The Bible says to be either hot for God or cold against Him, because if you are lukewarm, He will spit you out of His mouth.

That means even God hates mediocrity.

There are so many people proud of the fact that they are politically moderate. What does that mean?

It only tells the rest of us that they have no belief system, no absolutes, and they hate controversial issues that divide us.

What they fail to understand is that we are already divided.

There are those who believe in moral absolutes and those who don’t.

Those who believe in God as a supreme being and those who reject him.

Those who accept the forgiveness of Christ and those who feel they have nothing to be forgiven for.

If you are in the middle of the road on any issue considered divisive, just remember. . . The only thing you find in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead chickens.

And if you believe in nothing, you will fall for anything . . . oh and one more . . . sometimes you can be so open-minded that your brains fall out.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women challenging you reject mediocrity.



Recently a group of visitors to the U.S. Capitol were told by a Capitol policeman that they could not stand and pray quietly while in the building. He told them that praying was a form of demonstration and it was not allowed.

Let’s forget for a moment that their first amendment rights to free speech, assembly and religious expression were being denied and look at the reality of that statement. Praying is considered demonstrating.

In a way, they are right. The visitors were demonstrating their faith in God, their belief in something greater than themselves and they were demonstrating their humility. They were demonstrating that they have the courage todemonstrate for the world that God is the ultimate power in their lives.

It is ironic that in the structure that was founded on Godly principles and Biblical teachings, that visitors can’t even thank God for their freedoms without those freedoms being denied.

Maybe it is time for the Body of Christ to start demonstrating to the world that prayer is a radical idea that really works.

This is Nina May praying for God’s blessings in your life.

Many people look at political gridlock as a bad thing. They are actually upset that congress is not up there passing more laws and working together like one big happy family.

But tell me, why do we need more laws? We barely understand a fraction of the laws we are bound to as it is. The fact that we have two major political parties that are different ideologically is actually quite healthy.

If you know that one party believes in big government, higher taxes and larger beauracracy, then you search out candidates in that party and vote for them. Or, if you believe that more power should vest in the individual, that taxes should be much lower and the government is already too big, then you should support the party and candidates that feel that way.

We all ensure gridlock every time we go to the polls and we should hope and pray that it is always a problem.

Because when it ceases to be, then you no longer have a democratic republic, you have tyranny. Don’t be fooled by cheap rhetoric.

Democracy ensures gridlock, and gridlock protects the republic.

Historical revisionists will say that the early explorers forced Christianity on the defenseless natives who lived in peace and tranquility.

When Cortez set foot in Mexico, His troops were met with one horrendous site after another. Human hearts had been cut out of living prisoners, temple walls were covered with human blood. Piles of gnawed human bones were in the streets and in the homes. Pagan priests, matted with the dried human blood were practicing sodomy. Warriors were roasting and eating the body parts of those they slaughtered.

So when the Spanish troops arrived, they were viewed as liberators from this living hell. The natives embraced the teachings of Christ which were about forgiveness, love and mercy, and they were saved by the thousands.

Not all Christians were, or are perfect. There haven’t always been perfect representatives of Christ. But ask yourself, would you rather have your local priest be a little less perfect than Christ, but still trying, or would you rather have him plucking your heart out and tossing it down the temple steps? And aren’t you glad you have the freedom to choose?

We have heard all the arguments concerning homosexuality and special rights from a moral and legal perspective. But there is one crucial angle that everyone seems to have overlooked.

Homosexuality is a sexist, misogynist, chauvinistic movement that declares women irrelevant, unnecessary and less than equal. All the gains the women’s movement made to have the law recognize men and women equally is being overturned.

It’s actually quite clever. They are claiming they need special rights and privileges based on a behavior that no one can prove that they participate in.

So basically, some heterosexual guy who isn’t getting the loan or the job, or the promotion he wants can just claim to be gay and not only does he beat out the straight man but the straight woman as well. It’s the good ol boys network of the new millennium and judging by their numbers… 1.5% of the population… they have proven they have political power and clout… while 51% of the population is told they are not deserving of the same rights as these men.

