The Democrats have convinced some Americans that they care more about women and children than Republicans while they use the Constitution to justify the degradation and debasing of them. They promote the killing of unborn babies while refusing to allow women to know the dangers such a life threatening operation can have on them. They don’t think little girls who become pregnant, should have to tell their parents before getting an operation that has killed, maimed and caused infertility in the past. They think that the Internet in public schools and libraries should be unfiltered to allow every type of pornographic image to assault the eyes of the viewers. They turn a blind eye to sex trafficking in other countries where children as young as six are being sold as sex slaves. So if you have liberals complain that President Bush is stepping to the plate in an effort to protect people from the devastation of pornography . . . ask them if they would mind if their own daughter, wife, niece or mother was a victim of pornography, and debased in the way nameless women are in these magazines and movies. Then remind them, that these women are someone’s daughters, or nieces, or mothers, and they deserve better than to be treated worse than animals.

Protection From Pornography Week, 2003
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Pornography can have debilitating effects on communities, marriages, families, and children. During Protection From Pornography Week, we commit to take steps to confront the dangers of pornography.

The effects of pornography are particularly pernicious with respect to children. The recent enactment of the PROTECT Act of 2003 strengthens child pornography laws, establishes the Federal Government’s role in the AMBER Alert System, increases punishment for Federal crimes against children, and authorizes judges to require extended supervision of sex offenders who are released from prison.

We have committed significant resources to the Department of Justice to intensify investigative and prosecutorial efforts to combat obscenity, child pornography, and child sexual exploi-ta-tion on the Internet. We are vigorously prosecuting and severely punishing those who would harm our children. Last July, the Department of Homeland Security launched Operation Predator, an initiative to help identify child predators, rescue children depicted in child pornography, and prosecute those responsible for making and distributing child pornography.

Last year, I signed legislation creating the Dot Kids domain, a child-friendly zone on the Internet. The sites on this domain are monitored for content and safety, offering parents assurances that their children are learning in a healthy environment. Working together with law enforcement officials, parents, and other caregivers, we are making progress in protecting our children from pornography.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 26 through November 1, 2003, as Protection From Pornography Week. I call upon public officials, law enforcement officers, parents, and all the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-eighth.



If you look up the word “despicable” in the dictionary you will find that it means, “deserving of contempt or scorn; vile, to despise.”

This is the new favorite word the Democrats have stolen from Daffy Duck to describe how they feel about a situation they don’t have all the facts on, but are hoping it ends in the impeachment, imprisonment, banishment, and exile of President Bush.

Ironically, the word “despicable,” is right after the word “desperation,” in the dictionary, and is defined as, “the condition of being desperate; recklessness arising from despair.” That pretty much sums up, in a nutshell, what we have here concerning the Ambassador and the Super Spy Wife case.

Just a thought here . . . If they are so concerned about protecting her identity, why do they keep covering the story? But that aside, are we really hearing ourselves on this one? It must be a slow news year if the only definition we can find for the word “despicable” is the fact that everyone within range of a microphone is continuing to perpetrate a crime on this woman that they claim the White House condoned by “leaking” that she was a CIA agent. No, that’s not really despicable.

What is REALLY despicable is forgetting that the “enemy” of the United States is not Bush, as Howard Dean insists, but terrorists who have as their goal our total destruction. Despicable is ignoring the horrors committed by a monster like Saddam and insinuating that our President needs a “regime change”, as John Kerry suggested, claiming he is killing our young women and men for oil. Despicable is not realizing that we, as a nation, and Bush as a President, are trying to liberate a country that has uncovered tens of thousands of bodies in mass graves, had torture and rape rooms and had its citizens force-fed into plastic shredding machines . . .alive.

Despicable is claiming the President used his position of authority to grandstand by landing on an aircraft carrier to thank the troops for putting their lives on the line for a cause greater than themselves. Despicable is claiming the Republicans are using the Iraq war for political gain when every single one of the Presidential Wannabes of the Doomacrat party take every opportunity to slam the war, trash the great strides and efforts of the military, and insist that it was a HUGE mistake to go into Iraq, and that we went in under false pretenses.

