When Iraq was bombed, the day before the impeachment vote was to be taken, and it ended the day the impeachment was announced, it was hard not to be cynical about the timing.

But what was so interesting was listening to the reasons President Clinton gave for the bombing.

He said, Iraq has used a systematic pattern of destruction and delay.

Gee like revealing the personal lives of republicans, and trying to push for censure instead of impeachment?

He also said, “We can’t allow Iraq to brazenly break it’s promises.”

Sort of like lying under oath? There was not unanimous international support for the bombing of Iraq, but polls were irrelevant in the decision. Yet our constitutional process was supposed to be held hostage by the polls.

here was a narrow interpretation of Iraq’s wrongdoings, while Clinton supporters wanted his illegalities to be interpreted broadly. And both Saddam and Clinton thumbed their noses at the law.

So what’s interesting, is not so much the suspicious timing of the bombing and the impeachment, but the incredible similarities in the two situations.

During the impeachment hearings of President Clinton we kept hearing that the will of ALL the people was being overturned.

Because he is doing so well in the polls, he should be above the law.

It’s interesting to note that as Hitler continued his atrocities, he kept rising in popularity. And Mussolini kept the trains running on time. But were they doing the will of ALL the people?

Of course not, anymore than Clinton has the support of ALL Americans today.

When politicians start using the exclusive word ALL to define the electorate they are saying that there is only one view that is relevant, and those who oppose it should be silenced. They continued to overlook the fact that the majority of congressmen are Republicans… obviously the will of the people. But not ALL of the people.

Any more than ALL the people gave Clinton a majority.

But we don’t live in a democracy, we live in a republic. And when politicians start referring in masse to every single citizen as like-minded and monolithic, they are speaking of neither, they are talking about a dictatorship.

If you listen to the words of the old Christmas Carols you will notice that not only are they heralding the arrival of the Savior, the new born King . . . they are introducing unbelievers to Him.

Joy to the world . . . not just to Christians . . . let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare Him room. This is an invitation . . . not a commandment.

Even nature is implored to sing His praises.

Joy to the earth, the savior reigns . . . while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy.

And the message is timeless. In Bethlehem, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

When Christ was born, there was no Catholic or Protestant or denominational conflict. Christ fulfilled God’s promise to the Jews, but his salvation is a gift to the entire world.

The most priceless and enduring gift you can share with someone is a personal relationship with the one whose birthday we celebrate today . . . Christ, the newborn King.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women wishing you a blessed Christmas.



What is it about the Christmas season that seems to make people a little cheerier? It can’t be the long lines in the mall, or the crowded parking lots.

Many say it is the look of delight on the face of a young child as they behold their first Christmas tree. Or maybe it is just being able to get off work for a few extra days.

But whatever it is, there is something that we tend to overlook. This is the day the world celebrates the birth of the Son of God.

You can be sure that the same angels that heralded His birth 2,000 years ago, don’t miss the opportunity to party . . . in their own angelic way.

The Bible says we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities of darkness, thus the need for the Ephesians 6:10 set of armor.

That means all believers are in that daily battle . . . but our spirits are also lifted when the heavenly host celebrates.

The season might be the reason we feel so happy at Christmas, but with so much angelic activity around us, some of that joy and peace is bound to rub off on us.

This is Nina May reminding you that Christ is the reason for the season.



The bottom line in the entire impeachment proceedings of President Clinton was that if he had only put chains upon his sexual appetite, we would have avoided the entire episode.

The article mentioning Paula Jones and Clinton, would never have been written, there would have been no civil suit in which to lie under oath.

And there would be no mention of a Monica Lewinsky and Cathleen Wiley and all the other women who claimed he made improper sexual advances toward them.

If he had only remembered his vows to his wife, and his obligations to his family . . . there would have been no hearings.

If he had practiced the teachings in the Bible he prominently carries to church, he would not have broken the 7th and 9th Commandments.

So his lesson is our lesson. If we behave irresponsibly, disobeying both God and the laws of man, there will be consequences. We should all be humbled by the phrase, “we reap what we sow.”

