Annabel Chong has become a celebrity, in fact a documentary is going to be done of her life. That’s impressive.

She must have done something really historic and noteworthy. Did she discover a cure for cancer? Invent some new technology? Did she help relieve the suffering of millions, ala Mother Teresa?

No . . . her claim to fame is that she had sex with 251 men . . . in 10 hours . . . on camera. To put it bluntly, she is a porn star. But don’t judge her . . . instead compare this scenario . . . with the two bare-breasted women on the mall during Promise Keepers with 1.2 million men who could have easily helped these girls break Annabel’s record.

But instead they offered these women their coats, diverted their eyes, prayed for them, respected them, even though the women didn’t respect themselves.

So we can’t be judgmental of Annabel since there were 251 men willing and waiting to defile her.

The biggest culprit is society that feels the debasement of one woman is worthy of a documentary . . . while they chastise a group of men who would respect and honor two women who flaunt themselves in front of them and their kids.

We can’t judge Annabel . .. as a society, we have to judge ourselves. This is Nina May at



Since when is giving a blessing considered a curse?

An employee of Microsoft is from a culture and community that frequently, and habitually, blesses those they come in contact with.

She would even sign her work with a salutation that suggested she was blessing the person receiving it . . .and one recipient complained.

The woman, an African-American, explained that this was how she was raised, and it is how she has always greeted people . .. with a blessing.

She obviously is still covered by the First Amendment that allows her to express herself . . . by apparantly not on the job … and not if it in anyway suggests that there is a higher being.

She refused to back down saying that she has always done this, and there is nothing wrong with blessing people. I guess they want her to sign her notes, “a pox on all your houses.”

Are people that afraid of being blessed, acknowledging that there is someone who can bless them and that there is another human being concerned that they are blessed?

This truly is form over substance and has reduced a kind act to one of lawlessness. Should this woman have lost her job for this?

Are we that sensitive as a people that we can not accommodate a kind and gentle word without taking offense because it does not align with our own belief system. What if she had signed her notes Shalom?

This is merely a reflection of the diversity the left is always speaking of promoting. It is sad in this society that a woman’s blessings come back to her as curse from a country that bills itself as the beacon of freedom, truth and justice.




Are conservatives really a fringe group?

Did you know: That over 60 million households in America have guns?

That 53% of all people believe abortion is wrong and over 90% believe that partial birth abortion should be illegal? Eighty percent want tax cuts and feel government wastes too much money? Seventy percent want a choice in their kids education?

So according to these statistics, the vast majority of the American people are conservatives . . . whether they know it or not. M

aybe the reason they don’t know it, or identify themselves as such, is that the term has been so maligned.

Even Bradley accused Al Gore of, gasp, sounding too conservative . . . as though the indictment was that he beat Tipper.

In South Carolina, there was much hand wringing by the pundits that McCain and Bush were appealing to the conservative vote. As though it was a fringe group of radicals that shouldn’t even have the right to vote.

So the smart money is on the political team who can identify their base, reject stereotypes and realize the safest special interest group to play to . . . is the individual by just speaking the truth . . .and showing leadership.

The Army is mandating homosexual sensitivity training.

I never thought I would ever hear the words “Army” and “sensitivity” in the same sentence. But there might be good news in this ridicules mandate.

This sudden interest in being sensitive to the more “feminine” side of man might be extended to the real woman. That might mean no more pornography in the PX, no more foul language and blonde bimbo jokes, no more movies that aren’t sensitive to everyone’s feelings.

Then they can turn in their very offensive guns, ditch those mean, insensitive bombs, and all sit around singing Kumbaya and feel good about being so . . . sensitive.

What again is the purpose of the military, and why does the Pentagon keep insisting it needs more money? Money for what . .. to train their men to be weenies?

It seems as though they have forgotten why they exist. What would General Patton say I wonder? I know what General George Washington would do. He would enlist his own army from the citizens, form a militia, and throw off the bonds of politically correct tyranny.

This is Nina May, longing for the good old days when men were men . . not sensitive, pseudo-women, cry babies. Sorry . . .I failed sensitivity training.



In Washington, D.C. we just experienced the worst blizzard of the century.

Boy, that sounds so historic. The federal government was shut down for two days. I am not complaining. It makes me long for snow year round. But what is amazing… is how you can see in an emergency, what government functions are necessary, and which ones aren’t.

Government jobs that keep America moving and productive . . . those are good . . . like the snow plow guys. Jobs that stop growth, productivity, entrepreneurship and creativity . . . are defined as unessential.

