You might be surprised with what they are thinking!

The other day I had the opportunity to take some young teenage girls to an NSYNC concert. For those of you without a “one” in front of your age, they are the latest, hottest young teen group in America.

Having never heard the group I was prepared for the worst . . . I even brought some ear plugs. They actually were very good as it turned out.

On the way to the concert I began asking the girls a few questions about what teens are thinking these days, and I was surprised by their answers.

To summarize . . .they hate feminism, they think it tries to get girls to date girls. They didn’t believe in premarital sex. They thought homosexuality was perverted and the shows on TV are stupid.

But what really was most telling, at the concert, was that during a slide presentation showing the history of rock in America, they were cheering for all the heroes, including politicians such as Reagan.

The only two times there was unanimous booing from the entire arena of 15,000 young people, was when Clinton’s picture, and then Monica’s were flashed up.

You just can’t spin wrong and make it right . . . and kids today are smart enough to know it. God bless ‘em. This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women.

There are literally thousands of instances across America where public school children are prohibited from exercising their constitutional rights to religious freedom.

The Supreme Court determined in 1971, in the Tinker Case, that a child does not lose their rights when they enter a classroom. They can pray, they can mention the name of Jesus, they can have equal access for a Bible class like other groups have, and they can rally round the flag.

The problem is, most school administrators still don’t know this. They have been intimidated by the ACLU that tells them all of this is forbidden.

In Bradford, Penn. A student asked permission to post little signs around the flag pole showing their commitment to abstinence. The Principal would not allow it, siting the erroneous interpretation of the “establishment clause” of the First Amendment.

The American Center for Law and Justice wrote a letter to the principal telling him what the student’s rights were. He not only recanted, he supported it enthusiastically. He just needed the truth to make the right decision. The Bible says, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

This is Nina May and the Renaissance Women, celebrating liberty.

In his inaugural address in 1994, Nelson Mandela said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant or talented? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

It is interesting that a man who spent 27 years in captivity should understand the true meaning of liberation.

It has nothing to do with where your body is, as the Apostle Paul attests to in the Bible.

His greatest revelations about liberty came while in captivity.

But unfortunately, most people live a life with their body free . . . while their mind is still held captive by doubt, fear, depression, or rejection.

This is Nina May reminding you that Christ came to set the captives free.



The First Amendment declares that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

But, the Ten Commandments have been ordered removed from courtrooms and schools.

San Francisco was recently ordered to take down a cross that stood in a city park for 63 years.

The U.S. Postal Service has ordered “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hanukkah” signs removed from post offices.

Cities have been ordered to revise their seals, removing crosses.

The IRS has banned religious items from worker’s personal desktop areas, calling them “intrusive,” and directly equating them with the offensiveness of sexually explicit material.

State and county governments have been ordered to either rename the Easter Holidays, or forego the holiday altogether.

So, what has happened to the second part of the so-called establishment clause?… where it says Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Not only can Johnny not read, seems as though our lawmakers can’t either.

In spite of the polls that said no one was going to watch Barbara Walter’s interview with Monica Lewinsky, over 70 million did. So much for polls.

But what does that level of curiosity, the money paid for subsequent interviews, and a glamorized book tour tell us about our current culture?

It tells women, to hold onto your husbands because they are now fair game. It tells men, look out for the femme fatale who is enamored by your power and nothing else.

The bigger fish you are, the bigger the book deal for her. And it tells young girls, that the man you work for now has a new paradigm of control over you.

That it will be his word against yours if you are sexually harassed.

Just hope he is a Republican because at least he’ll be punished. But sadly there are thousands of girls and boys who are harassed daily by people in authority over them and they have no one to complain to.

The National Organization for Women certainly doesn’t see it as a big deal . . . any more.

So whatever the reason for watching, what we all saw was a sad reflection of what we have become as a nation . . . It’s not a pretty picture.

The ACLU celebrated March 10 as National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers.

They thanked them for their heroism, perseverance, courage and commitment to women. This, by the way, is the same ACLU that fought a Bible Appreciation Week in Arizona, and won.

But let’s dissect what we should be thankful for.

