There are many theories floating around to suggest that the war in Yugoslavia is a smokescreen to draw attention away from the Clinton Administration’s questionable relationship with China — including illegal campaign contributions, sharing of top secret miliatry intelligence, down- playing the strategic significance of the Panama Canal purchase and other miliary bases — not to mention their abhorant and gross violations of human rights that make Serbia’s pale in comparison.
But I have another theory that began in the “Wag the Dog” period when Clinton took advantage of his position as Commander in Chief and attacked two sovereign nations, Sudan and Afghanistan, to distract us from the impeachment.
The transparent reason he used for bombing Iraq, on the same day the impeachment proceedings began, was because he didn’t want to bomb during their holy day.
However he was not hesitant to send U.S. bombers over Belgrade on Easter Sunday.
The KLA, that the U.S. now supports receives funds from Osama bin Laden. Is our support for his pet terrorist group, the KLA, a payback for a diversion during a sticky time for Clinton?
The price of liberty is constant vigilance.