Despicable is Ted Kennedy calling the President dishonest and a fraud when he couldn’t even find a few minutes to make a phone call to help save a drowning girl. Despicable is the Clinton White House abusing the use of dozens of FBI files and not serving time in jail like Chuck Colson did for misusing one. Despicable is the IRS harassing every single woman who leveled sexual harassment or rape charges against Bill Clinton. Despicable is a greedy woman who claims she is for the poor, making millions of dollars while First Lady, then stealing the people’s furniture from the White House.

Despicable is a president who sells national security secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions, then “accidentally” bombs their embassy in Serbia to cover it up. Despicable is claiming that is how every other president does things too. Despicable is holding up judicial nominations with a phony filibuster, while trashing the reputations of some of the finest men and women in the country, because they aren’t Stepford Judges for the Left.

Despicable is gluing the W key on all the keyboards in the White House, switching and renaming phone lines, and costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix the juvenile antics of a spoiled group of elite brats who never learned to count . . .and recount . . and recount again.

Despicable is an entire party who jumped on the stinking ship of Bill Clinton claiming he was the greatest president we have ever had even though he lied under oath, sexually assaulted women in the oval office, had one “service him” while on the phone to an international leader, and was eventually impeached by a congress that was called despicable for relying on the letter of the law not the whim of an agenda.

Just for fun, let’s trade places and put Bush in Clinton’s place and I dare you to find ONE Democrat who would have voted AGAINST impeachment for Bush. They would have been climbing all over each other to cast the first vote claiming the people have a right to know, to not be lied to, that justice must be served . . . on and on and on. And guess what, they would be right, and the Republicans would have joined the vote and not only would he have been impeached, he would have been convicted. Remember, it was Newt and Bob Livingston who left voluntarily and didn’t drag their party through the mud like the Clintons did.

Despicable is a party of elite socialists who think they know better, are better, and lead better than the rest of the nation and resent the heck out of the fact that they can’t stretch the already vulcanized constitution to somehow put them in total and complete control over every aspect of our lives . . . forever.

This despicable gottcha game is nothing more than pure desperation by a party that has no ideas, no hope, no vision for the country other than to tax and spend and tell you how to lead your life and scream intolerance and bigotry if you disagree.

So . . . the next time you hear one of them say the word despicable, just imagine a picture of Daffy Duck, have a good laugh, and remember this entire episode of hysterics and campaign drama on election day, and keep electing REAL leaders for the country . . . who are neither despicable . . . nor desperate.

For the US… Are the Insults Worth the Money We Pay?

The international directive of the United Nations, when established over 50 years ago as a direct result of WWII, was to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to achieve international cooperation in solving humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

On one of the occasions I have had to testify before the UN General Assembly, I challenged their understanding of their original directive and the alternate course that directive has taken in the years . . . not one ambassador stood to refute my claims.

By silence, they were acquiescing to the assumption in America that the United Nations has outlived its usefulness, lived up to its prime directive during the cold war, but is no longer relevant as its original purpose and its continued failures show.

To set the record straight on what the US owes the UN…. The United States charges no money for the UN building to be situated on prime real estate in the heart of Manhattan. They pay no taxes, and all the people who work there pay no taxes, and only 7.1% of the employees are American.

Every single country gets exactly one vote on every issue brought before the general assembly and its various Sub-committees. The United States is democratically bound to countries with a smaller population than Rhode Island, yet we are responsible for over 25% of the total funding for the United Nations.

For example, Fiji’s assessment for 1998 was $47,636, while the United States was billed $297,727,256. And that doesn’t include $901,000,000 to the UN affiliated and international organizations and $210,000,000 or almost 30% of the total cost, for peacekeeping missions. Add to that, $2,972,900,000 that was diverted from the training and readiness of our U.S. armed forces and given to the U.N. Security Council. So we voluntarily gave almost three times as much as we were required to pay.

Additionally, President Clinton approved, in 1998, a reduction in the minimum assessment a country must pay to be a member of the U.N. for .01% to .001% of the regular U.N. budget, yet the U.S. assessment was not reduced at all.

This is about $10,516 for 29 countries for 1998. Forty-one other countries pay between .002 and .009%, or $21,032 to $94,647, four countries pay .01 or $105,163 and 84 other countries, including Communist China, pay less than 1% of the total U.N. budget.

