Have you noticed that since the Moms on the Mall rally against guns, and all the coordinated effort to feature Rosie O’Donnell on the cover of every national magazine simultaneously has finally subsided… that the gun issue is dead?

It’s very difficult for them to keep the ruse up with almost every high profile crime since that time, featuring knifes, billy clubs or fists. But why did it die out so quickly if that is really the view of all these grassroot women who, of their own effort, made their way to Washington, D.C. to make a heart felt point that they hate guns?

Well, could it be because it wasn’t grassroots at all but was totally orchestrated by millionaires, Hollywood celebrities, and media moguls to make us all think this was? Most Americans may have been born at night… but they weren’t born last night.

They know a snow job when they see it, and they know a propaganda rally when they see it. But what we should learn from this is that the left knows how to stage a rally that has the appearance, smell, feel and taste of grassroots… but all that’s missing is the fertilizer.

And that is you the citizen, who they are counting on to be dumb enough to fall for the ploy.

After Pope John Paul criticized the homosexual march in Rome, stating it is “against the laws of nature,” he was condemned.

One gay rights activists suggested that they solve the problem of pedophilia and homosexuality within the church before judging marchers as being abnormal.

But the irony is, for a gay rights person to suggest that the Catholic church deal with a “problem” of gays within the church, suggests that they know homosexuality is a problem. And the fact that the Catholic church condemns homosexuality and pedophilia within its ranks suggest that they know it destroys lives.

But it is interesting that the supporters of free speech from divergent perspectives, work so hard to silence Confederate afficionados calling them “apologists for slavery.”

Could the same accusation be leveled against gay rights activists who want the right to keep people in bondage to a destructive lifestyle?

If they have a right to march, as offensive as it might be, then so should those defending their right to display the rebel flag, no matter how offensive that might be.

You can’t silence one form of expression as being offensive without condemning all to the same fate, otherwise, you have a fascist state.

It was interesting to hear Al Gore quoting scripture in his speech before the NAACP, while he believes children shouldn’t have the right to pray or read their Bibles in school. He also must have skipped that part about lust in your heart being the same as adultery. Otherwise, why would he submit his loyal contributors to a tempting session with Playboy bunnies at a Democratic fundraiser. And he selectively ignores passages that describe homosexuality as being an abomination to God. But hey, it’s not the first time Christians have made the scriptures match their agenda, while ignoring God’s will.

But what was surprising in his speech was the blatant, unvarnished pandering to NAACP, treating them as his loyal subjects who of course were going to vote for him. He made fun of the idea that they could possibly consider voting for George Bush and no one there questioned his assumption.

If the NAACP really wants to have political clout outside of one party, they should stop allowing Democrats to treat them as their step-and-fetch-its. Make them earn their vote. And, they should remind Al Gore that the Bible is a very big book, and God won’t be mocked.

We are at ninamay.com.

We received a note from a listener who is offended by the lyrics to Eminem’s rap music.

While reading his concern I reflected on the incredible effort that Tipper Gore and Susan Baker began fifteen years ago to warn parents of offensive language.

They were subsequently silenced and ridiculed.

Even Al Gore said nothing in defense of his wife when a rapster targeted Gore’s own daughters in its assaulting lyrics.

My first response to the listener was to wonder if he had been in a time warp for fifteen years …or perhaps he was a young person who was just now learning of these offensive lyrics.

But it turns out his offense is taken because the rap music targets gays now. Not just cops, women, children, churches, Jerry Falwell and other religious leaders.

So this 40 year-old man is suddenly offended because gays are the subject of hostility. Where was he when women were being described as dogs used only for the purpose of copulation?

Where was he when the lyrics discussed blowing away cops, mutilating and raping Al Gore’s kids . . . blowing up churches?

It is wonderful to be concerned by hostile lyrics . . .but taking offense for only one insult is a little hypocritical and rings a little hallow.

If all public high schools used Thomas Jefferson in Arlington, Virginia, as a model of academic excellence, then campaign posturing by presidential candidates would be unnecessary. Instead of arguing whether to throw $13 or $2.8 billion down a black hole… they would be scrambling to find out why TJ is so successful.

Why are hundreds of kids standing in line to try and get in? Why are parents involved on a daily basis? Why were over 150 in this year’s graduating class accepted to UVa? Why do they obliterate the national averages in math and sciences?

Because of one very important reason… they teach. The don’t indoctrinate. They put academics above poltical correctness and hold each child accountible for their own academic success. They encourage competition instead of rejecting it.

So the candidate who is really serious about education is the one who doesn’t kowtow to the teachers union, but who makes tough decisions for the good of our kids. And he is the one who knows a good example of success when he sees it and realizes that money is not always the solution to a bad problem.

