Most home schoolers say the biggest complaint they get from people is that their children are not properly socialized. That they can’t possibly be prepared for the world because they have been sheltered from it. Unless they experience the hardships and realities of life, then they are only getting part of an education.

Detractors will of course promote a regular classroom format as the only source of true socialization available to children. But this is interesting from people who are systematically cleaning out the public school libraries of any books that might be offensive . . . that might bruise the psyche of the young child.

Books like “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Mark Twain,” “Bre’r Rabbit,” or “Little Black Sambo.” These are considered highly offensive and to expose a child to these degrading works of literature would certainly destroy them. It reminds me a little of the talk show host who asked a mom how she could possibly home school all five of her children simultaneously. She asked why he didn’t ask the same question of a woman who was paid to teach thirty kids she didn’t even love.

This is Nina May suggesting that it’s home school detractors who need to be socialized to accept home schooling.

I keep seeing these PC bumper stickers around that say, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

This of course is supposed to make tax payers feel guilty that they aren’t putting even more of their hard-earned dollars into a failed system that is disguised as education, but is little more than indoctrination.

Let’s see how intelligent public schools are.

In some Alaskan schools kids can’t say Merry Christmas. In Tempe, Arizona a second grader was reprimanded and punished for typing the word “Jesus” on her computer screen at school. In Northern California kids who were singing Joy to the World were told they couldn’t sing the words Jesus, Lord, or Savior . . .they had to hum the words. In Atlanta, Georgia a high school student was suspended and charged with “possession of Christian materials” when he quietly passed a note to fellow student inviting him to a Bible study.

These as just a few examples of your tax dollars at work in the public school system. They are right . . .this type of education is much too expensive, and it actually sounds like what we are paying for is ignorance.

This is Nina May at

Many people believe that public schools began to decline when prayer was taken out. And all the money in the world cannot fix a broken or non-existent moral code.

When God was expelled, so was a confidence level and foundation for learning. Children were left to establish their own absolutes and value systems or adopt the humanist one that public schools promote.

Someone, who could be classified as a right-wing, religious fanatic once said, “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.”

That person was Martin Luther and he made that statement almost 500 years ago. If one person was able to expel God, then many more can invite him back in.

Because as we have seen, and as Martin Luther so wisely stated, without God in the hearts of the children, the schools will become breeding grounds for amoral patterns that corrupt every aspect of society.

This is Nina May at

One of the biggest obstacles to allowing low income families to have school vouchers is the fear that they will be used in Christian, or religious schools. After all, it would be totally unconstitutional to use taxpayer money to give a child a moral and values-based education.

The operative phrase is “taxpayer money.” Which taxpayer is that?

If the state is so concerned about any Christian getting any special benefit from their own money, money they have earned and are forced, by law, to give the state . . . perhaps the state should exempt all Christians from paying taxes. Because to co-mingle Christian taxpayer money with non-Christian taxpayer money certainly must be a violation of the separation of church and state.

So, the answer would be, don’t tax Christians so that there is no possibility that “Christian” money could possibly be circulating in the same tax pool as “non-Christian” money. Or maybe we should begin to treat Christians as full citizens with the same rights and privileges as everyone else and let them use vouchers the way they see fit. Because taxes belong to all the people who paid them . . . not just a few.

This is Nina May at

Anytime school vouchers are mentioned as an alternative to failing public schools, to provide families an educational option, the bureaucrats say the answer is putting more money into the public school system to “make it better.” But the paradigm they should be studying is the one created by home-schoolers. These are kids taught by their own mothers who get paid nothing.

A recent report released in March, 1999, by Dr. Lawrence Rudner and the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, studied the test scores of 20,760 students and found that home school students, at every grade level, significantly outperform their public and private school peers.

From grades 1-4 they perform one grade higher, and the gap widens in 5th and 8th grades where they perform 4 grades above the national average.

Students who have been home schooled their entire academic careers post the highest scholastic achievement. And the median spending on educational materials was $400.

So more money is not the answer to a better education . . . allowing parents the right to choose it is.

