Imagine… Alexander Graham Bell is taken to court for providing technology to make sure every home in America has a phone because this is considered a monopoly.

Thomas Edison is sued for billions of dollars, dragged through the courts and congressional hearings, because his brilliance and perseverence brought light to a darkened 20th century.

Jonas Salk is berated on the evening news for creating a monopoly that has stopped the threat of polio for millions of people. No one can compete with the vaccine and he is on trial for this monopolistic practices.

Bill Gates figures out a way to make computers user friendly so that millions of additional people can benefit from the new technology, the government gets rich, the information technology market booms and he is considered bottom feeding pond scuz.

If the government must break up a monopoly, the anti-trust monopoly that needs to be addressed is the liberal media that has in its cross-hairs business, entrepreneurship, individual liberties, alternative points of view, ideas that reflect value and tradition, and people who have integrity and honor as their paradigm of character.

This is Nina May .. . still challenging double standards and hypocrisy.

There is a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for DC involving the Church of Pierce Creek in New York. Their tax exempt status was revoked by the IRS because they distributed flyers before an election, suggesting that Christians should support candidates with the same belief system.  It did not tell the congregation how to vote.

Well, imagine my surprise to see a photo of Hillary kissing Al Gore on page A4 of the Washington Times on February 21 on the platform of the Wilborn Temple First Church of God in Christ, in Albany, New York.

The article said, “In a sometimes impassioned speech to more than 800 people at a largely black church, Mr. Gore accused the Republican challengers for the White House of being blind to racism.”

So I guess no one in the congregation, nor Al Gore, read the part in the Bible about judgement and casting stones. But that’s what the Bible says. What does the IRS say about using a church for partisan politicking? Gee .. ..why don’t we ask the Church at Pierce Creek?

I wonder where Al Gore stands on this case? Are there different standards for different parties?

Do you know that most of the Republican primaries are open to everyone, no matter what party they belong to?

That means that the person who never votes for anything can become an active voice for one second. They can determine the outcome of a race just by voting for the person who would be the worst candidate… to give their guy the edge.

I have even voted in primaries of parties I didn’t belong to. If the invitation is open, why not try and have an impact. Remember… politics is a full contact sport… without shoulder pads or helmets. That is what the process is all about.

What I find exciting is that it totally confuses both sides. Nothing is definite… nothing is certain. No matter what the polls say . .. they can never predict the outcome of any race when the people voting have a hidden agenda.

So the primaries… for the democrats and republicans… are nothing more than additional fodder for media stories that in no way reflect the “true” will of the people. Only that will be seen on election day.

This is Nina May encouraging everyone to keep the pollsters guessing. Don’t let your vote be taken for granted.

We have all heard the myth that the Republican party is run or influenced by “big business.” But what does that mean?

Does that mean a baseball player who signs a $110 million dollar contract is big business? Or a movie star who pulls down $50 million for a movie is a Republican? Or are they speaking of corporations that employ millions of people across the country, who then pay up to 40% of their income in taxes so that the government can hire millions more?

In spite of the fact that the average donation for the Democratic party is over four times the average donation to the Republicans, and union workers have become cheap pawns of the multi-million dollar “big business” unions, these stereotypes still prevail.

What we should do, is look at the country without big business. Big is identified as any employer with over 20 employees. The economy would come to a screeching halt, the tax surplus would evaporate, and all the people who now throw stones at companies that keep bread on their table, would be too busy looking for jobs, to continue spreading this falsehood.

We have two basic choices politically .. .to support the givers or the takers. You figure out which party is which.

In any election year the double standards seem to triple.

George Bush is castigated for speaking at a University that legally promotes a religious philosophy. That doesn’t mean that everyone has to agree with it… any more than they have to agree with Al Sharpton’s racists comments that don’t seem to keep Hillary Clinton and Al Gore from embracing both the message and the messenger.

And, before he dropped out of the primary, Gary Bauer personified the extreme religious right, but since embracing McCain, the media portrays him as a moderate.

Bill Bradley, who is supposed to be the voice of reason says that Dr. Laura “makes him sick to his stomach.” She should not be allowed to have a TV show because she believes the homosexual lifestyle is destructive. He says, “Dr. Laura represents a homophobic extreme that indicates a deep-seated, border on hatred.”

Apparently his statement against her wouldn’t fall into that category. So men who support men who want to marry only men is ok, while a school that supports whites who only want to marry whites is not?

This is going to be an interesting year . .. if we can just keep track of all the hypocrisies.

