There have been times in our nation’s history when it looked so dark and helpless that only divine intervention could save us.

The question many Christians ask today is, “Why doesn’t God do something?” There are a variety of answers, and God works in very mysterious ways . . .but always through His people.

Remember young David in the pasture, watching his sheep, playing songs of praise to God, oblivious of the battle his brothers were engaged in? It wasn’t until he was summoned to bring them food that suddenly, not only his perspective, but his mission changed. He went from being an uninterested, complacent shepherd, to “giant slayer” in a matter of minutes. We are all in that transition period but we have to be ready and WILLING to step out when the voice of the Lord tells us to. God wants the David’s among us to rise up and slay the Giant because that act of faith is a manifestation of the power of God.

He could do it with the blink of an eye, but that would defeat the purpose of creating us with a free will to decide which side we will serve. Which side are you on?

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After the first debate between Rick Lazio and Hillary Clinton, most agreed that Lazio won.

And how could you tell? The talking heads were furious at Tim Russert’s pointed questions of Hillary, actually holding her accountable to lying to the American people, blaming them for her husband’s indiscretions, and hiding the truth of the health care discussions, naming just a few of the scandals she has been embroiled in.

And the feminists were furious that Lazio was so mean to her. They felt that was no way to treat a lady.

They are right. But we are talking about a seasoned politician who has scurried up the coattails of her wayward husband while claiming to be a femme sole.

She wants to be considered a hardhitting politico, yet she cries foul when a man bests her in a debate. Her fans echo her cry without holding her accountable to the same standards they would hold a male candidate.

So is she able to lead or not? If she can’t handle a little debate with Rick without calling foul, how is she going to handle over fifty Ricks on the Senate floor? They will cut her no slack.

It looks like her victimization is showing. She needs to put a little powder on that shine.



One of my favorite stories in the Bible is of Joseph . . . the younger son of Jacob, great-grandson of Abraham.

God gave him a vision of his future as having great governmental authority, a mighty leader, that even his brothers would bow to. Shortly after this vision he was sold into slavery by his own brothers, sent to a foreign land, where his master’s wife tries to seduce him, and he is put in prison for almost twenty years.

But God’s word was sure and true, and because of a variety of events, he was put in charge of Egypt, just under the Pharaoh. And indeed, his brothers did bow down to him as a leader who held their lives in the palm of his hand. But he didn’t return evil for evil .. . he blessed them and forgave them. And this blessing saved generations of Jews from starvation and disaster.

He could have been bitter about how his own brothers sold him into slavery and he was taken from his land, separated from his parents. Instead . . .he rejoiced. Sometimes God transplants his chosen from one land to another . . . for reasons unknown that may be manifest generations later. But we may never see that reason if bitterness and anger continue to blind us.

This is Nina May.

Let’s see, the tally is . .. unions, trial lawyers, entertainment, and now the adult porn industry all supporting Democrat candidates. And those supporting Republicans are the greedy Americans who don’t want to be penalized for being married or for dying.

OK, it’s a fair race so far. But what does this list of Democrat supporters tell you about who will be running a Gore White House? Look at what they stand for, what they’ve been promised, and how much they’re spending to get an office next to Al’s.

The unions alone are spending over $40 million. Did someone say campaign finance reform? And the adult porn industry, holding its annual meeting has a session called, “How to get Democrats in office and defeat the Republicans.”

One of their speakers has said, “A Republican . .. President and Congress could greatly hinder the success and growth of the adult [porn] Internet industry.”

So the tally again is… Gore gets the votes of people trying to destroy the fabric of society, exploit women and children and force socialism on us, while Bush still gets that same greedy bunch who want tax cuts and the government to leave them alone.

Gee, that’s going to be a tough one for families to decide.

The Senate Commerce Committee held hearings on the FTC report that shows the entertainment industry is peddling adult material to kids.

It’s so cute to hear the producers of this junk say that it is the American way to let each family make their own decisions, not people in Washington, the media or congress. Yet if these same families decide to opt their kid out of mandatory sex education, which is a euphemism for teaching every sexual practice imaginable, they are ridiculed.

If they suggest that their kids have filtered access to the Internet at school, or not be forced to read books on witch craft and Eastern religions, they are labeled intolerant.

If they want a choice as to where to send their kids to school, suggesting that their tax dollars be used for vouchers, they are called greedy and selfish.

If they unplug TV and cable, they are called abusive.

If they monitor what movies their kids watch, they are called old-fashioned.

So maybe instead of hearing from the people who make billions off kids, we should hear from the parents of these kids who are now told it is their sole responsibility to make sure this slime doesn’t creep under their front doors. And that IS the decision most families make.

On September 20, millions of kids from all over the country gather around their flag poles of their schools to pray for each other, their teachers and the nation. They will come early and be there on their own time. Many parents will join them because they realize that prayer is not as dangerous for these kids as a life separated from God and the accountability that brings.

So why do groups such as the ACLU try so desperately to keep these kids from praying, from gathering, from expressing their sincerely held religious beliefs? All of these actions are protected by the Constitution, while at no place in the document does it contain the liberal mantra, “separation of church and state.”

Could it be that the ACLU really DOES know that the God these kids worship is more powerful than the god they worship?

