An interesting cultural and historical interlude occurred on the streets of Washington, D.C. the other day. There was a visiting group of Vietnamese communist party officials and representatives. And by party, I mean communist party. They are walking in front of the White House and they encountered a demonstration on the other side of the street with signs and protestors shouting, “The Solution is a Communist Revolution.”

My first question of course is solution to what? It can’t be to Clinton because he is . .. but the reaction of the visiting communists was laughter. They could not believe that in a free country, that ostensibly, politically, philosophically and militarily has been their enemy, would allow their position to be paraded on the streets .. in front of the President’s home.

Well… I guess they don’t know our president.  But really… they don’t know our country and what makes it so unique in the world. And that is why 58,000 or our citizens gave their lives to show them that free expression… whether you agree with it or not… is far greater than living your life in fear and by someone else’s standards.

By the way, they are suffering economically and desperate for foreign investments to stimulate the economy. So much for communism. It seems as though the free market system is still the answer to problems that persist every community in the world and even the communists realize it.

According to recent studies “there has been a startling increase in heroin use among suburban teens in the last decade.”

A White House Drug Policy spokesman said the number of heroin users has doubled since 1996. The rate of use by kids from 12 to 17 almost tripled in ten years. Juvenile offenders, between the ages of 12-17 commit 25% of the violent crimes.

Kids in that same age group are victims of over 2 million cases of theft at school. So what is happening with kids from 12-17 that they are being victimized by drugs, violence and theft?

Aren’t kids that age supposed to be in school? So what is the school teaching them that we see such an increase in their involvement in deadly drug use and crime?

Will throwing more money at it solve the problem? No, no more than banning guns would.

What these kids need are families that teach absolutes, parents who aren’t consumed with their own agendas, and a government that doesn’t pay lip service to problems concerning youth, while exploiting them for political gain.

If people really cared about kids . . . they would start focusing on what really hurts them . . . not creating a straw man in the name of gun control. A little honesty please. We are at



While in a store I heard a familiar voice utter my very unique name . . . “Mom?”

Every woman in the store looked in the direction of what I was certain was my child, only to realize the voice was as universal . . .as the name.

There is a great deal of responsibility that goes with that moniker . . .it should not be worn or carried lightly.

So when I see a group of women gathering under the banner of Moms on the Mall . . . I am a little curious about their purpose, because if they intend to speak for me and millions of other moms, they better get the words right.

In the name of caring for kids safety they better mention abstinence over the lie of safe sex. They better mention drugs and alcohol as causing more harm to young people than firearms. They better mention the dangers of unfiltered Internet access and the destructive nature of pornography. They better talk about the necessity of virtue and respect over self-indulgence and irresponsibility. Because if they don’t, and they only mention guns as being harmful to kids, then I will know they are only women masquerading behind a values laden moniker.

And these women don’t speak for me or the vast majority of moms in America . . .and I will call their bluff if they claim to do so.

This is Nina May . . . also a mom.

The greatest fear that any totalitarian group has is that people start thinking for themselves and have a foundation of absolutes, balanced information resources, and courage to express their views.

Most Americans don’t like to be lied to, intimidated, or coerced by elitist rhetoric that assumes we don’t know what is best for ourselves and our families.

So the women, referring to themselves as “Moms on the Mall,” need to know that of all the jobs in the world that a woman has, that is one she doesn’t need a spokesman for.

And for as many moms you have that many parenting styles. If they choose to keep their children away from firearms that is their choice. Much like it is my choice to keep my children from anything I think is harmful and offensive to them, or me.

But did you know that approximately three million kids are abused by their parents yearly, resulting in over 1000 deaths and 70% of the abusers were moms?

Ironically that is almost the same figure as children killed by firearms. So, should we put a trigger lock on moms? Women… think for yourselves!!!

This is Nina May for the Renaissance Women supporting a woman’s right to choose to own guns.

Moms on the Mall are concerned about their kids carrying guns to school . .. but they don’t seem to be upset by their eight and nine year-old kids calling Howard Stern and getting some very mature advice on killing, exploiting, degrading and dehumanizing.

Perhaps these moms who are so open-minded . . .except when it comes to teaching kids about the safe handling of guns . . . should keep a closer eye on their kids.

And if they really are concerned about their safety, I am assuming they are teaching them to abstain from sex before marriage to avoid sexually transmitted diseases . . . They are telling them that drugs aren’t safe, tatoos and nose rings can get infected, and protesting with explosives can be dangerous to their health.

But if this rally is not just a ruse to further the cause of gun control then these women will have to prove it to other moms.

Prove they are Moms who really care about how other life-threatening issues affect their kids and they are not just exploiting kids for political purposes.

Please show a little consistency mom . . . because you have millions of OTHER moms who will be noting every hypocritical line you utter . . . in their collective name. This is one of them at



One of our listeners wrote and said, “I would prefer more spiritual content and less politics. How can we reach the lost when we are slamming them all the time? When you write about God I like it a lot better.”