This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women who support equal rights, not special ones.

There is a pitched battle of historical proportions taking place in our country. Those who want to revise history to reflect culture today, and those who want to preserve its integrity.

President Wilson once said, A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, will not remember who we are today, and what we are trying to do. He was obviously interested in preserving our history.

Another man shortly before that said, “Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.”

That man was Karl Marx, the father of communism. He also understood the importance of history . . . and the importance of revising and destroying history.

You can take both Wilson’s quote and Marx’s quote and summarize them both in a quote by Abe Lincoln. He said, the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.

So when we stop teaching the truth, we will stop governing with the truth or justice as absolutes . . . and then we truly will have forgotten who we are as a nation. This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

On May 12, the CEO of Nike told the members of the National Press Club that Reggie White was not evil, just crazy.

Let’s back up. Reggie White is a Christian who happens to be a football player. He is loyal to the teachings of Christ and the Bible. Religious freedom in this country allows this. Not only is it allowed, but the nation was founded on these very same principles that Reggie White is now being called crazy for following. And over 85% of the American people call themselves Christians, which means, they must follow the same Christ and adhere to the same Bible.

So in Nike’s opinion, 85% of the population is crazy. It seems odd though, that the same people who would condemn Reggie for standing by his Man and his belief system, find nothing odd about standing by their man who has brought nothing but ridicule and shame to the nation.

So Nike, in its wisdom, has alienated 85% of the market to appease a small minority. That’s real economic wisdom. No wonder the market is plunging as we speak. This is Nina May in search of an honest, market-savvy running shoe.

Why is it that people coming out of the closet and admitting homosexual tendencies are lauded in that community as being heroes. They are paraded around as the new poster child for an ego-driven movement and praised for their honesty and sensitivity.

But heaven help that same person if they decide they either want to go back in the closet, or get rid of the closet all together. They are seen as victims of the vast right wing Christian propaganda machine, brain-washing their new protégé.

Could it not be that they decided they really were not gay? That they found the lifestyle to be oppressive and degrading? Aren’t they the same person who freely decided to try it?

Should this same philosophy be applied to everyone who tried cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or any other addictive behavior and discovered it was more harmful than they expected?

Instead of condemning them, they should be applauded for their courage in discovering who they are . . . not who a movement wants them to be. It kind of makes you wonder about a movement that is so desperate to find and keep its members.

It is interesting to see the number of Bible clubs popping up in schools across America. Many without incident, but most finding road blocks called separation of church and state.

These children are forced to dust off the constitution and highlight the part that says the Government allows free expression, even if its religious. These children have been forced to defend their constitutional rights against adults who think that reading the Bible and praying is particularly harmful to them. Its no coincidence that pre-marital sex has declined too.

This is not necessarily because of Bible classes. But both of these situations are a direct result of the natural state of man questioning authority. So as the adults have created an environment of free sex and accessible birth control, while banning moral teaching . . . they have created an interesting back lash.

Kids are now curious about this banned-book called the Bible, and think that being a virgin is far more rebellious than having pre-marital sex. There’s hope . . . this might be the generation that brings sanity back to America.

In the sixties it was chic to question authority, and challenge the establishment.

Now these same revolutionaries are the establishment.

They have entrenched themselves and their philosophies into every aspect of our culture and society.

They have created an establishment that reflects not only their irresponsibility but they have challenged every moral and religious principle that this country was founded on.

They have even tried to revise history to distort the significance of the Puritans and Pilgrims, being dedicated to the spreading of the Gospel, by creating a covenant with God in the founding of America.

Ironically, even the Pilgrims challenged authority and set up God’s word as the basis of law in America.

So perhaps it is the duty of every generation to challenge the establishment and question authority.

Unfortunately, we are finding today that those doing so, are called part of a vast right wing conspiracy.

But remember, those in power today were part of a vast left wing conspiracy in the 60’s and that didn’t stop them.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women challenging you to leadership.