The Call to the Mall had over 700,000 kids worshiping and praising God. But it was not what most people expect of religious kids . . . because for one thing . . . they aren’t religious at all.

They are committed in their love for Christ, their devotion to the Lord and their allegiance to the Holy Spirit. They are young revolutionaries who are sold out for Christ. They are the true counter culture, the true radicals, the voices that will set the captives free and liberate this nation from the bondage of perversion and defilement it has been wrestling with.

But the interesting thing is . . . you won’t be able to point them out in a crowd. In fact, you may mistake them for the ones in bondage.  They have the multi-colored spiked hair, the tattoos and pierced body parts . They wear the uniform of revolution and only they can address the issues that plague our youth, because they escaped and are willing to sacrifice their lives to go back in and help set the captives free.

So, the next time you see a young kid who doesn’t dress like you, or look like you . . . instead of cursing them . . . bless them because they are either liberating those in bondage, or they are being liberated.

And either way . . . God loves them dearly.

I think that PETA has actually proven by their series of distasteful adds, that by NOT eating meat, your brain begins to deteriorate.

First it was severed cows heads with french fries, then people locked up in cages . . . what was that all about? Then suggesting that college kids drink beer instead of milk. And now . . . Rudy Giuliani as the poster boy for prostate cancer blaming milk for his plight.

How do they know it was milk and not tofu that caused it? Why not blame milk for ever ill to befall man in order to malign the good drink altogether. Who is going to know the truth?

It sort of reminds me of the bad rap conservatives get, being called every name in the book and blamed for every ill facing society. It doesn’t matter who or what is really the culprit, conservatives are always in the lineup as the guilty party. But the good that the conservative philosophy does society . . . like actually fighting to keep government out of your face and out of your pocket can be compared to the good milk does. It gives strong bones and teeth, and helps prevent osteoporosis and other bone crippling diseases.

So for the evil that conservatives and milk are accused of causing . . . they need to be acknowledged for the good they do to the body and the backbone of society.

There is a funny, yet shockingly true vignette circulating on the Internet speculating how the Clinton’s, with a combined income of about $200,000 can afford to buy a two million dollar home.

No matter how the average family, making the same, tries to stretch their dollar, it is never going to fit over a purchase like that.

If this is a gift, have they paid taxes on it like everyone else would be required to . .. or are there some loopholes the average American doesn’t know about.

Will someone let us know so we can all enjoy this same bounty of generosity?

But this elitist diversion from economic reality by the Clintons actually helps explain a lot. He promises to veto the bill repealing the marriage tax penalty and the death tax penalty.

And it is easy to understand why. He is not held accountable to the same rules of taxation that the rest of are. He has become so isolated behind instant gifts for cattle futures and New York mansions, that he just thinks the rest of the country is as fortunate.

So, please visit our website at and read the story I am referring to called “The Free Ride” and please let me know if I am missing something.

And then . . . call Bill and Hillary and let them know as an average tax payers who is not fortunate enough to live in the same wealthy class they do, that you could really use the extra $1400 a year if you are married.

Or you would appreciate not having to bury your father and mortgage the family farm or business in the same week because Al Gore keeps referring to you as rich and greedy.

I think what Bill and Al need a little lesson in perspective and I am counting on you . . . to give it to them.



In the spirit of Campaign Finance Reform… I want to wish everyone a happy Labor Day.

This is the day that is intended to honor the worker… both union and non-union, although the unions take this opportunity to continue pumping tens of millions of dollars into the Democrat party machine… although they SWEAR they are for Campaign Finance Reform.

What is interesting about the incredibly powerful and solidly Democrat unions is that they don’t play fair. They represent less than 18% of the workers in America yet claim to speak for all workers, duly intimidating the politicians who haven’t done their homework and looked at the numbers. And ironically, their members are evenly split between the democrats and republicans yet almost all of their dues goes to the Democrat party and to Democrat candidates.

Where is the freedom and liberty in that? Where is the choice, the power of the little worker over the big conglomerate?

So, on this Labor Day I would encourage union members to think for themselves, vote for themselves, speak for themselves and stop allowing a handful of power brokers to move them around on the political chess board like their obedient pawns.

This is still a free country after all, in spite of what the unions try and do to remake it in their socialist image.

I am encouraged to see High School students across America standing by the law of the land, which allows them the right to free speech.

