It is very interesting that President Clinton said congress displayed reckless partisan politics when they didn’t ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

He thinks we should blindly trust countries who support terrorism, build nuclear weapons on the side, and test without verification, even though they have promised they won’t.

But that is odd coming from a man who shook his finger in the face of America and SWORE he did not have sex with “that” woman.

He taught us not to trust political leaders. He is one who promised he would not raise taxes when he ran for office. He taught us not to believe in promises. He declared he was a common man, not part of the elite like his opponent, yet he sent his daughter to a very expensive private school.

He swore on national TV that he had never had an affair with Genifer Flowers but later admitted it.

He gave us reason to doubt everything he says. And now we are supposed to trust countries and leaders we did not elect and we know have repeatedly lifted their hand against us?

He taught us all that your word is not worth the paper it is printed on if you don’t intend to keep it.

Thank goodness, Congress learns quickly.

We have seen, in the course of history, many movements that have liberated a group of people from bondage.

Whether it was racial, religious, or gender based. When there is an acknowledgment of discrimination or unjust treatment . . . our country has responded accordingly.

But there is a liberation movement that has been percolating just beneath the surface of society, and that is a liberation of the spirit. And the opposition is intense.

As God is trying to liberate His children from the bondage of sin, they are wrapping the chains tighter and tighter around themselves and telling Him to leave them alone.

As they seek spiritual truth, they delete God from the database of possible choices.

As they speak of world peace, they condone persecution against people of faith.

The one element that truly could, bring the world into order is ignored or rejected . . .that is the love of Jesus.

But the message that never seems to get past the doors of the church is that it is not about a religion, it is about a relationship . . . a relationship with the living God that is the greatest liberating power on earth.

It just takes courage to believe . . . and be free.

Let us know what you think at



As King Xerxes’ chief advisor, Haman, was plotting to kill all the Jews in the Kingdom, he didn’t realize that Queen Ester was Jewish. He didn’t realize that by raising his hand against an unknown enemy, he was in fact raising his hand against his Queen . . . the beloved wife of King Xerxes.

She was wise enough to let his own wickedness be his undoing. She didn’t condemn Haman to death with her words, or her demands upon her husband . . . she only petitioned her husband for an audience to hear the truth.

Hamen condemned himself with his own words. He can blame no one else for his undoing. He was even hung from the gallows that he intended for another

. As we hear those who fought so hard to try and impeach President Nixon 24 years ago, now defending similar actions by another president, we are reminded of Haman. Their gallows, constructed 24 years ago out of flimsy evidence, has solidified through the years, and stands ready to hang one of its builders.

Like Queen Esther, the Renaissance Women want the truth to set the people free.

As George W. Bushes advisors convince him to move to the middle of the political road, he is telling conservatives, that not only are they irrelevant… they are a pain in the neck for him.

Not a problem… this has happened before… I call it the Rosa Parks theory of Republican politics. Her money was good enough to spend in local stores or stimulate the economy, but when it came to having a voice in the process, of being considered a viable and necessary addition to society, she was relegated to the back of the racial bus… just as conservatives are being relegated to the back of the political bus while they are expected to write checks to the heir apparent.

And then Republicans scratch their heads when Pat Buchanan considers running on a separate ticket, or when conservatives like Bob Smith leave the party, or when Gary Bauer wins straw polls.

George W. needs to ask himself, as he spins his inclusion rhetoric to everyone… but his base: Can he win without conservatives? Does he need them? Does he want them? Does he think they have an option of not voting for him?

Well, the answer is historical… its in the memoirs of the tree his apple just fell from… His dad’s.

I recall someone with the NRA telling me years ago about a bill they were pushing in the Senate, and the night before the vote they learned that Ted Kennedy was going to support for it.

Knowing how consistently opposed to their legislation he had always been, they became concerned. Something must be wrong with it. They must not have worded it properly. The red flags went up.

The same scrutiny SHOULD be occurring in the Bush camp concerning Bill Clinton AND James Carville’s defense of his trashing the conservatives in the Republican party. Suddenly the democrats are concerned about the Republican frontrunner? Everyone is nodding in agreement that the base of the Republican party, and the majority of the electorate in America, conservatives… are meanspirited.

So when James Carville says, referring to conservatives, that “Bush knows everyone hates those clowns,” that somehow that is not meanspirited. Well maybe those conservative clowns, who are necessary for any election, need to find a new circus to play with.