How heroic is it to exploit helpless women and murder defenseless babies? They did that in Nazi Germany.

What kind of perseverance and courage does it take to keep the truth from women about the dangers of abortion… loss of life, fertility, and emotional stress? Drug dealers do that.

And what type of commitment to women are they referring to? Commitment to lie to them about the dangers of an operation such as an abortion? Commitment to keep women… and health inspectors in the dark about the lack of sanitary facilities?

Instead of celebrating our national shame, we should use March 10 to ask God’s forgiveness for allowing this holocaust to occur.

But the big question is… how many women have ever called her abortionist and thanked him, or her, for killing their child? That is the number to look at.

Have you ever started to put cream on your skin, and notice a label that says, “Not Tested on Animals”? This is where I put the top back on and decide not to be their test animal. Because if it is a product to be used on humans, but they care more about the reaction to an animal’s skin, how safe can the product be? And how thorough can the research have been?

Will the mother of a newborn really want this precious skin to be the petri dish for someone’s product? Have we taken the protection of animals over humans too far?

High schools today give students situational ethics problems to ponder, so in that vein, let me ask you. You, your two children and pet dog are all in a life raft. You only have enough water for three. One must die in order for the others to survive. Which one do you sacrifice? This really is the type of question asked of students today, and animal rights activists would be shocked if you chose Fluffy as the one to go overboard.

This is Nina May reminding you that you are made in God’s image, not the image of a laboratory rat, oh, and, you should probably learn to swim, in case your kids get the answer wrong.

Woman Are Exploited and Don’t Know It

In the early seventies, one of the biggest arguments for legalizing abortion was that women were going to unscrupulous people without sterile conditions. The purpose was to allow bonafide doctors to perform these operations while protecting the life of the mother.

You will be surprised to know that today, only a few states in the union require abortion clinics to be regulated and health inspections are NOT allowed. So even though they are legal, they are still run like back-ally operations that used dirty coat hangers.

Why? Because there is no respect for the women coming in. They are treated like cattle, like animals. They are dismissed with disdain because the abortionists know this is their own child they are having killed. And they rationalize that if she doesn’t care about her own flesh and blood, she certainly doesn’t care about herself.

They must have been reading the Bible where it says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And there is no closer neighbor to a woman than her unborn fetus.

This is Nina May encouraging women to stop allowing themselves to be exploited and begin loving themselves . . . as God loves them.

The Center for Gender Equality, a liberal think-tank, conducted a poll of 1000 women to determine where they stood on certain issues.

Faye Wattleton, former president of Planned Parenthood hoped the poll would serve as a “wake-up” call to liberals. But she was surprised and disturbed by what she learned. 53% of the women said that abortion should only be allowed in cases of rape, incest or for the life of the mother. 75% said that religion is important in their lives and almost half said that the Christian Coalition agenda would improve their lives.

Faye was right, it did serve as a wake-up call, not to the women polled, but to the feminists who have spoken for women for so long, they have never taken the time to hear them speak. And they couldn’t believe that women were actually thinking for themselves, setting their own agendas, and rejecting their social agenda.

It could be that many of these women have found themselves as victims of failed feminism, or it could be that women are finally having the courage to challenge status quo. This is Nina May encouraging you to join them in this challenge.

On May 11 of this year, Beverly Hills voters will decide whether local furriers should put a warning tag in their fur coats.

It would say something like, “This product is made with fur from animals that may have been killed by electrocution, gassing, neck breaking, or other means.” — Even though the fur industry spokesmen say that minks die a peaceful death through lethal injection.

But my question for these very compassionate lawmakers is: Shouldn’t we apply those same standards to abortion clinics? Shouldn’t there be a warning label on the door of every clinic that says no baby entering here will come out alive and they will be killed through suction, saline, dismemberment or other means?

It is very difficult to muster compassion for little animals, bred specifically for their fur, to keep people warm, when that same compassion is not extended to unborn humans.

Man was given the authority by God to occupy the earth and have dominion over every living thing except each other. And I am thankful that God designed such furry, warm little animals, like the mink, to keep his greatest creation… man… warm.