But the American’s continue to pay over 25% of the U.N. budget or 28,312 times more than 29 countries pay. Russia pays 2.8 percent of the budget and Egypt, which received $2.1 billion in foreign aid for the American taxpayers in 1998, pays less than a million dollars to the UN. annually. And they voted against the United States 61% of the time in 1997. India, which received $134,000,000 in foreign aid from the U.S. pays .3% of the regular U.N. budget and they voted against the U.S. 76% of the time in 1997.

Now let’s re-access the question . . . who owes who?

The Washington Post reported yesterday (October 29, 2001) that the FBI were hesitant to investigate radical Islamic clerics in the US despite evidence that their mosques have been used to recruit and fund suspected terrorists. They feared charges of religious persecution.

The FBI’s fear of investigating religious leaders is illustrated by its handling of Sheik Omar Rahman, the radical Islamic leader who came to the US in 1990 with a history of alleged, involvement in terrorism. He was even detained in Egypt after the assassination of Anwar Sadat, in 1981. During the 1990s he raised money at religious gatherings and preached antagonistic views against the US and our interests. Two of his sons work with Bin Ladin.

With all this evidence of ties to terrorism he was never questioned by the FBI, until after the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 which proved that he was a central figure in that terrorist act and in the bombings of the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The article goes on to mention other Muslim religious leaders who are directly involved with terrorists acts but were never under surveillance until after it was too late.

But during this same time that our government was wearing kid gloves with KNOWN terrorists, they themselves were terrorizing benign Christian groups for distributing voter guides and suggesting that their congregation vote according to their beliefs. The Church of Pierce Creek was targeted by the IRS and eventually lost it’s tax exempt status. They weren’t holding fundraisers like Buddhist temples did for Gore. They weren’t allowing candidates to come in and give political speeches as several black churches in New York City did for Hillary Clinton. They were simply exercising their free speech rights to educate people about the political process. And the pastor at the Church of Pierce Creek, certainly wasn’t planning to plant bombs that kill people.

So why, when there is a known threat against the country by an Islamic terrorist, do his religious beliefs take precedence over national security, yet when there is no threat to national security, only the exercise of free speech, a Christian preacher is routed out and his church closed? Hopefully we will see an end to this disparate treatment against Christians and the government will do what it is authorized to do and that is to protect our national security.

It is hard to believe that during a war, the two sides fighting will discuss their tactics or their strategy for engagement. The idea is to destroy the enemy, not play by his agenda, or be intimidated by his suggestions of what you should and shouldn’t do.

To hear the two major political parties go on and on about how many debates there are, how many negative ads are being run, who is the nastiest and meanest is a little confusing.

Politics is a full contact sport… the only rules of engagement that are valid are the ones that get you elected.

The Democrats have shown this over and over, whether it means lying through your teeth, denying validated affairs to then casting stones at the other guy for daring to bring up the fact that you don’t have the character or the integrity to win.

If Al Gore’s people are ashamed of his record, then that is a great reason for the Republicans to run ads about it. If the Republicans are inconsistent or duplicitous, then by all means, let the voters know. But this wimpy whiny way of running a campaign is very annoying and shows a lack of leadership on both sides.

It is so funny to hear DNC Chairman Joe Andrew say, “The American people don’t want to see negative ads against Al Gore, they want to hear the truth about Mr. Bush’s record.” And that statement should work the other way . .. but Joe is not paid to say anything good about GW Bush, and well he shouldn’t. But he should then understand that Jim Nicholson has a job which includes contrasting the two candidates so that the republicans look best.

This is not rocket science . .. and for everyone to be upset that the parties are doing everything they can to put their guy in a good light, while they trash the other guy, means they don’t understand the political process. It’s the stuff sausage is made of. It’s not a pretty picture.

I have often wondered how any civilized person could have not only followed Adolf Hitler, but adored him as well.

Historians explain this by describing his charisma, his ability to promise, threaten and cajole, and to persuade people that he knew what was best for them. That made him the perfect candidate for supreme dictator.

Even if they knew of his atrocities they somehow convinced themselves it was for their good. And it is difficult once you have made an emotional investment in a leader to suddenly decide they are the “son of satan.”

When Fidel Castro came to America during the Millennium conference at the UN, his adoring minions gathered in New York, by the thousands, to hear him speak… for hours.

The voices of the martyrs, the imprisoned, the tortured, the refugees escaping communist oppression were silenced as the Cuban dictator was treated like royalty.