Otherwise, as the religious leader in Jesus’ time said, “Let them alone, if this is of God, there is nothing you can do to stop it, if it’s not of God, it will just fade away.”

So since it hasn’t faded, but intensified in 2000 years, this should be a hint to these poor people who have devoted their lives to fighting God.

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It is hard to believe that during a war, the two sides fighting will discuss their tactics or their strategy for engagement. The idea is to destroy the enemy, not play by his agenda, or be intimidated by his suggestions of what you should and shouldn’t do.

To hear the two major political parties go on and on about how many debates there are, how many negative ads are being run, who is the nastiest and meanest is a little confusing.

Politics is a full contact sport… the only rules of engagement that are valid are the ones that get you elected.

The Democrats have shown this over and over, whether it means lying through your teeth, denying validated affairs to then casting stones at the other guy for daring to bring up the fact that you don’t have the character or the integrity to win.

If Al Gore’s people are ashamed of his record, then that is a great reason for the Republicans to run ads about it. If the Republicans are inconsistent or duplicitous, then by all means, let the voters know. But this wimpy whiny way of running a campaign is very annoying and shows a lack of leadership on both sides.

It is so funny to hear DNC Chairman Joe Andrew say, “The American people don’t want to see negative ads against Al Gore, they want to hear the truth about Mr. Bush’s record.” And that statement should work the other way . .. but Joe is not paid to say anything good about GW Bush, and well he shouldn’t. But he should then understand that Jim Nicholson has a job which includes contrasting the two candidates so that the republicans look best.

This is not rocket science . .. and for everyone to be upset that the parties are doing everything they can to put their guy in a good light, while they trash the other guy, means they don’t understand the political process. It’s the stuff sausage is made of. It’s not a pretty picture.

It is so interesting to hear the supporters of abortion using the tired old coat hanger argument as a reason to keep abortion legal.

And in spite of the millions of dollars that have been spent on sex education in public schools, more girls are getting pregnant than ever before. Abortion has become a type of birth control even though it can render women infertile and even cause death.

Now, in a radical effort to take every control off of abortionists, California has introduced a bill which will protect unlicenced abortionists who injure or kill the mother. The bill would permit unsupervised non-physicians to perform abortions.

It weakens statutes that allow for the prosecution of abortion-providers when they jeopardize the health and safety of their patients. This is when 57% of Americans view abortion as murder, 72% believe abortion should be illegal after the second trimester, and only 43% support the Roe v. Wade decision.

Eighty percent feel girls under 18 should get parental consent before having an abortion.

Why are these statistics radically changing? Because the millions of women who have been exploited by the lie of abortion are now speaking out before the back alley coat hanger abortion not only becomes common place, and legal, but it will result in twice as many deaths as it now does . . . not only will the baby die, but the mother as well, and there will be no liability on the part of these legally protected butchers.

I have often wondered how any civilized person could have not only followed Adolf Hitler, but adored him as well.

Historians explain this by describing his charisma, his ability to promise, threaten and cajole, and to persuade people that he knew what was best for them. That made him the perfect candidate for supreme dictator.

Even if they knew of his atrocities they somehow convinced themselves it was for their good. And it is difficult once you have made an emotional investment in a leader to suddenly decide they are the “son of satan.”

When Fidel Castro came to America during the Millennium conference at the UN, his adoring minions gathered in New York, by the thousands, to hear him speak… for hours.

The voices of the martyrs, the imprisoned, the tortured, the refugees escaping communist oppression were silenced as the Cuban dictator was treated like royalty.

How soon we have forgotten Elian Gonzalez’ mom giving her life to escape his control. She didn’t leave Cuba for better shopping in Miami. She left to find freedom for herself and her child.

Witnessing the warm welcome of a man who has destroyed millions of lives makes me finally understand Hitler’s rise to power. But his freedom to speak was paid for by the sacrifice of great patriots, giving him a forum to validate his atrocities to these Americans gathered to adore him.

The really scary thing is… these people who came to see him… can vote.

California State Senate Shows disdain for Supporters of “back alley” abortions . . . and No Liability on Patient

A sad truth is that women who seek abortions are looked on with disdain by abortionists because it assuages their guilt of knowing they are committing murder. They blame the women for her lack of self-control and they see her as less than a person. For them to use unsterile tools and unsafe conditions validates their lack of respect for her. They actually are expressing a type of hatred for women, by scarring her with a life of pain and remorse. And now because of SB370 in California, that power is increased. This disdain can result in the death of one of these young women in trouble, and the state will turn a blind eye because by supporting this bill, also show that women are nothing more than chattel and don’t deserve the full protection of the law. They are acknowledging that what she is doing is wrong but not protecting her safety. But this carnage will stop when women start saying “no”, and stop allowing themselves to be lied to and deceived by everyone from the man who uses them, to the abortionist who defiles them, to the elected representative who turns a blind eye to their suffering, to the court which sanctions all of these activities as being a choice she has somehow made. See our video webcast on this issue at

* SB 370 protects unlicenced abortionists who injure or kill the mother. The bill would permit unsupervised non-physicians to perform abortions. It weakens statutes that allow for the prosecution of abortion-providers when they jeopardize the health and safety of their patients.