Maybe the C-list is Preferred

For decades the Washington, D.C. social scene has been dominated by people who are infatuated with power, position and politics. A system was even developed to ensure that only the people considered the “flavor of the day or week” are included.

It’s called the A-list and is actually published in a book that is considered the Bible of the social set. But, no matter how important or politically connected you are . . . if you have the bad habit of mentioning God at cocktail parties, you are rejected from the A-list.

What this says about the A-List is that is filled with people with wonderful resumes, brilliant achievement, and maybe even a private faith in God, but they lack one thing I think is a requirement at any successful social function . . . .they lack guts.

Who wants to be around a group of like-minded people who congratulate themselves on achieving social status when there is no substance, no courage, no conviction of beliefs or core foundation that brought them to this point?

This is called a hollow victory. With this type of intolerance toward people of conviction, it is not hard to imagine what the A stands for in the A-List. Let us know what you think at



Recently there was a conviction of a 14 year-old Florida boy who brutally murdered a nine-year-old girl. Without getting into the details of the murder and how he disposed of the body, the most disturbing thing is what prompted this murder.

Just ten minutes before he lured her into his home and committed this heinous crime, he had downloaded hardcore pornography from the Internet.

He did not kill her with a gun . . And he was not smoking a cigarette when the murder occurred. He had been coached by material that is easily accessible to kids of all ages on the Internet. And what was the response from the usually vocal left who believe the NRA and the tobacco industry are always to blame? . . . . That’s right silence.

If they really cared about the health and safety of children as they constantly claimed . . . .destroying the pornography industry would be at the top of their list.

Instead California State University at Northridge hosts a Pornography Trade Show allowing over 200 pornographers to peddle their wares. Of course, they had metal detectors and no smoking signs.  We must protect those kids you know.

In Kampala, Uganda, there is a Gender Resource Center that deals with women’s issues such as reproductive rights. In their newsletter, Gender Alert, they discuss the issue of abortion and begin the discussion with the statement, “Scientifically, it is known that life begins as soon as conception takes place. At that moment a new being exists totally different from either the mother or father, with a different genetic make up and a complete set of 46 chromosomes. At this stage a human being is alive and capable of replacing his/her own dying cells, and at 18 days, the human heart begins to beat.”

It goes on to remind the reader that the Constitution of Uganda does not accord any person the right to take away the life of another person. By modern, international standards, certainly by American standards, Uganda would be considered a third-world country. But they are light-years ahead of first-world countries who won’t even acknowledge these basic immutable truths. And they have the courage to look at all the facts in a debate, even if the outcome isn’t what they would want.

Now, that’s enlightenment. This is Nina May at


(Transferred Blessings from Ducks to Crows)

We just discovered, much to our delight, that a pair of Mallard Ducks have taken up residence in our pond.

We put some bread out for them and noticed that they must be used to humans, because they came right over and ate it. I also noticed later from the window that the crows and blue jays were swooping down on them, trying to intimidate them, and get the bread that was left for the ducks.

I thought how interesting that was. The crows are an unwelcome guest in the yard because they tear up the trash and scare away the smaller birds. But because the ducks were a blessing, and we were feeding them, the crows were getting a transferred blessing.

But instead of realizing it was the presence of the ducks that caused there to be extra food . . . they tried to run the ducks off to keep the food for themselves.

That reminds me of people who try and take God out of all public life, restrict Christian expression, and forbid prayer in school, but they still expect the blessings of God on this country to continue.

The crows get blessed because of the favor the ducks have with us. If the Ducks leave, so will the blessing.

This is Nina May at Or 1-877-RWTODAY.




I remember hearing, during the eighties the phrase, “one person’s freedom fighter is another person’s terrorist.  This was always in reference to the Contras, or the citizens of Nicaragua who opposed communist oppression.

Of course those who opposed communism with them knew them as freedom fighters but those who supported Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas, referred to them as terrorists.

Two such people were Bill and Hillary Clinton, plus the usual suspects who saw America as the Evil Empire and Ronald Reagan as Darth Vader.

They were opposed at every turn to even sending arms to let the people defend themselves against some of the most horrible atrocities to occur in our hemisphere.

Sandinista supporters in America pulled out all the stops in their unabashed support of the communist dictatorship. These same people are the current Administration. So if they called innocent Nicaraguans, terrorists, and they called the real terrorists, the freedom fighters . . . how can we trust what they are now calling Milosevic?

We invite you take our poll on this issue at This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

You might be surprised with what they are thinking!