There has been quite a stir over a proposed OSHA regulation that leaked before it could be attached to some obscure bill. It basically said that employers would be responsible for the working conditions of employees who worked from their home.

So if McDonald’s can be sued for a cup of hot coffee balanced between a customer’s legs… imagine the implications for breakfast in the home of an employee. But I think the reason it was quickly rescinded was because they realized that the White House would fall under that category.

Because the President works for the people… his employer… and he works from his home… the White House… he would come under that regulation.

OSHA would have to ensure that knee pads were issued to interns should their duty require time on their knees. They would curtail the distribution of tobacco products to minors… lit or unlit.

I am sure the decision had nothing to do with the opinion that what a president did in the privacy of his own home was his own business. If that’s the case… then OSHA would never get to suggest this silly regulation again. But keep an eye on them in case they try.

Have you ever seen people walking up and down the beach looking for coins or jewelry with a metal detector? They know it is there somewhere.

The recent State of the Union speech reminded me of that. As we get closer to another presidential election, it is imperative for all the candidates, and their respective parties, to start putting the metal to the beach and finding out where the treasure is.

After seven years of rejecting any tax cuts… In fact, raising taxes, increasing spending, increasing government control… now President Clinton is talking about cutting taxes, reducing the marriage tax, and giving a college tuition credit.

All good Republican ideas. But just in case the treasure is over the dune… he is also promising to spend more money, raise taxes and fund every government whim known to man.

So instead of relying on the metal detector to let off that little high pitched beep beep beep, when he gets close to the treasure… the voters will have to do that. The beep will let him know he is over someone else’s property… or it will let him know that he has hit a gold mine of political support.

So it is up to the voters to beep… one way or the other. This is Nina May beeping to return the treasure to its rightful owners.

Israel is in the middle of a big “do-over.” It reminds me of when I was a little girl, with two older brothers, and one younger, and sometimes I would beat them all at something. But when I did, they were not only shocked and amazed… but royally ticked. They devised this rule that was new to me… called a “do-over.” They basically said that the laws of nature were not aligned properly and that I, by all rational calculations, should never have won.

So for them… a “do-over” was perfectly logical. And the threat of not doing a “do-over” was a life-time of noogies.  You know, those sharp little knuckle things aimed at the scalp.

Well, I understand how Israel feels. In 1967, they miraculously fought off the attacks of three major surrounding nations, with no warning, and won after only six days of fighting, and now the world and American liberals want a “do-over.”

But how far back do they want to go? 4,000 years ago God gave the Jews that land, and He even changed Abraham’s grandson’s name from Jacob to Israel. The world can try and do a “do-over” with God, but something tells me… it will be hard to noogie Him.

This election cycle could be very interesting. It could be Hillary’s village experiment actualized. She has changed the paradigm of national and state politics, and I have an idea that will test that new paradigm.

Why doesn’t everyone, who knows their vote won’t count in their home state, move to New York for a season and really become involved in national politics? After all, we are becoming a one-world government. Why not carry that theme to the country?

If anyone can choose a state to run from without living there… why shouldn’t voters be allowed to vote in a state, without living there? Let the whole country get involved in the New York race.

This is the village that Hillary talks about… Shouldn’t everyone from around the country be a part of this global/national experiment?

Now of course she and the democrats can’t complain if a few republicans decide to change their voting address to New York and she happens to get defeated. But those are the chances you take when you start pulling up political roots and pretending you are from one state when you really aren’t.

Yes, this could be a very interesting election year. This is Nina May, at, with my eye on Manhattan.

At the end of Ramadan last week, the State Department hosted its first Iftar, which is a dinner that breaks the religious fast.

Madeleine Albright joined the dinner and asked “how can anyone apply a stereotype to a quarter of the globe’s people?”

It’s not hard Madeleine, Christians are stereotyped all the time as being intolerant, hateful, and bigoted. She also noted that the State Department needed to be more active in recruiting American Muslims for posts at that agency.

At the same time however, President Clinton is characterizing the Southern Baptists as an organization that “perpetuates ancient religious hatred.”

Now clearly, there is no wall of separation between church and state at the State Department for Muslims, but there is blatant hostility toward a Christian sect, identifying it as “being intolerant.”

If the government embraces one religion, supporting its sacraments, recruiting from within its ranks… then surely this should be the standard for all religions… even the ones labeled as intolerant.

Why does that wall only come down on special occasions, for a select few? This is Nina May, just asking for a little consistency from our leaders.