It is sad that it takes a snow storm to perfectly illustrate the benefits of the free market and the detriments of bureaucratic supremacy.

No matter how high snow gets, the gas is pumped, the bread is sold, the coffee is ground, the snow stuff is sold, the papers are printed, the news is made, the anchors are coifed, the tollbooths are manned . . . but the government can’t seem to function.

Some have said it’s because they would tie up traffic if they came in. Two points . .. if government workers are so many that they tie up traffic .. .they are TOO many . . . and why is the private sector not tying up traffic but still functioning? What is an essential government worker? You tell me . .. we are at



The millennium turnover came and went without a hitch.

Were those accurate compliance charts for major cities … indicating that at least one major utility would malfunction?

Over $200 billion dollars was spent around the world to ensure compliance when the clocks turned all those nines into zeros.

There are many theories circulating as to why the panic …everything from allowing more government access into our personal lives, to the major networks ensuring that everyone stayed home to watch their shows on New Year’s eve.

But what if there really was a problem that the billions of dollars and thousands of man hours solved? Shouldn’t we be thankful instead of complaining that nothing happened? When hurricanes miraculously switch directions in mid-swirl, everyone blames the weathermen for bad reporting, instead of thanking God for answered prayers.

It is easy to be cynical on the first day of the new year with lights, heat, T.V., Internet still functioning the same. But what if nothing had been done? Would the world be different today?

This is Nina May . .. thankful to have heat, light and water, hoping you feel the same. Let us know at

Do you remember the movie, The Truman Show? The main character, Truman, was raised in a town created by a producer who broadcast his every move 24 hours a day.

Truman’s world was designed by the producer to be idyllic . . and controlled by the producer.

He would make the news fit the unplanned events of the day with outrageous explanations that Truman always accepted.

Until one day he started questioning what was on the news. He knew there was more truth than he was receiving. And the minute he began to question, or doubt the “reality” that had been created around him . . . everyone turned on him.

I am surprised daily by how many Trumans listen to this commentary. Some people actually think I make this stuff up because they have not heard it on the evening news, or on CNN. But that’s the point of the commentaries . . . to break you out of the producer-created reality and into the real world.

It was hard for Truman to believe his whole life had been a lie . . . but when he did . . . he went forward not back. I am glad that many of you are taking that first step to discovering a world beyond the mainstream media. This is Nina May challenging you to keep asking questions.

What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won’t come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas? Today, I found out.

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church.

Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

  • The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
  • Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
  • Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.
  • The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
  • The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
  • The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation Seven swans a-swimming represented
  • The sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit-Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
  • The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
  • The nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit-Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
  • The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
  • The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
  • The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.

So there is your history lesson for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas Carol. Merry Christmas!

Do hate crimes apply to people who silence sincerely held religious beliefs?

Like the situation in Chicago where they don’t want the Baptists to hold their convention because they think they might foment hate speech? So now the Bible is hate speech? Can you see where this is going?

But what’s interesting is, that it seems to be a forgotten point that the murders in Columbine and Wedgewood Baptist were motivated by hate against Christians.

The shootings in the Bible Class in Tennessee were motivated by hate against the Bible believers. The church in London, where ten members were attacked by a sword-wielding man, during a church service . .. .certainly wasn’t motivated by bad singing.

It seems as though there are far more instances where Christians are being targeted for persecution, death, and execution, than any other group these days, yet they are suspect as fomenting hate.

If the government really intends to target a certain group for persecution, then be honest about it. Don’t claim it is that group that is causing the problem… That is double speak at it’s best.

The FBI has decided that anyone who believes in apocalyptic occurrences during the year 2000 is considered suspect. They are calling it “Project Megiddo.”

This is the same group that decided the Branch Davidians were nutty enough to torch. But let’s look at who some of these millennium nuts are.

Both Billy Graham and the Pope have stated that several books of the Bible, including Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah contain accurate prophecies concerning the second coming of Christ.

Although no one knows the exact date and time . . . Christ said we would know when certain events occur, like the reestablishment of Israel as a nation which happened in 1948.

Many orthodox Jews feel that the year 2,000 will usher in their Messiah. So what is the purpose of this exercise, other than to intimidate and control people because they believe the revelations of God?

Since when should the government question what and how people believe? It’s not as though the Bible is some top secret book that has just been discovered.

If these agents had been allowed to read it in school, maybe they wouldn’t be so afraid of it today. This is Nina May at asking if the FBI would think you are a nut.