Actually, I like talking about God more than politics too.

Unfortunately, if we don’t pay attention to politics . . . we may one day be forbidden to talk about God. But it is unfortunate that just speaking the truth today in our society . . . it is considered “slamming” someone.

With values clarification and situational ethics people have been taught for two generations that truth is relative. But you can’t talk about God without talking about truth . . . because He is the truth.

To speak the truth, as prophets throughout the Bible discovered, is not a very popular place to be. If you recall Elisha . . . he and his fellow prophets were being hunted and many killed by King Ahab and his wife Jezebel because they spoke the truth . . . or in today’s terminology . . . they slammed or rebuked a point of view.

And even speaking the words of Christ who said, “I am the way, the TRUTH and the life. . . no man can come to the Father but by me,” is considered narrow-minded, judgmental and intolerant.

So truth is relative . . . depending on who is speaking it, what they are saying and how it is received. But we should never stop doing it.



It is impossible to think about Memorial Day without the word “hero” coming to mind.

When you see photos of the baby-faced boys from middle America who left the farm and their country simultaneously for the first time . .. you think of valor and courage.

When you talk with the gray haired gentlemen who served a nation by serving others . . . you are touched by their humility.

Every veteran I have spoken to, who served in World War II, down plays their part in the war, and they always identify their buddies as the real heroes.

When you see movies with John Wayne or Robert Taylor portraying our troops with such integrity and honor you can feel a pride swell in your chest.

When you read books with letters written home from the front that reveal such tender and precious hearts, you realize these innocent kids were thrown into a ghastly world made by maniacal men bent on absolute power.

These men and women who fought in World War II are the ones who have set the standards for excellence in our country . . .and the world.

Theirs is a dying breed, but their legacy will never fade . . . their purpose is as eternal as God who gave them the grace to overcome.

This is Nina May thanking all veterans on this Memorial Day.



A couple of years ago a study was done to see if little boys and girls could be programmed at an early age to identify with the toys of the opposite sex.

The idea was that boys are trained to be boys. They wanted to un-train them and let them experience the fullness of being both male and female.

They were convinced that boys were taught to be aggressive and if given the chance to play with dolls, they would get in touch with their sensitive side.

But what they were not prepared for was the creative mind of a child to conform to the person God created him to be . . . not what psychologists hoped he would be.

They caught on film the Doctors giving a little three-year-old boy a Barbie Doll to watch his interaction with this feminization tool. This little boy held the doll by the legs and looked at it, turned it over, still inspecting it, then instantly, bent it at the waist and began shooting imaginary bullets out of its head.

Everyone, but the mind-control expert, laughed.

This little boy today would be suspended from nursery school for doing that. But, so much for indoctrination.

The next step is intimidation . . . then confiscation. There is historical proof of that process in every totalitarian country that has ever existed.

Gee, does this mean we should ban Barbie Dolls? Let us know what you think at


It seems as though more and more people of faith are beginning to realize the power of prayer. More people are understanding spiritual warfare and are realizing that words DO have power.

Remember, God SPOKE the universe into existence and He says call on His name, speak the name of Jesus, declare His victory, tell, confess, proclaim, witness. All of these are pro-active events that require verbalizing the glory and power of God and our hope and faith in Him.

The reason the spoken word is so important . . . it is a type of spiritual contract that is recognized and adhered to in the spirit world. That is why the Bible is very specific about curses and blessings and the power they have.

The Lord reminds us to bless those who curse us because it liberates us and frees God to work in our lives with love instead of the intended response which is revenge. Don’t repay evil for evil, but pray for those who speak evil against you and pray for the bondage of anger and bitterness to be broken off of them. By doing this . . . it breaks the bondage off of you as well and gives God room to work in both your hearts.

This is Nina May .. . praying for God’s blessings on you.

Thirty Percent Will Always Be Patriots. . . but what are the other two thirds loyal to today?

I have never been one to trust or rely on polls. But I could not ignore the polls showing that almost 60% of the American people believed that the midnight raid to retrieve a little boy, from people who had saved his life, was justified.

Actually that is good, maybe they will finally agree that guns aren’t that bad and the rest of society can keep theirs.

But what is interesting in this figure is how consistent it is with American history.

During the entire American revolution only one third of the citizens were for breaking ties with England and starting their own country. These were called Patriots.

One third was for remaining loyal to England, thus the name Loyalists, and one third had no opinion one way or the other. They were basically ambivalent . . .or the middle of road as they would be referred to today.

If you look at the last presidential election, where 150 million people are registered to vote only two thirds bothered to go to the polls. And this number was split almost in half for those for one political philosophy over another.

So it should not surprise us that the same revolutionary spirit that burned in the souls of only 30% of the nation 200 years ago, is the same percentage today. We are at