Without breaking any unconstitutional laws, which were irresponsibly upheld by the Supreme Court they are continuing to pray before school football games. They are continuing to honor a higher law which says, “You shall have no other god’s before Me.” And any law that forbids that expression is against the law of nature and nature’s God . . . as the Declaration of Independence declares.

These kids, from all over the country, are coming to Washington, D.C. on Saturday September 2 to humble themselves before God, pray and seek His face. They are at a crossroads spiritually as they are forced by their government to choose between it and God. They are told they can’t pray in school, yet they are told how to get pregnant and then kill their child. They are told they can’t bring Bibles to school, but they are rewarded for bringing condoms.

These children who will be assembling at the Call to the Mall are declaring they have no King but Jesus . . . as the founding Fathers were fond of saying. But a big question I have on the issue of consistency is . . . since the Mall is public land . . . will they even be permitted to pray? And if they are . . . why can’t they voluntarily pray in a public school?

While we ponder that question, join these kids and their families in this gentle revolution of the heart and spirit and support their constitutional rights to pray in school and out.

I missed the whole “Survival” series because, frankly, I am too busy living my own life.

But what has CBS shown us about ourselves, human nature and the raw nature of man? Nothing we didn’t already know.

They just manipulated it, put sixteen human faces on it, exploited them and got bragging rights for high ratings.

But I have a survival challenge for CBS . . . why not do something really creative, revolutionary, and provocative . . . rise above the mediocre standards you have allowed to dominate.

Put sixteen people on an island who want to leave that place better, more compassionate, loving, and humble.

Anyone can take a jerk and make him a bigger, richer jerk. There is no mystery or creativity in that transformation.

Have the cataways focus on their spiritual growth, not their physical comfort . . . their state of being instead of their devious tactics.

Anyone can revel in his decadence but it is far more difficult to survive the challenge of goodness, virtue, purity, honor, selflessness and self-sacrifice.

That is the survival that really counts, and makes everyone a winner.

It is exciting to see Al Gore finally have the courage of his convictions and actually quote scripture and mention God in his speeches. He even acknowledges that “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

So that must mean, if the earth belongs to God, He can do with it what He wants.

Since He created the earth he can stop global warming, fix ozone holes, replenish forests and rivers, clean up pollution. Because man was given dominion over the earth by God, man must be a more valued and treasured creation. But, Gore says that even though the Pacific Yew produces the chemical taxol, which could potentially cure breast and ovarian cancer, it should not be harvested.

Why? Because you would have to destroy three trees to treat one person. But if the earth is the Lord’s, perhaps God intended for these trees to be harvested to cure His people, made in His image. And by making that statement Gore acknowledges that the earth doesn’t belong to environmentalists, the United Nations, Green Peace and other self-appointed monitors of man’s behavior.

This is Nina May suggesting that the earth that Gore writes about IS perfectly balanced in the palm of God’s hand.

Have you ever noticed the fine dust that clings to the sides of an hour glass, never moving like the grains of sand do?

It was poignant to see old men at the Republican and Democrat conventions taking tired trips down the memory lanes of revolution.

One relived his love for Castro, Lenin, Marx and all his other heros. His captive audience of teenagers lived vicariously through the passion of conflict and the comfort of discourse.

But none of them saw what I saw. I saw a man blessed to be born in a free country that allows his verbal destruction of it. A country with so much abundance that after these anarchists leave the rally, they jump in their air conditioned cars, drink their cold beers, take their hot showers, eat their warm food, and reflect upon the day they began the revolution in America.

But the revolution they are looking for is not found on the streets in locked combat with the police . . .it will be a revolution of the heart, inspired by the most revolutionary person in history . . . Jesus Christ.

So as the political sands shift, we should remember King Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” And these Marxists revolutionaries, with their tired message, are no exception.

The Supreme Court of New Jersey has determined that little girls who have been taught by the public school system how to have sex safely are old enough to arrange an abortion for herself, without her parent’s consent, when she fails the course.

Since they think she is mature enough to handle not only the debasing by the school system, the exploitation by a young man, and the subsequent life-threatening operation by someone she doesn’t even know, then they should go one step further.

They should wave the driving age to allow her to get to the abortion clinic.

I mean, if she is fourteen, pregnant, and can’t tell her parents, how is she supposed to transport herself there and back without anyone knowing.