But maybe that is exactly what Clinton and Carville are hoping for. Is it what Bush is hoping for too?

How many times have you heard someone who has sincerely held religious beliefs referred to as being . .. off the deep end.

Deep end of what? A pool with a safe shallow side for wading and splashing like a child? A lake with a safe shore for standing up to your ankles in luke warm water? An ocean where the depths have swallowed ships whole while the shallow end entertains and caresses our suntanned bodies?

It sounds as though people who are in the deep end of life . . . are exploring the depths of their spiritual existence, and understanding their relationship with God and His purpose in their lives.

They are having far more fun than those standing on the shore throwing stones at them. But isn’t it interesting, that even being “off the deep end,” that these people never seem to sink?

What is it that keeps people of faith bouncing back, buoyant on life’s waves?

Could it be that the deep end holds more revelation and mystery than those in the shallow end are willing to accept or believe?

But it is a very large pool . . . and it has a deep end for a purpose . . . to jump in and use.

This is Nina May, exploring the deep end of life. Join us for a dip, at



Even though today is supposed to mark the birth of the six billionth person in the world, the population clock says that yesterday, the world population was 6,017,864,898.

It must mean that the anti-population growth people didn’t have their act together sooner and everyone waited until today for them to make a point that the world is too crowded. Or maybe the clock is just wrong.

Did you know today, even working with the slightly larger than 6 billion figure, that you could fit every person in the world in the state of Texas and they would each have approximately 1400 square feet? That’s crowded you say? Tokyo only has 1100 square feet per person, and New York City, 2300 square feet per person. On the other hand, Australia, with 18 million people has about 6 people per square mile.

It’s not the space, its what you do with it, how you manage it, how you organize your infrastructure. So don’t let the anti-population people intimidate you, send them this information, and tell them to move to Australia, and get a life.

During the month of October, Satan worshipers will be praying and fasting and will end it with a ceremony on their highest holy day, October 31. This is also the day your children celebrate by dressing up in costumes. But this day the masks are coming off.

The covens, witches, warlocks, spiritualists will gather that night to release curses and spiritual attacks against the city, the leaders, and especially pastors in this area. If you don’t believe in spiritual warfare, now is the time to become a believer. The battle lines are being drawn.

If you do believe, here is what you can do: Fast and pray to God in heaven, in the name of Jesus, for a binding of these spirits, and protection for all those targeted. But most importantly, pray for blessings on those trapped in the bondage of witchcraft and devil worship. God loves them .. .the devil hates them . . .it’s that simple.

So on the night Americans pretend to be something else, maybe is the night for Spirit-filled Christians to take the masks off, put their armor on, and do warfare in the name of Jesus.

The other night I was at an event to raise money for projects in Africa. It was international and there were far more African-Americans than caucasoids.

During the evening, a beautiful song came on and everyone rose to sing it. I asked what it was and they said it was the “Negro National Anthem.”

My innocent response was, “for which country?” The guests at the table stared at me as though I had just landed from another planet and said, “America, of course.”

“I thought we already had a national anthem,” I continued naively. “No, that is for the white man, not us.”

I asked if there was a Blonde national anthem too . . . or Hispanic, or Asian.

But as I sat there watching people sing with pride a song that divides the races, I thought about what Rosa Parks must have felt, sitting on the back of the bus, not welcome to participate in the bounties of America, and excluded solely because of the color of her skin.

Here we are on the eve of a new millennium and it seems as though things haven’t changed much, they just have new names. Is this really the dream Martin Luther King had for America?

While the government gives lip service to protecting the integrity of the Internet, the perverts still keep pumping their garbage into it.

But instead of complaining, or suing, or being run off-line, people are doing something about it. They are getting either software blockers or signing up for filtered Internet access.

People are also protesting mindless sitcoms, by turning off their sets. Even the sponsors are soliciting new script ideas that they can feel proud to put their names on.

And with video rentals everywhere, you can determine the type of shows your family will see instead of being blind-sided in a new release that says its ok for kids, but its not.

So even though the government, who usually is involved with every detail of our lives, has decided to be hands off in the culture war, the real government . . . which is us . . . is taking an active role. And its not censorship, its choice.

We are choosing entertainment that doesn’t defile, isn’t inane, doesn’t rob our children’s innocence, or invade our privacy at home.

Now isn’t this better than waiting for new laws to be passed?