Let us know what you think at ninamay.com.

Everyone expects political candidates to hold each other accountable to their actions and their promises. But Al Gore was a little premature in trying to pin the high gas taxes on George W. Bush.

Al forgot that not only does he have huge holdings of Occidental Petroleum given to his father by the guru of ideological hypocrisy, Armand Hammer, but he wrote in his book, “Earth in the Balance” that he hoped for high oil prices to keep those horrible combustion engines off the road.

Another thing Gore forgot to mention when casting stones at George W. is that his substantial holdings in Occidental will increase tremendously if the sacred grounds of the Uwa Indians in Colombia are destroyed to find oil.  And to ensure that Occidental is successful, Clinton has authorized $1 billion to be spent to protect their oil interests.

So how does this help Americans? And how again is George W. involved? It makes about as much sense as blaming the University of California for a wild fire, set by the Dept. of Interior which resulted in copied data from top secret hard drives.

NBC Nightly news did a report on high tech immigrants who are being solicited by companies in America to fill the tremendous demand the dot com companies have created.

There are one hundred and fifteen thousand immigrants who have been given special visas to come to America, for up to six years. But this falls far short of the two hundred thousand job openings required.

The big question… what are American colleges teaching our kids? Why are they not being prepared to fill this job market? Could it be that so much energy is spent on making sure college kids in America are PC? That they know how to practice safe sex, experiment with divergent lifestyles, and be so open-minded their brains fall out? That they have been so convinced that big business is evil they don’t even want to work? Could it be that they spend so much time trashing dead white guys like Shakespeare while learning ancient ritual trances?

No wonder there is such a desperate need for kids with something quaint called… knowledge. And businesses today, with little patience for the politically correct group… are looking for kids who can think for themselves.

Let us know what you think at ninamay.com.

The violence in Northern Ireland continued as the Protestants insisted on parading in a large Catholic area during their Orange Order celebration.

Liberals in America took personal offense on behalf of the Catholics and condemned the insensitivity of the Protestants. Interesting though, that these same people who were quick to point out that the Orangemen shouldn’t have the right to march in an all-Catholic area, were quick to insist that the homosexual march should take place at Vatican City in front of the Pope.

They were shocked that the Pope could possibly be offended by men parading in leather thongs and stiletto heels. And, these are the same people who want to prohibit prayer at high school football games because someone might be offended.

So either they should celebrate the Orangemen and their right to parade their beliefs in front of their opponents .. . in keeping with the concept of free speech, or . . . they should move to silence the homosexuals in Rome . . . in keeping with their philosophy of not allowing divergent opinions and views, lest they offend.

This is Nina May asking that whatever they decide is best for the rest of us . . . please, just be consistent.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that partial birth abortion is murder… you would think it would suffice to be a Supreme Court Justice.

I saw a transformation from someone being adamant on the issue of abortion to quickly back peddling from it once they had a few facts.

They had never heard of the term “partial birth abortion”… or that the Supreme Court had ruled that it was OK to butcher little babies who had been manipulated so the head was the only part still in the birth canal before the doctor sucked its brains out.

She was strongly pro-choice just minutes before this description… and rapidly melted in disgust as she heard of the procedure.

This is what is happening to the pro-choice advocates around the country. They are learning of the gruesome reality of infanticide, where a baby has already been carried in a woman’s womb for almost nine months.

No one is saying she has to raise the child or even look at it. And for every abortion in America… there is a loving family waiting to adopt.

It is too bad this woman who immediately understood partial birth abortion to be murder, was not sitting on the Supreme Court when the procedure was described. So much for the brilliant minds of our times.

Bible scholars of the Jesus Seminar, have come together to decide whether they think Jesus is who the Bible says He is. I am curious if they have a Mohamed Seminar to question his veracity.

Why should we believe so-called scholars who have earned degrees from institutions that have revised history to match their own humanist perspective of life, and we aren’t supposed to believe eyewitness accounts?

This is a blatant agenda by today’s “scholars” to discredit Christianity and the values inherent in it. Because the destruction of moral standards will usher in a type of nihilism that will justify their amoral belief system. But the big question is . . . if Jesus was just some con-artist who led a cult of followers . . . why are they devoting so much time and energy to study him?

They have actually described him as a type of David Koresh. Do they see Koresh as being elevated as a savior 2,000 years from now and that religion changing the world? What is the difference between Jesus and Koresh according to these incredibly learned scholars?

Shakespeare said it best . .. “me thinks thou doth protest too much.”

There must be something to this Jesus for all these “brilliant” people to be trying so hard to disprove Him and His deity.

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