The other day I had the opportunity to take some young teenage girls to an NSYNC concert. For those of you without a “one” in front of your age, they are the latest, hottest young teen group in America.

Having never heard the group I was prepared for the worst . . . I even brought some ear plugs. They actually were very good as it turned out.

On the way to the concert I began asking the girls a few questions about what teens are thinking these days, and I was surprised by their answers.

To summarize . . .they hate feminism, they think it tries to get girls to date girls. They didn’t believe in premarital sex. They thought homosexuality was perverted and the shows on TV are stupid.

But what really was most telling, at the concert, was that during a slide presentation showing the history of rock in America, they were cheering for all the heroes, including politicians such as Reagan.

The only two times there was unanimous booing from the entire arena of 15,000 young people, was when Clinton’s picture, and then Monica’s were flashed up.

You just can’t spin wrong and make it right . . . and kids today are smart enough to know it. God bless ‘em. This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

We keep hearing that it is un-Christian to judge, but if that were so, then no Christian should ever become a judge, or a lawyer, or submit to the judgement of a court.

We all make judgements each day in our personal lives: Where our children will go to school, who they play with, which food is best for our family . . . what T.V. shows are suitable to watch.

The Bible says, we will be judged by the same standard with which we judge others.

For example, if we are harsh and lack mercy in our judgement then that is how we can expect to be judged?  God has never told His people to abandon the truth. Jesus did not shrink from calling the Pharasis a bunch a vipers and hypocrites because they were pretending to be perfect while holding everyone else to a higher standard.

It is not un-Christian for people today to look at their leaders and judge that they are good leaders or not. If we do not make a judgement when chosing our leaders, then the manner in which they lead will be a judgement on the nation. And we all will be accountable for all our actions on . . . judgement day.

This is Nina May.



The Cane Toad was imported from South America to Australia in 1935, to eat the mice in the sugar cane fields. One fact that was omitted was that it was poisonous. As a result, many of the native birds, such as the kite and hawk, would eat the toads and die.

The kite and other birds, however, learned through the years that the toads were poisonous, yet they developed a way to eat them without getting sick.

They would swoop down on the toad, grab it by its hind legs, slam its head into the tree and knock it out. This way, the toad couldn’t eject the poison onto the bird from the glands on its neck. The bird would quickly kill it, and surgically separate the edible legs from the inedible upper body.

This was an evolutionary process that took thirty years to perfect, yet the birds adapted to this survival technique.

In the U.S., socialism has been imported into the field of a free society and has poisoned it. But those who believe in individual freedom and less bureaucracy can learn to take the toad of socialism, break its back and remove the tastiest morsels of freedom that have gone uneaten for years.

Its never too late to learn new survival techniques. This is Nina May at 1-877-RWTODAY or

There are too many people who believe that Government knows best.

We have exchanged common sense for complacency. Remember years ago when we were told that Fluoride prevents cavities? It was placed in toothpastes and nearly two thirds of public water supplies are fluoridated.  But did you know it is an extremely toxic compound that originally was sold as a bug and rat poison?

Dr. Robert Carton, a former scientists at the EPA says, “Fluoride is somewhat less toxic than arsenic and more toxic than lead, and you wouldn’t have either in your mouth.”  Dr. William Marcus, former chief toxicologist with the EPA lost his job after he insisted on an unbiased evaluation of fluoride’s potential to cause cancer.  Yet the Clinton Administration and the NIH are pushing for 100 percent water fluoridation in America . . . even though scientific research suggests that long-term fluoride consumption may cause cancer, impaired brain function, and brittle bones.

As a free people, we have a responsibility to keep our government in check . . . .and not relinquish rights to something as basic as good health.

Tell us what you think at

Hustler Publisher, Larry Flynt has made it quite clear on national T.V. that he intends to do everything he can to expose the private lives of republicans because he wants to help the President.

This is the same man who degrades, demeans, debases and destroys women. His magazine celebrates the darkest side of man and plays on their weaknesses, perversions and sicknesses. Women are sex objects and fungible.

He told his daughter, Tonya Flynt Vega, the man who controls a woman’s private parts (he used the slang), controls the world. He also said if he couldn’t control it, he didn’t want to have anything to do with it.

So the moral leadership of our country has been turned over to Larry Flynt. By not denouncing him, and refusing to be affiliated with him, the Democrats are saying he is running the show now, and is setting the new moral standards for their party. So all their words denouncing partisanship and the politics of personal destruction are just that . . . words.

This is Nina May encouraging women to take back the moral “high ground” from Hustler Magazine.