawed teachings are now reflected in the drama being played out on the national scene relating to Bill Clinton and the impeachment process.

The people raised at the knee of ambiguous, trendy values find nothing unusual about someone saying,” it depends on what is is”, because the situation determines what set of ethics you apply to it. And values are inconsistent, for example if in your mind, you didn’t have sexual relations then that is the value that is applied at that time, for that moment.

Remember, the values taught in the class room in one generation will be the values reflected by the political leaders of the next. We truly are reaping what we have sown as a nation. This is Nina May.

The Southport High school in Indianapolis has discovered that there is a direct correlation between profanity and violence.

So NOW they are forbidding the use of profanity.

According to psychologist Timothy Jay, educators are usually distracted by more serious problems such as drugs, teen pregnancy and gangs. He says, Many are glad when students don’t shoot or rape each other. It sounds as though the inmates are controlling the asylum.

Most parents probably think that profanity has always been banned from school. They are certainly under the impression that their children are not going to get shot or raped when they send them off to school. So what exactly is happening in public schools?

If banning profanity from school is newsworthy, as though it is a new revelation, that profanity is bad . . . then, who has been teaching our kids for the past generation?

The answer is not to throw more money at the education system, but it is to establish absolutes, discipline and mutual respect, and to hire adults with the courage to implement it. This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

One of the biggest topics of discussion on New Year’s day was concern about next New Year’s day . . . Would we all be sitting around in the dark trying to keep warm?

If everyone agrees that there could be a potential Y2K problem, the logical solution is to prepare.

Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

But that will not be enough if a segment of society has not been following the discussion and is unprepared.

The most honest thing the government can do is alert people that there is a potential problem, give them guidelines on preparation, and hope that people take it seriously.

But as Christians, what is the correct response to Y2K? Should we adopt a bunker mentality or should we be seeing this as a chance to truly practice the teachings of Christ.

If every Christian family is prepared for themselves and one other family, there should be no major problems in survival.

A national blackout might just force people to get to know their neighbors, turn off the T.V., and get back to the basics of personal relationships. Maybe the motto for Y2K should be, Prepare to Share.

Poll results have become the definitive word on every issue. If more than 51% of the people polled, agree on a specific issue, by default, it silences the other 49% and makes their opinion irrelevant.

This mentality marginalizes the vast majority of Americans because only a very small number are ever polled on any issue at a time. And these polls are conducted by news organizations who spend an entire day working over-time to spin a story in the exact direction they want the rest of us to believe it is going.

The poll just provides added justification for the spin. But do we ever see the questions asked in a poll?

For example, If you were asked whether you would vote for a man who has lied, and was recently impeached by the U.S. Congress, or a convicted serial killer, you would probably choose the liar.

So unless you find out what questions were asked in the polls… you should ignore the results. The poll that should be taken is one to find out how many people have ever been polled.

What is it about the old movies, which were made 40 and 50 years ago in a different culture that are still so appealing?

They are called classics because there is something of lasting value that will endure the test of time and trends. They will always reflect the more gracious side of society and an era that powdered its nose, dressed for supper and honored its vows of chastity, marriage and military service.

The people in these times were not without problems, fetishes and dirty little secrets. They just chose not to force the rest of the world to wallow in their mire with them.  They worked out their problems in private and showed civility to society. They practiced restraint not only in their personal lives, but expected it in the films they went to see. They understood dignity and respect and expected no less from their actors and the characters they played.

There was a time when Hollywood set high standards for the rest of the nation. We can only hope they will see the parallel of recent box office hits, to the classics. This is Nina May & the Renaissance Women encouraging you to keep your standards high.

Have you ever seen a movie on an airplane and thought it wasn’t as bad as everyone said it would be? There was no gratuitous sex or foul language to spoil an otherwise entertaining plot.

But when you compare notes with people who have seen it, they begin to question your standards in judging a movie. Because they saw the uncut version. The one where gee whiz or doggone it weren’t really the expletives that were used in the original version.

So what gives? If the movie still works without all the garbage, just what audience is the studio trying to please by adding language that most people find irrelevant and intellectually insulting?

They must think a higher, more intelligent class of people fly so they clean up their act for them while they have a different set of standards for those on the ground. Or perhaps it’s the airlines we should thank for keeping their standards high and recognizing that people are smart enough to enjoy a good movie without being assaulted with words and scenes that add nothing to it.

Years ago, it was determined that if advertising was not allowed on T.V. for liquor and cigarettes, then it would dissuade people from consuming these products. No one really knows if it worked, but it made the social engineers sleep better at night.

Perhaps we should apply the same theory to props in movies. The law that should be passed, if you are dying to pass one, is that movie and T.V. producers cannot show any person in a show with a gun that they could not legally have in real life.  And that they can never show that person doing anything illegal with that gun, like murdering someone.

They can show skeet shooting contests, target practice, Olympic tryouts, hunting expeditions, but only images that are a reflection of the law.

Now, they could show the FBI breaking down the door of a suspected drug dealer, even if its the wrong door.  Or the BATF torching a religious compound and killing innocent citizens. But don’t show anything that is illegal. I think this would be a good law to pass. And it would really reflect the truth about guns much more than movies currently do.

This is Nina May wondering what you think about this idea.

When O.J. Simpson was accused of killing his wife and Ronald Goldman the nation was shocked.

This was the same superstar football player, turned actor, we would see running happily through airports, to get to his Hertz rental car.

The nation was polled daily and the trial was televised to give us moment by moment opportunities to change our minds about his guilt or innocence.

The publicity of the trial was so great it was doubtful they could get an impartial jury.

His case became symbolic of greater divisions within the country and everyone knew, before the final verdict, that he would be acquitted.

But he then faced a civil trial which was completely different and there was no doubt that he had committed the crimes.

So if the Senators who will be the jury for the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, cave into polls and partisanship, Clinton will be acquitted, as was O.J. Simpson.

But will they still be as vocal in their support for him after he is out of office, facing a civil trial, and perjury is proven to a truly impartial jury? The facts will always trump a stacked jury, when given a fair hearing.

Hustler Publisher, Larry Flynt has made it quite clear on national T.V. that he intends to do everything he can to expose the private lives of republicans because he wants to help the President.

This is the same man who degrades, demeans, debases and destroys women. His magazine celebrates the darkest side of man and plays on their weaknesses, perversions and sicknesses. Women are sex objects and fungible.

He told his daughter, Tonya Flynt Vega, the man who controls a woman’s private parts (he used the slang), controls the world. He also said if he couldn’t control it, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it.

So the moral leadership of our country has been turned over to Larry Flynt. By not denouncing him, and refusing to be affiliated with him, the Democrats are saying he is running the show now, and is setting the new moral standards for their party. So all their words denouncing partisanship and the politics of personal destruction are just that . . . words.

This is Nina May encouraging women to take back the moral “high ground” from Hustler Magazine.