But also, If God chastens those he loves He must really love Bill Clinton. In the larger scheme of things, that’s what really matters most anyway.

During the impeachment process, the American people were reminded that the issue was not about sex. It was about breaking the law and being held accountable. But unfortunately it was about sex also.

The degradation of women has been on a steady incline since the feminists claimed the sexual revolution was for them too. This did not liberate women. It placed them in a state of bondage to the sexual whims of any man. Add the lure of power, to the willingness of many women to allow themselves to be degraded, and you have a recipe for a national scandal.

In the years that Clinton was experiencing this sexual liberation, there was no discussion that this was wrong behavior. Even prime-time T.V. promoted it. We as a nation were forced to hear about his indiscretions and learn that they are normal, accepted, and no one’s business.

The bottom line is that the nation would not have been forced to suffer through these hearings if we all, including Clinton, had had the courage to reject the bondage of the sexual revolution years ago.

In the newly released Prince of Egypt, there are many lessons, but one that seems timely.

One insignificant person, who would have lived his life in obscurity, if not early death, was chosen to lead a people out of captivity.

He brought a dynasty to its knees and totally humbled the Pharaoh who had set himself above the people, above the law and above the power of God.

Five years ago, no one had heard of Paula Jones. She was ridiculed and condemned for daring to challenge a U.S. President with the truth.

Her accusations and subsequent trial, which was even denied her at one point, have laid bare the soft legal underbelly of a republic. The truth has set her free and dealt a serious wound to the president.

What the rest of Americans do with it will be their choice. They can throw off the bondage of lies, double speak and corruption, and embrace absolutes. Or they can question the sovereignty of God . . . and continue to give allegiance to hubris and arrogance.

God used Moses to open the door, but the people had the choice of leaving or staying in bondage.

Catherine the Great of Russia is an example of how excessive consumption and lack of accountability can corrupt a person . . . and a system.

There was no moderation in her insatiable appetite. One symbolic fetish was the courtyard of one of the palaces that had been covered with glass and filled with birds that were confined to this glass enclosure. It was much like the Iron Curtain that kept citizens from flying to other lands for over 70 years.

When asked by her young charges why she didn’t release the birds from captivity, she would reply, “I know what is best for them, they bring me pleasure, and a great price has been paid for this structure . . .so they stay.”

That is symbolic of any government that sees the citizens merely as objects of their pleasure . . . or even a system that has replaced individual freedom with the status of state property.

The Czarina was not accountable to anyone. But our congress and IRS are, if we hold them accountable and realize our cage has many doors called tax reform, voter participation and political activism.

If you were served a piece of rotten meat or spoiled fish in a restaurant you would probably complain and ask for something else. Or if you bought a carton of soured milk from the store, you wouldn’t serve it to your kids anyway, you would let the store know that their product is not acceptable for human consumption.

So why aren’t we that picky about what comes over the airwaves into our homes? Why do most people sit blankly in front of the T.V. set listening to one inane show after another?

What about the families that do monitor what they watch and carefully select the handful of appropriate shows for their child?

They are still assaulted by the very suggestive and degrading commercials that foretell of absurdities to come. You are forced to sit as a T.V. monitor with remote control in hand to keep the spoiled food from reaching your child’s spiritual digestive system. People who argue that its the parents responsibility for what their kids see on T.V., and not the sponsors are right.

Thats why more people are turning off the sets altogether and buying products that aren’t rotten. This is Nina May.

Rita Warren wanted to set it up a nativity scene on public property in Fairfax, Virginia but was told she couldn’t because of separation of church and state.

These words are no where in the U.S. Constitution. What is does say is that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Rita understood the promises of our constitution, and fought and won the decision not to allow her to display a nativity scene. She wasn’t a right wing religious fanatic. She just remembered the day more than 50 years ago when Mussolini’s police stormed into her school and ripped the crucifix off the wall, replacing it with photos of Mussolini and Hitler.

Instead of reciting the Lords prayer, the children were forced to salute the two dictators. Rita says that If we Italians had put up a fight years ago, we may have avoided that horrible war.

Wise words for a nation struggling with the definition of freedom of religion.