The democrats, are by anyone’s definition, the establishment.

They are the entrenched status quo who have fed a bloated bureaucracy to the point that it has taken on a life of its own.

What is ironic though, is that it is run by the sixties liberals who were anti-establishment, anti-government, anti-military, anti- anything that resembled law and order. But they cleverly continue to paint the Republicans, in particular the conservatives, as those with entrenched power.

Conservatives do make up the majority of the American public, if you look at the issues and dissect each one based on the level of support.

But they are by nature . . . wary of big government, and support the rights of the individual to determine their own destiny, and set their own agenda.

They are the true revolutionaries. Perhaps that is why so many young people are naturally embracing conservative philosophies because the natural progression of youth is through a stage of rebellion.

You can put any label you want to on it . . . and attach whatever meaning . . .but the facts are . . . .the old way of doing things . . . status quo liberalism . . . is old news and being a conservative is far more revolutionary.”



Liberals of every persuasion are quick to denounce and summarily silence the views of Christians because they are . . .in their opinion… intolerant, bigoted, homophobic, sexists.

But if you read the reference manual they use to draw these conclusions… they are really saying these things about Jews.  The Old Testament . . . the Jewish part . . . the one before Christ . . . was pretty darn intolerant.

God, literally, took no prisoners.

He would order the mass slaughter of any tribe or nation that fooled with His chosen people. He had zero patience for immorality . . . of any kind, and even killed a righteous man just trying to stabilize the Arch of the Covenant.

He destroyed a couple of cities that openly practiced homosexuality.

Hey, I didn’t write this book . . . don’t kill the messenger.

Christ on the other hand said, “Judge not, love your neighbor as yourself, get the log out of your eye”… etc. etc.

So it is a little odd that the left is constantly picking on Christians for being intolerant when they really mean Jews are intolerant. But they don’t have the courage to say that… because that’s what Hitler said.

Maybe liberals should just back off, stop judging, and just learn to live and let live, unless they think we need another holocaust. Because that’s where their brand of intolerance leads.

We have heard many times that one person can make a difference. But what kind of difference?

Margaret Sanger, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, all born within a few years of each other, have been collectively responsible for over 100 million deaths. They certainly made a difference.

On the other hand, Mother Teresa touched and healed thousands of souls and was mourned the world over when she died last year.

And the one person that affected her life, to give her the love and the compassion to touch the millions, was Jesus Christ.

We all have the power within our grasps to make a difference . . . either for good or for evil.

We can choose to harness the abilities, gifts and strengths that God has given us to help . . . or we can use them to destroy.

We can be the leaders with an agenda for good, or followers who allow a wicked agenda to destroy us. We are each responsible for our own actions and consequences.

No one should say in a free and open society . . . with free and open elections . . . that they can’t make a difference.

Your chance is coming up Nov. 3 . . . take it.

The very open-minded, tolerant, and non-judgmental representatives of the homosexual community are trying to censor Dr. Laura from expressing her opinions.

Gay activists claim that it is not fair to talk about homosexuality and not have a homosexual on the show.

Does that mean we should balance every single liberal show with a conservative, woman’s show with a man, Asian show with another race?

But… for argument’s sake… let’s say she capitulates.

Would they approve of Michael Johnston of Keruso ministries who was in the lifestyle for years, contracted AIDS, become despondent, and finally decided he wanted to be liberated?

Would they mind him talking about the degradation of the soul, the hopelessness of the heart, the destruction of innocence?

Would they mind him talking about the vast majority of gays who were sexually molested as children which resulted in their sexual confusion and ambivalence?

No, I am sure they will want to censor that speech too. So much for open-minded, tolerance of opposing view points.

Let us know what you think at . . .while you still have the freedom to do it.

It is amazing to me how liberals can actually look themselves in the mirror and not either burst out laughing or die of shame.

Middle America is told that they should not be shocked, amazed, or disturbed by men doing all kinds of tortuous things to each other, their pets or livestock.

We are supposed to be nonplused and accepting of every perversion known to man on the Internet and in periodicals, plus make it available to everyone to see.

We are supposed to be avant guard about self-mutilation, and the by-product of bodily functions… But suddenly… we are supposed to be SHOCKED and outraged when a baseball player, John Rocker, thinks that someone with purple hair is odd.

We are supposed to censor and send him to the shrink because he thinks a young unmarried women of twenty shouldn’t be having kids out of wedlock.

And although we are supposed to be very upset by the recent outbreak of tuberculosis, we are to be more upset that this man even mentions the spread of AIDS which is life threatening.