How soon we have forgotten Elian Gonzalez’ mom giving her life to escape his control. She didn’t leave Cuba for better shopping in Miami. She left to find freedom for herself and her child.

Witnessing the warm welcome of a man who has destroyed millions of lives makes me finally understand Hitler’s rise to power. But his freedom to speak was paid for by the sacrifice of great patriots, giving him a forum to validate his atrocities to these Americans gathered to adore him.

The really scary thing is… these people who came to see him… can vote.

In the spirit of Campaign Finance Reform… I want to wish everyone a happy Labor Day.

This is the day that is intended to honor the worker… both union and non-union, although the unions take this opportunity to continue pumping tens of millions of dollars into the Democrat party machine… although they SWEAR they are for Campaign Finance Reform.

What is interesting about the incredibly powerful and solidly Democrat unions is that they don’t play fair. They represent less than 18% of the workers in America yet claim to speak for all workers, duly intimidating the politicians who haven’t done their homework and looked at the numbers. And ironically, their members are evenly split between the democrats and republicans yet almost all of their dues goes to the Democrat party and to Democrat candidates.

Where is the freedom and liberty in that? Where is the choice, the power of the little worker over the big conglomerate?

So, on this Labor Day I would encourage union members to think for themselves, vote for themselves, speak for themselves and stop allowing a handful of power brokers to move them around on the political chess board like their obedient pawns.

This is still a free country after all, in spite of what the unions try and do to remake it in their socialist image.

It is humorous to see Bill Clinton trying to take credit for eight years of economic prosperity when he, Al Gore, and the democrat party did everything they could to stop the engine of progress.

Everything from vetoing tax cuts, to increased spending, to putting additional burdens on an already over-taxed small business engine.

The only reason Bush Senior lost was that he went back on his pledge not to raise taxes. Remember the “read my lips” quote?  Those were the days when people trusted a President and really held him accountable to every word, every promise.

It is also ironic that Gore claims GW is a mouthpiece for big business and special interest while continuing to deny his own connections to Buddhist temples, Big Oil, Hollywood, gay rights, pro-choice and other groups that have him comfortably in their hip pockets.

The special interest group that Bush represents is the over-taxed, over-burdened Americans who are marginalized and ignored by the Democrats and referred divisively as rich, greedy, principled, religious, conservative, right-wing… etc.

They are the vast majority of America and they are “special”… and yes, Bush is “interested” in them. Thank God someone running for President is.

Have you noticed that since the Moms on the Mall rally against guns, and all the coordinated effort to feature Rosie O’Donnell on the cover of every national magazine simultaneously has finally subsided… that the gun issue is dead?

It’s very difficult for them to keep the ruse up with almost every high profile crime since that time, featuring knifes, billy clubs or fists. But why did it die out so quickly if that is really the view of all these grassroot women who, of their own effort, made their way to Washington, D.C. to make a heart felt point that they hate guns?

Well, could it be because it wasn’t grassroots at all but was totally orchestrated by millionaires, Hollywood celebrities, and media moguls to make us all think this was? Most Americans may have been born at night… but they weren’t born last night.

They know a snow job when they see it, and they know a propaganda rally when they see it. But what we should learn from this is that the left knows how to stage a rally that has the appearance, smell, feel and taste of grassroots… but all that’s missing is the fertilizer.

And that is you the citizen, who they are counting on to be dumb enough to fall for the ploy.

Everyone expects political candidates to hold each other accountable to their actions and their promises. But Al Gore was a little premature in trying to pin the high gas taxes on George W. Bush.

Al forgot that not only does he have huge holdings of Occidental Petroleum given to his father by the guru of ideological hypocrisy, Armand Hammer, but he wrote in his book, “Earth in the Balance” that he hoped for high oil prices to keep those horrible combustion engines off the road.

Another thing Gore forgot to mention when casting stones at George W. is that his substantial holdings in Occidental will increase tremendously if the sacred grounds of the Uwa Indians in Colombia are destroyed to find oil.  And to ensure that Occidental is successful, Clinton has authorized $1 billion to be spent to protect their oil interests.

So how does this help Americans? And how again is George W. involved? It makes about as much sense as blaming the University of California for a wild fire, set by the Dept. of Interior which resulted in copied data from top secret hard drives.