Because, after all, the very brilliant and fair minds of the New Jersey Supreme Court said it will not permit the state to impose disparate and unjustifiable burdens on different classes of young women when fundamental constitutional rights hang in the balance.

So that means, unfair driving limitations impose disparate burdens on 14-year-olds. And if the young girl is old enough to make such a life-threatening decision, then what about the young boy who got her pregnant. He should not only be allowed to drive, but be registered for military duty, vote and be able to own a gun.

These are adults now after all, and should have every right available to them that adults do. There is just one thing the Court forgot to tell these girls . . . there is no constitutional guarantee that they won’t become infertile, suicidal, despondent, self-destructive or even die, as a result of this new right they have to practice adulthood. And if any of these things occur . . . who is responsible? Certainly not the parents, they didn’t have a clue she was pregnant. The Courts? No . . . they are always immune. The young boy who got her pregnant? Heavens no, that would be unfair. The school that lied about the rights of free sex without discussing the responsibilities? Not a chance.

So, it looks like the little girl is going to be learning at a very young age that only she is responsible for her actions, and the consequences of her actions, because the court has determined she can’t be discriminated against because of her age. Gee, that seems only fair, and I am sure that is what the authors of the constitution hoped would happen with young girls in America.

The image of the homosexuals outside the Boy Scout headquarters, demanding to be let in . . . demanding to have “access” to these young boys can’t be coincidental to being a modern day depiction of what happened in Genesis 19:4 thousands of years ago.

This is when the men, young and old, were outside Lot’s house demanding that he send the two angles out so they could have sex with them. Lot begged them not to do this “wicked thing” and offered his two virgin daughters to them instead. (I can’t help but wonder what “virgins” our politicians will offer this out-of-control group today.)

Looking at this from another perspective, the homosexual community is telling us, by demonstrating outside the Boy Scout headquarters, threatening, demanding, intimidating . . . that the law of the land means nothing to them. They can’t be concerned about the laws of nature, nature’s God, or the Supreme Court interpreting the laws of man.

Should this be the standard? Does this rebellious behavior then open the doors for any other group or individual to disregard and try and overturn the rulings of the Supreme Court?

Is this finally an open door for the populous to unilaterally overturn Roe v. Wade? Should there now be mass demonstrations outside of abortion clinics in spite of the Bubble Zone rule that says you can’t be within a certain distance of an abortuarium if you are pro-life?

Should they disregard the rules of murder and begin killing the doctors performing these abortions? Should they disregard another ruling and start praying in school, having Bible classes and basically ignoring the Supreme Court when it says kids can’t pray before a football game?

Just which rules are we suppose to ignore and which are we supposed to obey?

Is it really subjective or are there absolutes?  Because if the homosexual community is successful in intimidating this organization through political and public pressure, while openly defying the Supreme Court’s ruling that they be left alone . . . then anarchy will have surpassed civility and the rules of engagement will have changed across the board.

I would encourage every former scout, family of scouts, relatives of scouts to ban together to protect these young boys from the onslaught against their virtue.

If the homosexuals want to start a Gay Scout group, there is nothing preventing them from doing this… but to use the good name, legacy and purpose of a PRIVATE organization and try and remake it in your image is an affront to ever citizen, every private organization, and the constitution.

What are the implications of this?

Will the Congressional Black Caucus be forced to accept white congressmen? Will the Girl Scouts be forced to accept boys? Will fraternities and sororities be forced to accept people of the opposite sex? Will Wiccan groups be forced to accept born again Christians, and Mosques be forced to allow Jews to pray in them?

Why should the Boy Scouts be treated any differently than any other private group in America?

One reason — It is the happy hunting grounds for men who have determined by their lifestyle that they can’t have children, so they want yours.

They have demonstrated this by their support of laws that reduce the age of consent to allow children to have sex. They support and defend the National Association of Man Boy Love which promotes sex between adults and children. So the agenda is as transparent as their attempt to disregard a ruling by the Supreme Court.

Their success, if they can intimidate these precious young boys, will be determined by the parents, friends, neighbors, religious and political leaders.  If they are silent . . . and the homosexuals prevail . . . God help each of us . . . and God help these innocent kids who we would have determined are not worthy to receive the full protection of the law and the full weight and authority of the constitution.