This is Nina May at

When prayer was taken out of school it was as though a pest had been infesting the school system and finally they were free from this horrible influence. Now the kids could concentrate on learning, on the important things of life without the threat of religion hanging over their heads. But with any pendulum swing in society, when you extract the good from something, the evil automatically fills in the void.

So instead of kids openly, and freely discussing the attributes of a loving relationship with God, and their family, they talk about how cool it is to dabble in Satan worship. Or instead of listening to music that edifies and builds up, they listen to tortured music that kills the soul. Instead of encouraging each other to set new standards of excellence for themselves and each other they are force-fed trash pumped out by the movie industry.

And then everyone is suddenly shocked when two of the new breed demonstrate what they have learned on the dark side. Ask yourself, which do you think is more harmful to children . . . prayer in school or two kids with no self-esteem, full of hate, caring loaded guns?

This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women,

In California, a science teacher tried to make a school force children back into his class after they asked to be removed when they found out he was gay. They said he made them feel uncomfortable, that he would put his arm around them and they didn’t like it.

Their parents agreed, and obviously the school did too, because the kids were moved. He forced a hearing and demanded that “his” children be returned to his class.

Several of the parents rose to remind him that these children did not belong to him, they were theirs, and their responsibility. The vote was in favor of the parents and the children. This was not good enough for the teacher. He took it to the state School Board, and the school was reprimanded and the new policy is that kids will be forced to stay with teachers they find objectionable. Also, they will be forced to take sensitivity training classes on homosexuality.

Public education has become little more than a 12-year political indoctrination course. Maybe now, parents will begin to believe it and save their children from people who see them as their property, not as individuals with their own belief system.

This is Nina May at

There are literally thousands of instances across America where public school children are prohibited from exercising their constitutional rights to religious freedom.

The Supreme Court determined in 1971, in the Tinker Case, that a child does not lose their rights when they enter a classroom. They can pray, they can mention the name of Jesus, they can have equal access for a Bible class like other groups have, and they can rally round the flag.

The problem is, most school administrators still don’t know this. They have been intimidated by the ACLU that tells them all of this is forbidden.

In Bradford, Penn. A student asked permission to post little signs around the flag pole showing their commitment to abstinence. The Principal would not allow it, siting the erroneous interpretation of the “establishment clause” of the First Amendment.

The American Center for Law and Justice wrote a letter to the principal telling him what the student’s rights were. He not only recanted, he supported it enthusiastically. He just needed the truth to make the right decision. The Bible says, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women, celebrating liberty.

Home schoolers used to be considered out of touch with reality, but actually, they have preserved reality for society and their children. They have shifted the paradigm from being the social outcasts, to setting a new curve on standards, creativity, confidence and integrity.

Colleges are anxious to get applications from home schoolers and employers are delighted to see it in the child’s resume. Because it speaks volumes as to who that person is, what their work ethics are, and what type of educational foundation they have.

But still one of the biggest complaints you hear against homeschooling is, how will the child be socialized?

The proof is in the generation that has come through it. They actually are better leaders, relate better with adults, are self-motivated and creative.

Children in public school on the other hand are clinging to virtue, refusing drugs, avoiding gangs, and just trying to survive. The choice is pretty easy for most parents who have the option available to them: Be socialized by a community of sacrificial moms and disciplined kids or by the local bully. Ask your kids what they would prefer.

This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

In the mid-60’s and early 70’s there was a move in the educational system to do away with absolutes, like right and wrong because they were considered too restrictive. There was a belief that the old fashioned moral values taught in schools were too reflective of the values in the Bible. These absolutes were replaced with concepts such as situational ethics and values clarification.

Basically, you were taught to apply your own set of values to each situation and it was free-floating and nebulous. These flawed teachings are now reflected in the drama being played out on the national scene relating to Bill Clinton and the impeachment process.

The people raised at the knee of ambiguous, trendy values find nothing unusual about someone saying,” it depends on what is is”, because the situation determines what set of ethics you apply to it. And values are inconsistent, for example if in your mind, you didn’t have sexual relations then that is the value that is applied at that time, for that moment.

Remember, the values taught in the class room in one generation will be the values reflected by the political leaders of the next. We truly are reaping what we have sown as a nation. This is Nina May.