The Bible says, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God.”
Even when we don’t understand why something is happening . . . a thankful heart releases a divine knowledge within us that God knows why. When the young Indian brave, Squanto, was captured and brought to Europe, it changed his life . . . and served to save the lives of many others.
Because he was taught English, he was able to help the Pilgrims survive during the their first harsh years.
Because of the hardship that he endured . . . not understanding why he would be taken from his family and brought to a strange land . . . he came to know Christ as his personal savior and, in turn, became an answer to prayer for hundreds of others.
And his obedience, his patience, kindness and love preserved his legacy for all times.
Here we are, almost 400 years later, remembering and thanking God, for the kindness and sacrifice of a man who learned to give thanks to God . . . in spite of circumstances around him.
This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women reminding you to give thanks in everything . . . for this is the will of God for you. We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.