Now… if I have missed something here… will someone please tell me at, because when I look at myself in the mirror . . . I don’t want to see a hypocrite staring back.

Billions of dollars are being spent to convince sovereign nations that the U.N should be the head of a One World government.

Countries are being lobbied, coerced and threatened to change their constitutions to give more power to the U.N.. Treaties and executive orders are being signed that violate constitutions and vest more power in this global organization.

But what good are they really? For example . . .there has been a pending referendum before the U.N. for almost ten years, to allow the Sahrawi people to determine whether they want to maintain their sovereignty . . . . or continue under Moroccan occupation, as they have for the past 25 years.

For eight years, the UN has spent millions of dollars to register 100,000 people to vote and now has postponed the vote for another 2 years.

This is a pathetic display of a bureaucratic process out of control . . . but with the power to destroy lives.

There are no checks and balances, no avenues of redress to protest this latest dictum.

This should be a warning to everyone that the One World everyone talks about, will be a very expensive bureaucratic nightmare where even the slightest conflict will have no hope of peaceful resolution . . . for years.

Tell us what you think at

The recent rioting in Seattle is a rehearsal of things to come . . . especially if a Republican is elected president.

But the rioting is a natural out-growth of a permissive society where there are no real absolutes . . . even death and taxes have become negotiable.

It’s the Lord of The Flies revisited. When the children are free to run wild and decide the rules and laws as they go, we can only expect anarchy to be a natural byproduct.

And since law enforcement agencies have had free reign under a liberal administration, that has used them as their own private detective firm, employing intimidation tactics and even mass murder . . . ala Waco .. . they won’t be stopped now. Try and put that genie back in the bottle.

So you have an amoral society clashing with a police force with no bounds or restrictions. This is a recipe for revolution. And they want the average American, the logical victim of such violence and mayhem . . . .to disarm themselves and trust the other guys with guns?

So expect moral relativism and situational ethics . . .the lessons in yesterday’s classrooms to be exhibited in tomorrow’s streets

The anti-tobacco people are upset again . . . not because people are smoking too much . . .but too little.

It seems as though the tobacco industry is making less money than before because of the anti-smoking campaigns and the increased price of cigarettes.

Increased because the government sued them for inflicting their product on people who can’t read a health warning on the side of each package.

So the $206 billion dollars that states were expecting to get over the next 25 years is being reduced. And they have already spent the money on things such as education, new roads and prisons, and just about everything except repayment of health care for smokers, which was the reason for the settlement.

But we all knew this was a smokescreen to fleece the tobacco industries. But what is really surprising is that suddenly, the government shows absolutely no concern for people who continue to smoke . . .in fact . . .they are upset that people are kicking the habit and robbing them of their $206 billion settlement.

This is Nina May reminding you to follow the money… that is where you will always find the heart of big government.

Before taking office, Clinton was proud of the fact that he and Hillary had never owned a home.  They were just middle class people who understood the plight of the poor, who lived in public housing.

So how did a homeless politician, making average wages, get to be a millionaire in the White House?

No one begrudges him success, but what is hypocritical is that when the rest of Americans are being bled to death with high taxes, unable to realize their American dream, they are told they are greedy and selfish if they want a tax cut.

Are the Clintons going to invite the poor to live in their $1.7 million dollar mansion, or will they stand on the balcony overlooking the middle class and continue to call them names while accusing the Republicans of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor?

You cannot keep up the ruse of being the voice for the poor when you have separated yourself from them, from sending your child to a private school, to hobnobbing with the wealthy, to spending $70 million dollars on boondoggle trips to Africa.

I guess the Clinton’s have finally put their money where their mouths are.

After 50 years, there is unusual scrutiny of events that involved civilians during the Korean War.

For some reason, the victims of this war are now supposed to be compensated.

Does that mean that all the civilian bombings of the Albanians and Serbians will end in compensation for them?

And who should pay for these casualties of war? Should it be the family of the soldier who is responsible for their deaths? Should it be the country he was serving under?

Should it be, in the case of South Korea, the United Nations who sanctioned the U.S. military involvement there to save them from communist oppression?

But what is really unusual, is this comes at a time when the United Nations has stated that human rights considerations must sometimes take precedence over the right of national sovereignty.

What does that mean with the precedent of compensating civilian casualties of war?

Does it mean the United Nations could never have a peace keeping mission in a country where human rights are being violated, because they could be responsible for the death of innocent people?

And wouldn’t this contradict their mission of protecting human rights?